Should vehicles be allowed to shoot in 3rd person?

Poll requested by vae-valiant
14.7 %
(64 votes)
33.3 %
(145 votes)
52.1 %
(227 votes)
I don't really care, I just feel like trolling and fucking up the poll.

Some ET:QW player, which is the most trolled point of view on the subject?

edit: voted yes to help make the game even worse
Do you really think that this public poll changes something?
vehicles f**ked the game crysis, so NO!
Depends on which game
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (more specifically etqwpro mod & community ruleset)
2 persons are enough imo

If there wasn't invented duct tape, then it could be allowed...
It should just be disabled - there is a reason it doesn't have a crosshair!
i have crosshair
disable it
Dont care / Blank vote:
disable it
yup, disable
Let it enable, thx.

Tbh this poll is completly useless, only known tank, trojan & hog users should be able to vote, who cares about inf players point of view as they don't use vehicles ?

1st view or 3rd view vehicules are even "'unbalanced" if you don't know how to counter them, no 3rd view shooting will only annoy vehicle players and won't change anything else.
is this for ET:QW ?
Poll: ET:QW

you can simply filter it out
ty.. didnt notice ^^

dont wanna filter it.. im playing ET:QW sometimes. =)
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