Would you use a new ET gather channel?

Drago requested this poll asking if you think there should be a new ET gather channel created to have a place for semi serious games.

Is BiO good enough for you or do you miss the old gather-network fun?
39.6 %
(396 votes)
23.8 %
(238 votes)
18.1 %
(181 votes)
18.4 %
(184 votes)
1st in poll 1st time

ye, we need #et.gather again, was nice.
well tbh just look out for AziMiZ searching mercs

pretty much as good as that
as useful as Killerboy
someone explain that pls :>
the chances of someone :
- leaving in the middle of a game
- cheating
- not joining comms
- playing soldier 24/7
are too high

ET gathers were fun 3-4 years ago, a chance to occasionally play with skilled players while being a noob yourself. just something that wouldnt work out anymore though.
totally agree :x
all those were possibilities the original time round
the chances of those happening were minor, now they are nearly unevitable.
thank you, couldnt be bothered to check it from an online dictionary. just knew how to somewhat spell it.
Back in the days, when I was still an ET noob, it used to be fun to play a gather once in a while. It was fun for me to play with guys who were way better than I was (eSrael guys for example) and it was better than playing public.

Since I am a pro now it's gonna suck so bad when people start pming me asking to fill up their gather. So be careful guys, from now on I'm gonna ignore everyone I don't know

Also, as decem said, one or more of those factors are very certain to occur in gathers which fucks them up for the biggest part (having 2 rifles is very painful as well)
beautiful history, Sir!
Why thank you.
you're almost cool
too bad, mission failed then!
you a ET noob?
can't be
Man, I even knew him as a noob :D There actually was a time when I was able to 3hs him @ a public, constantly. Times have changed ;DDD
eSrael lol
you must talking about Empo? :D
emp0 and ruzz, mainly
yea they always played in packs
were on vent and went together everywhere :*
was hard to kill both of them or three of them in the old israeli pro server :O(

those were the days !

you still suck since you left Benelux Dutch Fragging Soldiers
awesome name
thxs, we were idd awesome
I did played there also under the name Fl0epie
too bad there aren't many other guys who are so pro like you

now we can only ask you
Indeed, that's kinda sad
yes, yes, yes
well, most ppl won't use comms and there will be a 24/7 panzer in every team.
except for that... maybe from time to time i might use it, ye.
just keep an eye out for the AziMiZ spambot
i heard its a new developed software that gathers people for scrims 24/7
I heard that the programming in the Azibot is so good that Google wants to buy the code to incorporate into their search features. They have never seen anything more efficient at finding people - not even facebook!
Someone told me that the US Army wants to use the impressive ability of Azibot to finally trace Osama bin Laden.
Azibot is so efficient, it is being used in the Large Hadron Collider to track and locate things smaller than atoms!
AziBot can trace Chuck Norris.
how about i dont care :/
I'd rather see a feature to organize gatherings on crossfire. This way you got at least some knowledge who you are playing with. I remember a lot of ETgathers being cheaterparties, trying to get efame etc

Ofc a feature like this on crossfire wouldnt be waterproof either but at least you'd get rid of all the CB banned ppl (or they should use some random xfire acount)

mm, maybe make the feature only accessible for people who are a member for +6 months
It's a good idea. I remember playing some ESL gather where you have to log in yourself to ESL and join this gather.
This way you can atleast see who you are playing against. Shouldn't be a big deal to do something similar with crossfire I guess.
should be nice then :), would probably bring the community a bit closer together too
I like this one.

this would be perfect on crossfire imho. You allready got a big userbase of ET and Cod players. It has a better cheater policy then most leagues. Getting servers hosted for such a feature shouldnt be that hard, and I can imagine it would be a huge hit for Cod4 games.

Afaik ronner even made some luascripts which only allowed xfire pbguid register ppl to play. Maybe this along with a minimum 3 month registration on crossfire, but this would prolly scare away the cod players, which are the ones which you are really after in the end :P Mmm, just put a rule on the ET games where you have to be registered for +6 months on crossfire to be able to use the mix feature, cod really doenst need it with its real cdkeys.
nice idea, go for it.
unfortunately there are too much kids in ET nowadays...
no but wouldnt say they are pointless
overdrive on 11/09/08, 20:18:46 PM | Reply

(url) [mixes.tnwagroup.com]

Fusen, get to work :P We need an option to organize mixes on xfire!
works well for #cpmpickup but i doubt the ET community can handle it that well

maybe in a year or two, a pickup channel will be a need rather than an option
would be good
yee, enjoyed etgather mixes year-two ago :]]]
I'd ocassionally play, like once a week maybe.
fuck you drago
too many 24/7 panzers (HI OWZO :D)
If it are nice games, not 6v6 with 3 coverts etc

objective + some fun (gather ofc)
hmm, I think someone got ownd in his last 3v3 wars by cvops guys :D

everything ok m8?
i'd use it!
made by esl?
i dont use irc but why not?
Yes, I would enjoy playing with kenta or some other master.
sorry, but LOL again
I'd play with you Ivan!
#CZET only! <3
make it without the need of "admin must be online" -.-
maybe not that often, but every now and then it would be cool
finnish gathers used to be ownage xD
Drago is back? ..lol?
it's was all a joke, suddenly he was back and nobody said what happened. Just some retards having fun.

I don't trust yermans anymore
Would be nice but if I would care enough ABONPTMW would still be owning da place with da best mixes (well it's still gonna own soon but not at the moment!)
well, just as #et.gather opens again, nobody wants to play.
it was that way the few last times #et.gather restarted.

means: first the interest is big - then nobody uses it.
would be fun, i remember playing vs gza and some sI members a couple of times :D
tho, the channel should be password or more preferably, auth protected, so that only authed and trustable people could join, rest would get autokick/ban. think about it.
also, soldiers could well be disabled in the server config.
Gathers were pretty cool back in 2005 when I started playing ET but their level quickly decreased due to incompetent admins and rubbish playerbase.
would be fun... BUT:
CF ACC or smth
3months+ Members
3 years+ members*
years ago I was an admin of et.gather, too.
But I stopped since it got harder and harder to fill just one gather a day.
to find a merc was nearly impossible.

I think new gather could be a chance for ET, there is the possibility that it could surf on the wave which just came because of CC5 or the eurocup, many people came back to ET, so just try!
Gathers ruled.
I just voted yes because I rly liked the old ET gathers and I think if the admins are active then the channel has a great chance to survive. Though I won't be able to participate in any since I quit.
yes I would, but #et.gather restarted like thousand times and it never rly worked :S
have been admin there once, too...
yes we need et gather again :)
it was awesome when i was bored :D
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Gathers used to be fun, but like in "old times" players just vanished somewhere and never heard of them again + that fulltime soldat job

Might work with clever people, but since I know pretty much about this scene it will fail
Wouldn't work anymore.
I know, and imo we still need a short explanation!

Aslong we don't get it I well see it as a joke :D Hahsahaha drago lost his inets for a few days hahahahahaa
wont work anymore belive me i know, when i was the owner of the channel few years ago and back in the days it was good, since then et got very lame and the players even more...

oh the time we had 300 gathers/week :)

i miss the old days :<
No, they are pointless.
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