CoD 4, ET:QW or neither?

If you're moving on to either of these games, which will it be? Or simply, which do you prefer?
26.6 %
(322 votes)
12.5 %
(151 votes)
48.3 %
(585 votes)
12.6 %
(152 votes)
cod4 duuuh
I prefer CoD 4!
thanks for adding the ET option !:)
QuoteIf you're moving on to either of these games
why would I?
I allmost care :D!
Why would I? ET rocks:
CoD 4 rox!
sticking to ET atm, maybe i'll play cod4 when I have new gfxcard
same here, demo didn't work so buying it would be stupid.
ofc cod 4
i agree! xD but still Mario > all ! xD
Why would I? ET rox!
cod4 > etqw even ive played only etqw :)

dont have time to play cod4 competively so i guess its ET then :P
Ill play ET if I find pr0 cdc4 team, otherwise I'll play css!
who would want to recruit lowmed guy.
other low-med guy
pr0 CDC4 ET:QW team? :P
both suck monkey cocks
ET:QW is n1ce
cod4, hands down.
i just bought cod4 so gonna try that one a bit
Cod4 is ownage
agree sonic > mario
et is teh nice

COD4=not really interested and cant judge

ill stick to ET as i enjoy the game
RTCW, Im moving backwards FTW :D
great idea! Lets revive RTCW!!!
rtcw rox
cod4/cs but sticking a bit to ET actually :)
atm css + ET..coming: Halo 3 + cod 4
LooL, CoD 4 , Quake III , IV > all
et = dead; ET:QW is ok; cod4 is pwnage xD
wondered why so many ppl vote for et then ;)

ppl who say et=dead sucks imo !
i want to try cod4
i want to buy ET:QW because i want to support SD for creating a great game (ET)
but i will play ET forever :D

...and Kart Rider.. and Diablo 2.. and WC3 custom games.. thats it
Cod4 is awsome, ET is dead and etqw is even more dead
ET:QW got zeh Quakecon
true, but if you watch at you can that ET:qw isn't even in top 10 =/

and i know xfire doesn't give all gamers, but it gives a nice avarage.
You mean the "TODAY'S TOP GAMES" thingy on the left? If yes, those doesnt mean shit :) i guess it calculates just the stats of players with xfire, when most player dont have xfire. There is no possible way that CS 1.6 is in lower position than cod/et/bf. Is a better source

Enemy Territory (et) 2133
ET: Quake Wars (etqw) 2277
Call of Duty 4 (cod4) 28470
those are the stats by player number currently online
actually you say exactly what i said , only with a different site :>
There are various websites which record statistics, at Gamespy ET:QW is 3rd for example.
if u want to believe that O.K.tf2,cod4 have a lot more ppl than et:qw...
Why did you bring TF2 into the discussion?
ET sucks, ET:QW sucks even more, cod4 maybe dunno...

only way i see is crysis as the new online uber action game!
ET ofcourse duhh!
I only saw this by accident because "ET" is not in the list of categories. From the comments above, I take it the ET option was added later, so I'll give you the benefit of doubt that this wasn't meant to be a rigged poll. :P You should still update the categories list though.
ETQW atm and for future. Maybe buying CoD4 for pubs though. Seems to be a good game.
ETQW actually seems rather fun.. might be the excessive use of snipers that appeals to me, but the public i've been playing have been pretty damn fun :D

Alright, i havent played a war yet, love to try it, and i havent really played against any decent players on much servers, so i'll prolly start hate it when I find out how much I stink, but untill then i'll keep popping them headies and leave the enemies hating me as usual =D

doubt my laptop can run cod4 tho :/
If your laptop can run ETQW decently, CoD4 will be 500+ fps.
what laptop you got?

I played both games and my opinion is that cod4 is nicer. But that depends on your own experiences though
ET for the rest of my life!
moving from etqw to cod4
good move!
i only make good moves
etqw > *
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