What do you want in the next "Takens take"?

Next issue should be out on sunday unless mass effect or booze destroys my weekend! So what do you want?

Allready planned:
A look at top matches (not sure if there are any this/next week)
22.5 %
(190 votes)
45.0 %
(381 votes)
15.6 %
(132 votes)
16.9 %
(143 votes)
everything with pumu is ok
yoo taken homie, sup?
pumu will win
Interviews are nice to read and fun to do but I'm not sure how the community receives them, to be honest.

A "gossip" column would be nice, with all the clan related news in the previous week or so. I remember the early days of crossfire, the gossip journals/columns are always the most enjoyable to read.
example, how many ET players have looked up the kilt of pedro?

Or jokes pherhaps ?

How do you know if a scotsman is not wearing underwear under the kilt...?

The dandruff on his shoes :C
That's actually a semi-decent joke my friend, i like. Also, most of the people that ask what you have under your kilt are women, so it's worth it. :P
troo! Thank you for my decent joke, another one for you.

Why do women have small feet?

So the can stand closer to the stove.
i want there to not be one.
other: nothing
other: nothing
didn't read the poll at all, just saw the word pumu and voted for that
my vote goes for pumu
thought it says pumu whining about transfares :/ fuck.
pumu :]
transfers imo
other: pictures
Forgot that I will be doing some gossip ofc! :)

Will try to keep everything on an entertaining level and try not to be too serious.
other: nothing
add option: I have no opinion, just let me see the results.
I'm not sure if there's enough happened in the modding community already to have much content, but if there is anything it would certainly be very interesting.

I'd like to see something about mapping once that's more established, but there won't be anything worth talking about there for a good few weeks, if not months, I'd guess.
Who the fucks Pumu
so what do u want me to do now taken? -_-
other: nothing
jak konstruktivni smOku....
lol, cuz :P ze si to nenapsal tem dalsim 10ti vole :))
me to zaskocilo jenom u tebe, u tech ostatnich jsem to cekal :o) jsem myslel ze podporis nekoho kdo se aspon trochu snazi :P
ja mam QW u prdele :)) uvidime... :P
Modding community, ETQWPro staff for a start so we can be told of their intentions also any mappers making 6v6 maps too, to see how they are getting along.
There's no care-option? :(
other - nothing
dunno what it means but my vote goes to pumu
Saturday night boozze destroyed my sunday :s
pumu's transfer stuff seems interesting, don't wanna take away from taken's performences though...
and who tha fuck cares..
how do i stop you taking another take?

btw wheres my poker money ?
i voted to see the results
wechsel der woche from pumu would be really cool :-)
Taken's take two is taking too long.
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