How many hours a day are you on your PC?

Do you in live in a virtual world or do you have some real life hobbies and friends? Well it's time to admit just how long you sit behind that PC. So on average how many hours a day are you on your PC?

Posted on behalf of SCope
18.9 %
(233 votes)
36.5 %
(450 votes)
16.6 %
(204 votes)
9.1 %
(112 votes)
18.9 %
(233 votes)
WOw 1st to vote!
1-3 weekdays
5+ weekends
man, once again i have to agree
9-12 hours.
Japa Czech 8D <3
Yes I study IT, what do you expect? fucktard.

Where is "show votes"?
forgot to click it :P
25+ /day
9-12. Learning over pc atm
1) 1-3 Hours
The question wasnt "how many hours you read xfire daily"
For clarities sake, the boys had a bit of fun with their nicknames :)

perfo is now known as noedel
noedel is now known as Meez
Meez is now known as fredd
fredd is now known as perfo
why ruin it bro, some people were gettin' so RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGED

edit: plus it's not hard to figure out if you check our profiles anyway...anyone who cant work it out for themselves probably doesn't deserve to know!
If people want to perm change aliases fine… nick swapping is just lame :) might as well all post as anonymous if you’ve no clue who anyone is…
bitter old news writer.
Shit sticks.
I knew about meez, but thats only because suddenly "fredd" was on my ignore list, and meez single handed occupied my ignore list.
3-6 probs
3-6 mostly
all day long at work
9-12, sometimes even more. Attending that i study at pc, i play at pc, i watch series and sometimes tv channels at pc.. so yeah
When someone's saying spending time on the pc I'm thinking of chatting/checking cf out, if it were about the time my pc is on when I'm next or near it I shouldve voted higher. When I study I have my pc on to sometimes look shit up or have music on. If that should be counted as well it would be like 3-6 hours.

Voted 1-3 btw.

No one here spends less than an hour on the pc btw?
well, 3+ then.. sometimes between 1-3
^^ I wasn't trying to correct you was just wondering what people think of when they say "spending time on the pc"..
Since I lost my job rather a lot of time at home PC.

Before though prob' about an hour or two on a week night and more weekends.
25 hours a day
few minutes
enable "show votes", wanna see the geeks
or ppl that study for computer science or w/e
aka geeks :-D
Well im doing graphics, websites w/e. What is so geeky about that? I work in a promotion company. Making t-shirts with logos and stuff
extensive usage of computers = geek

so it's geeky, but not nerdy.
buying cheats is for geeks and nerds, hi
depends if i'm at work during the day or not!
everbody here who says 3-6 has 6-??
1-3 weekdays
4-5 weekends or more
i have emo phase right now so im nerding like never before. np for me
Varies.. Right now, 1-3, but it really depends..
varies a lot.
3-6 hours and I'd say 4 hours of that is for work. I sometimes play on a few pubs at night and check the BBC sport homepage and here but apart from that, not much.
im studying IT so i dont have any chance to change it:D
hmm i used to sit like for uh.. 6-9 when i was competitive now about 3-6 since i quit most of the games and started going to gym and started studyin so dont rly spend more than 3-6 :D
Really depends, weekdays I'm @ work around the pc for 7.5 hours so usually have xfire on in the background - if I'm home alone doing nothing prefer the pc to the tv, varies ^^
24h a night
12-15 hours a day now that I'm at home. When I have a job it'll be between 3 & 6 hours a day.
3-6 work
~14h @ workingdays 8(
6-9 depending my university schedule. (sometimes moar @ we)
i honestly dont know, but way too many, whatever the answer is! Doesnt help im doing a computer related course either! ;o
10hours or more. I work in front of pc : (
Work on pc :o
9-12 Hours
make that 1-3 pc + Waaaaay to many on ze x360
I just started going out with someone so my hours have dropped drastically. Some days I don't even switch my computer on. But, it works both ways. I spend less time on the computer but I have started to waste time doing 'nothing', and also watching TV - which I wouldn't do before [because I don't have a TV in my room].

Most people in the West have developed bad habits and it is irrelevant whether they waste time in front of a PC or TV in my opinion.
developed? television came o....SMACK A CRACK TVDINNER NOW PLXZ.
Probably about 4 hours, half of which is spent working, the other half arsing around. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Who the fuck cares what sCope wants -_- ?
well on a free day like today around 16/17 hours..

the pwn must go on!

voted for Way too many
where's the option "less than 1h"?
A LOT. Used to be close to 12
varies alot
used to be 3-6h..
for the last year it's been 1-3h max
"12-15 hours a day"
"14 hours"
"10 hours"
"9-12 hours"
"16/17 hours"
"close to 12"

Suppose the follow up question would be, are you happy being on the pc for the majority of the day?
way to many option 4sure :(
as of lately 3-6 hours, but voted 6-9 because it used to be that for quite some time and i study CS, so..

p.s. define virtual life
depends a lot... If we talk about regular times when I got school + work etc, then maybe about 3h, but if I'm playing eg. diablo 2, then it's more like 20h
I work 8 hours a day on a PC, then all night!
i finish school at 4 and till 10 and weekends i get up about 10 and till about 1-2 ish :)
9-12 Hours: im the only nerd?
3-6 hours
alot since i dont just use my pc to play games... it comes into play with my career too :P
including time spend behind my pc at work (software developer) I voted 9-12
it really depents on the weather in the winter maybe 3-6 but in summer 0-1
24/7 - sleep time= bleeding eyes << thats my case.
something like this ?
image: 21360_3582597
jeah, thats me rly
way too many dude... rly.
less than 1 hour, not even every day but i voted 1-3 :P
Since my work is related to computers and I most of my free time spend on it, I'd say more than 9 hours a day.
6-9 right now, classes only start on the 11th so plenty of free time 'til then.
3 - 6 in my free time and 8 at work.
9-12, 8 of which is work related.
I really hope that the ppl who took 9-12h often have to use their PCs on their job. Otherwise you're a madafaking g33k
To many O.o
Weekdays 3-6 Hours, weekends 6-9 Hours.
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