Which of these beverages do you prefer?

Another amazingly creative poll brought to you by the Crossfire crew.
30.4 %
(268 votes)
17.6 %
(155 votes)
9.7 %
(86 votes)
28.8 %
(254 votes)
13.6 %
(120 votes)
fuck, i would bet its a foonr poll.
ye, I thought the same ^-^
I like Coffee, Hot Chocolate & Fruit Tea but I voted for Coffee.
Normal tea with milk, no sugar!

Edit: I'm aware that green tea, oolong tea and white tea are 'normal tea' but well, I think they fit in better with herbal tea!
tea + milk is the ÜBER shit.I have never drank so shit thing in my life.
Tea with milk? Poor tea! :(
Traditional English Afternoon Tea ^^
tea + milk = <3
Just finished a cup but with sugar though.
A typical sol voting :O
coffee, milk, sugar !
Normal tea, usually with sugar or milk.
coffee, black.
it is like 28° outside... so I don't even think about any of these :P
well in countries like arabia where it reaches temperatures of 40 degrees and more they drink tea cos it is the most refreshing drink :)
drink ice-tea!
beer tea ;o)
Normal tea without milk, no sugar!

+ I also like Chocolate milk & Coffee.
Brilliant poll
Tea for me
coffe @ breakfast.. there isnt anything better
Just a cup of coffee in the morning.
stop making dumb polls and add the flags =D
coffee, my teeth are now after 7 years of coffee-drinking already beige
Coffee with sugar and milk, 3 times a day.
Where's Ice tea?
herbal tea in the morning and hot chocolate after work normally
hot chocolate + green tea/herbal tea
Water. just plain water
are u insane:p, i only drink beers
image: 511_Xfire

dude, are you drunken 24/24? :P
hahaha:d, nono;), we just had some drink games:d
are you rly belgian? If yes, i can understand! ;)
OFC, student in hasselt
lmao gij biest :O
waat gezeiver niks doavan!!!,
Too much pressures, need more coffeeee!
Do you guys know only tea, coffee and chocolate? Where is beer, vodka, water, juice etc.?
Water > *
ever drinked coffee :C
herbal tea + honey
wheres BEEERRRr?
cappuccino!!!!!11 *sluuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrp*
rooibos <3
Nasty. :x
Tea + milk + two sugars!
Bitter old man!
That combination gives me sexual pleasure and I won't have cretins like you ruining it!
coffee/normal tea, voted for coffee
none of those :)

i don't drink coffee at all, its taste is really bad and i can't beleive how can someone drink it or even get addicted to it, haha

didn't drink tea for smth like 2-3 months.. and hot chocolate is not my stuff
beer? :E
Ireland Herbal tea here, drink coffee too, but I like tea better.
coffee of course omfg
dudes who the fukc drinks tea with milk, that's some weird shiat.
tea normaly goes with honey or a slice of lemon.
coffee, cappucino, black tea with milk and sugar xD
none :-E
Coke or pure apple/orange juice, fuck all this coffee and tea shit!
I don't drink Tea,coffee,milk,unflavoured water, or hot chocolate, :>
caffeine addict :<
Sameeeee! : D
Quite like them all except for normal tea =) Don't drink any very often at all though. Went for hot chocolate.
tea with teh milk :D before brits affected me ...tea with lemon

sometimes esspersso but only at work and I don't like it really\
ICE(D) TEA?????
Coffee, black
amazing poll. voted for herbal tea, but like capucchino, milk coffee as well.
Coffee, black ftw
water mostly, sometimes rooibos.
ice teaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hot Coffee
salvia tea
Tea with sugar + hot chocolate. Coffee is bad!
energy drinks!
What a idiot poll pls
but where is vodka?
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