Which map would you like removed from competition?

Poll requested by ClanBase.

Which map would you like to see removed from 6v6 ClanBase competition?
10.3 %
(158 votes)
15.0 %
(230 votes)
41.3 %
(633 votes)
24.2 %
(371 votes)
9.3 %
(142 votes)
hoahsoho 1st to vote and braun
[x] supply
[x] grush

ed: LOL wtf thought i was first but then in 5sec 2 other posts
haven't seen one poll that had the right options ever, so... where is special deliver?
6v6 or 3v3 ??
[x] adlernest
[x] frostbite
[x] braundorf
didnt even know braundorf still was competition
I thought the same about Battery.
MxM? dog i know you hate adlernest but battery sux more!! i love you MxM :*:*

supply overplayed boring shitmap :<
b4 is somehow quite decent :). frost is just awesome and thrilling same for adler but battery is annoying
braundorf, shitest map ever!
but you are from Poland! 0_o
You are the first polish player who dislikes braundorf. :-I
he's from ee!!! :p
b4 is awesome, happy now?
agree, worst map ever >;[
can I vote 4 times? tight one, but voted braun. how boring and slow can a map get -,-
every map except supply & gr should be removed
b4 is an really great 3on3 map, and even 6on6 its so much fun
same for adler, all matchs that been played on ettv and included adler, was very thrilling and fun to watch (3 i remember were one where maus just started to play like an god and got accused, r1ze vs team-nd one of bests matchs ive seen in a while, and amenti vs idle, acozz + night with great actions)
not including idle vs demiurge on adlernest is FAIL
[x] grush
[x] bremen

worst maps i ever played.
[x] frost
[x] battery
adler & frost!
can't choose between braundorf and battery tbh :P
braundorf ofc, euroballs cant play battery btw.
braundorf, battery and frostbite. They all suck
I agree with you, and if i had responsability for the 6on6 maplist i would remove them, but the question is:

With what maps will we replace them? Will it be worth it, or will the new maps suck as much as the prior ones?
we need some totally new maps, nbot rtcw convertibles or any old maps' new versions

just pick something totally new :)
We don't need new maps at all, it's an utopy thinking new maps will improve activity. It'll only encourage inactivity since most teams cba making new tax and learning new maps.
I'm not saying it would increase activity. New maps would be fine for me because some maps are getting boring already and I kinda hated the rtcw maps always (so would be cool to get rid off them at least).

Ofc, all the new maps wouldn't be that nice but I guess we might find some good ones too. Ofc, we could remove the worse maps later..

And TAX!? what are they :o
yeah, delivery + 2 new map
What do you think of the 5map system, where each team eliminates a map and chooses one before the match, which leaves the 5th map as a predetermined decider?

We already have supply, radar, sw_goldrush_te, so only two more maps will have to be chosen.
I respect your opinion nrx
isn't that obvious? remove at least braun and frost and add karsiah!

sw_gold, supply, radar, karsiah, adler and maybe new battery, but I think it's a bit chaotic :s
all of them
I voted for braundorf, its fucking horrible ;s
Where are Reactor, Special Delivery and that shit map Bremen?
It's mainly about the 6v6 Ladder, soon there will be another about the 3on3 Ladder too since the maps havent changed in years either.
Why change them? ;o
The 3on3 ladder maps are almost perfect.

lost of whine about the rtcw maps and lotto factor in others
et_beach et_ice tc_base (not to mention maps like braundorf but no delivery) ?!?
you can't be serious :XD
One word, it begins with new and it ends with school!
well its pretty ridiculous that there are clans in ladder who are only able to beat others in rtcw maps

not to say that the maps are that bad but the fact that no1 other plays it than those random clans in the ladder, I personally like the others maps better too because they are much more simplier and it doesnt usually end up beeing a campfest.
what chmpp said. most rtcw maps are just utter crap in et.
ouh and you can hardly prac a map like beach or base in irc-wars since 90% of your opponents will tell you to gtfo (not that i want to play it but still), maybe thats a sign that the map should be removed...
adler + frost
in 6on6, I'd remove braun and maybe battery as well (haven't played the new version much, so dunno)
in 3on3, battery ofc

frost (1st stage sucks) and adler are nice maps
braundorf has no place in 6v6, replace it with karsiah or secret weapon!
imo delivery not karsiah ;<
braundorf by all means
all except adlernest. frostbite is ok too though :/
All of them, especially frostbite and adler.
remove battery and braundorf
can i vote for more than 1?

adlernest should stay (at least in 3on3, i dont mind it in 6on6 either even though its a bit lotto).
frostbite is not rly great but well...
battery and braundorf are even worse, get rid of them.
no worse map than b4
lottonest and braundorf
kick braun out and get delivery in, I'd also like to see secret weapon on ladder since it has never been on it
No idea what's wrong with Braundorf, I kinda like it, but if majority wants to see it go I don't mind.

I voted for Frostbite, can't stand that map.

I'd remove the 2 maps who receive most votes though, Battery isn't played by anyone except the occasional Finish team so it's quite clear from the start that map was gonna lose.
i dont play but BATTERY MUST GET THE FUCK OUT, nobody plays it.
(adlernest,frostbite) and braundorf.. BRAUNDORF AINT EVEN FUCKING PLAYABLE IN 6v6.

battery?? wat? one of the coolest and most good looking maps in ET.
Mappool should be: sw_goldrush_te, radar, supply, sp_delivery_te, sw_oasis ( with some changes tho), adlernest
b4 and frost
if you want both sides to win: don't remove any of the maps
if you want only one side to win, and the other to lose, remove one or more of the maps
thats the choice you have right now
remove braundorf, battery and adlernest.
if only two so braundorf and battery.
if only one so battery.

* remove battery before NC first match with it *
none of these.
All BUT Battery.
1. frost
2. braundorf
3. adlernest

and dont remove battery!
all of these out except for adlernest..
braundorf out, delivery in
Battery, Braun.

Still waiting for someone to create sw_railgun :(
liek all of them:<
i love them all !
Braundorf pwns.

that option is missing
Battery and Braundorf
definitely braundorf
I want one time Braundorf out, I love this map but I want that we play sometimes more battery or oasis!!
braundorf = win
sw_battery = win
adler = win

frost +- win

bremen should be removed or sth, maybe radar
They should all go.
b4 should be deleted from ET
Braundorf requires no teamplay at all. Even adlernest has 0.01 % teamplay. Battery is a good map, don't see why it is so hated..
i for one dislike it because its rarely ever played, rly not popular when getting a war from irc to play battery. a lot of the times when you say battery opponents say gtfo to you.
Doesn't make battery a bad map though. You need to kinda force players to play battery more. More (one day) cups with battery in it would be a good start. Was same at the start of sp_Delivery_te.
ya, delivery is a nice map. i wouldnt mind playing battery in lets say 2nd round in cup or something. no1 likes the idea:(
Battery is best map, no way that you gonna remove it!
tyte between b4 and battery, ill have to go with b4
Just create 1-2 well balanced maps like radar or grush, create a team or smth that will start creating a map together these 1 man made maps usually aren't good though many ppl together have lots of ideas and point out some factors that the other guy might have done wrong.
and about b4, make all corners transparent and i think it will be playable map : DDDDD
Working in a team for a map is problematic for number of reasons.

I can only hope eim and xeoxis can make their joint effort worth while and produce something good.

A one man map or any map for that matter can work if tested well by people who know what they are talking about from the very beginning of the map's development, the real problem is finding such people that are willing to help and willing to test multiple map versions and provide detailed feedback to make improvements to the map.
sp_delivery & braundorf & adlernest.. railgun, battery, oasis back ! more 30 min fullholds!
no one of them !
they all suck
Please change the poll to "Which map would you like to keep in the mappool?", with the choices we get it'd be far more appropriate.
was thinking the same
took adler cause i couldnt click adler braun and frostbite.
frostite is biggest shit of all competition maps
frostbite sux donkeyballs
sp_delivery sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!add it to the pool
All of them except possibly adlernest.

I voted for Frostbite, because frankly I don't think anyone is going to put braundorf in a 6v6 tournament...
Battery is cool (old shool map). Imo should play Fueldump, Oasis, Old GoldRush.
braundorf all the fucking way
remove grush
battery or frostbite
battery isn't good for wars at all imo, frostbite not for 6on6.
frost + b4
Its funny that most of the guys voting braundorf still play it in ( or even vote for it) in daily 3on3's. I personally think braundorf is fine, battery should be removed since it fucking sucked in the past and still does.
Frostbite & Braundorf
Braundorf is such a faggy camping map, I hates it.
b4 all the way
frostbite :S
all of them + bremen
Vote for braundorf goddamn noobs!!! >:(
all are shit
1. remove frostbite, just too random every time, no real skill required
2. adler same
3. braun, boring map but playable
4. battery, all mixed up (the current version) no real opinion yet
hate frostbite
battery ofc :x
braun be gone
ALL !! Shitest maps ever...
[x] adler
[x] frost
[x] battery
[x] b4
adlernest, I can't find anything interesting in this map
[x]Battery... hate this
[x]Braundorf... overplayed....
braundorf - way too small map for 6o6

supply shoud stay, even though its way too overplayed.
Battery is barely played anyway, would be finally nice to see braun and frost out.why cant they, for once, put mappool: radar sd gr adler delivery bremen
theres nothing good in delivery :L worse than frost battery and braun together
well actually,thats true, i really dont like, just got cortana syndrom because they love that map. well, i would be even happy with those 5, w/o delivery.
braundorf tbh, its shocking.
def adler
It would be fun to see Battery in a "real" match. Whether old or new. Voted for Frostbite.
why would you remove any of them?
cuz braundorf is fucking awfull :c
good bye lovely battery x)
where is supply, cant vote it :[
Non! Why does everybody think you need to remove maps in order to add maps. Just add new ones, only remove the maps which aren't working properly in competition.

A maplist could consist of more than 6 maps. More maps would give the game "a swing", because it's not always the same maps anymore.

Expending the maplist could be seen as a support for stable clans which are playing together for a long time. Because they basically have more teamplay on more maps than a just formed clan.

Criticism is recommended!

BTW: People who are using excuses like "I'm lagging on that map" are really retarded.
Braun isn't played any more and should be removed.
Frost sucks in ET
Dunno about battery, it was fun to play in 2005 but the game evolved since then and i didn't play the map seriously for ages.
uje_kitchen for competition!!!!1
battery or B4
6o6? braun....too small, too spammy
adlernest and ofc battery
battery, out!
why pick adler and frostbite you get the most exciting matches on ettv... do you not when the people in transmiter are running low on health etc and they still keep coming you know that there going to give soon but when?!
You should make it a multiple choice vote.
why dosent people like battery? :(
braun out :
braun sucks donkey balls
Frost and b4.
replace them with delivery and secret weapon
frost out - i hate 25 sec. respawntime :O
battery >.>
Braundorf, time to go...
definately battery/frostbite. simply horrible never really liked them
If I have to choose I'd vote for battery. But it's a very good map, especially the newest version of it. Played 3 times or so on that version and* those games were quite good.
braun is ok 3v3
battery rly sux
frost is so-so
adler is ok in both 3v3 and 6v6
battery is a joke... frostbite and b4 are boring, we need few new fresh competition maps
grush. definately grush!
need more maps, not remove :) but anyways of those battery, definitely not adler or frost..
Lotto map :)
remove braun.

most people here are saying battery isnt played so it should get removed? you rather play some shit map which gets picked more often (frost, adler, braun) than have battery in the mappool, makes sense.

anyway, battery is the only map that should be kept out of those.
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