Do you use Crossfire's RSS feeds?

Google Reader* reports very low numbers for people that are subscribed to the Crossfire RSS feeds, it could be down to all of you using different RSS clients but I wanted to know precisely why.
* - Video explanation of what RSS is - Written explanation of what RSS is
6.2 %
(49 votes)
30.2 %
(239 votes)
49.5 %
(392 votes)
14.1 %
(112 votes)
Crossfire's journal RSS feed is the most convenient and quickest way to read all new journals without wasting time on the shitspam
Would be nice if the crossfire journal feed would include the journal author.

Also, a user comment feed implementation would be nice!


I did use the feeds but haven't bothered with sorting a feedreader out since I switched back to Windows, and suggestions Fusen?

edit: #2 = poland LOL
the journal feed does include the author.

feedreader depends on if you want a webbased client or seperate program/browser extension.

google reader is by far the best web based, sage firefox extension is pretty slick, seperate client then maybe Snarfer

Seems that firefox wasn't picking up on the <author> tag, heh.
what is it? ;/
^pala has just replied to a comment you made on the Do you use Crossfire's RSS feeds? poll.
You can read the comment here.
i wanted to know what rss is, but figured it
I visit the site several times/day. I'm not interested in most news/articles/columns and just browse the current journals. If there's an article/column/news that sounds interesting, I read more.

Didn't know there's a journal RSS, too - checking it out now :>
I choosed not to use them for quite the same reason as HellKn1ght mentioned, since i visit the site several times a day i can check previous and most recent journals manually without being bothered.
I used to use them quite alot but i enjoy reading all the comments so it would just be as quick to visit the page anyway.

p.s. you could include the feed urls with the poll as i remember having to use the search function last time to find them all :D

punkbuster might detect it!
maybe provide an easy way to find the RSS url.... been looking around and cant find it...

Edit: found it. but its not that easy....
How to switch that on?

nvm .
bullshit imho
I did when I was in Africa and was bored and had limited bandwidth..
no way.. dont like it.
If Crossfire had any newsposts worth checking these days, I would.
I use it for news. Would like to have them for articles/interview as with current layout it's hard to notice that theres a new post. Tho it's not like they are updating daily (weekly even).
I am quite sure it didn't work and gave only newsfeed. Or I did something wrong. Anyway, whatever.

You should add that infos to some site feature, not just journal.
There's no point using feeds for a website of which I read only a small part of the content; to me it's more like a forum where to spam and read other spam once in a while.
using fx 2 embedded rss reader
Jup, I do.

It is on my iGoogle.
I don't use RSS for any website, I just manually browse. Usually people tell me if there's something worth reading, or they want my opinion.
can someone explain me what RRS is in just a few lines?
I tried today, won't keep using it. Can't customize it enough imo (ex: only send me feeds about this section of the forum, etc)
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