Should the new Battery be played in competition?

Do you think the changes made to
Battery have made the map suitable for competition?
44.5 %
(438 votes)
28.4 %
(279 votes)
27.1 %
(267 votes)
Whatever. Better work on new ETQW maps ;X
1 sec before me :<
cp spawn for allies
there is a reason why all the sudden none wanted to play it
voted no to not get another sticky for this map ;D
Almost (still needs improving):
Needs a couple of changes like timelimit and allies spawnpoint @ CP.
timelimit should be 12 minutes, but apparently w0nd3r forgot to change it.
At the first time yes, but you were faster at the 2nd round.
Eats too much fps -> no
The only way to make battery good is to rename supply.pk3 to battery.pk3
thats intelligent!
>:( Eat shit and die
looked awful in the showmatch, haven't played it though
It's so fucking shit.
dont know, better work on new ETQW maps ;X
awesome map
replace the sea with lava and put DRAGONS there!!!!!!111

Only if they add a way from flag to obj for allies and allow allies to spawn at CP but limit it to 3 max
need better improvement
needs some fixing
of course!"!!!!!
only played it once so far, kinda hard to judge from this point
we need a graafmachine to graaf a tunnel to the gun
- Time Limit 12:00
- Allies able to spawn CP
- Constructable Allied Ramp Here (also destroyable by Satchel/Dyno)? :
image: batteryds5
Almost (still needs improving):
+ allies spawn at CP

Because as you can see, its slaughter when allies wanna push main corridor. Add CP spawn as it is for example on radar.

great work eiM! Hope we can see oasis (decem version?) and railgun back in everyday W:ET!
any kind of battery, be it old or recently modified, should be used
Almost (still needs improving)

though I'd like even if it were picked as it is.
No, I don't like battery at all, lets rather play oasis in competition again. :[
i am missing the "dont give a shit - results pls" button :(
wheres care vote
No dragons no win!
games should not be built on trickjumps otherwise you're left with a horribly shit game called cpma
Glad you agree!
vq3 is full of trick jumps

Skilled movement adds an extra dimension to the game...
I should warn you for that, too bad I can't, SORRY OVERDRIVE :(
make allies spawn 15 secs
Not saying that I can't trickjump ( I can't ) but its easier to shoot people out of the air then people in the air shooting back. Also you cant jump this with 2 people at the same time afaik. By this you could create an extra way to go by.
plus you went to the effort of creating this lovely jpeg! :P
My Paint skills are godlike, uncontested and awesome indeed. :D
the not-water spawn looked kinda odd, allies could run to the plantplace before axis got to their places
even squall cant do that jump, so it must be very difficult
allow 2 rifler for allies !!!
and hex4 will stop playing ET

oh god how i hate that weapon :/
add these options plz:P I could vote for one of these:

- dunno, haven't had a look at it
- beta bad - battery good, bring back the good ol' battery :_)
lazy bastard

you're in the army if you didn't notice not at some pub having a drink!!!!
it just needed a little bump to bring it back to play, nothing else...
i'm leaving for holiday today so there will not be any updates for the next 3 weeks, sadly.

But stay tuned ;o #sw_battery & my bnc
enjoy! Where do you go? Hawai? I am leaving as usual to our beloved good old Croatia :))
havnt seen the testmatches, how long does it usally take the allies side to complete the obj?
Yes, why not?
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