Do you have Wolfenstein?

Do you own a personal copy of Wolfenstein 2?
24.7 %
(144 votes)
75.3 %
(438 votes)
no it can be forgotten like the last few months of crossfire
Nope, and I don't intend to buy it anymore since the game is honestly worse than I could have imagined :(
its wolfenstein, not wolfenstein 2
wolfenstein 2? whoever votes yes is an idiot :OD
we need backups, who the hell cares about wolfenstein? seriously........
just got wolfenstein 1
blame me oldschooler
how can anyone have wolfenstein 2, it's not even in the process of making yet
There isnt such a thing called wolfenstein 2
I just downloaded Wolfenstein, is Wolfenstein 2 any better? I might consider buying it if you tell me where...

Wolfenstein single player is fun for a while, but the MP sucks!
its wolfenstein ffs :(
will buy it if they make the MP decent.
Should be working on backups?

[x] Yes

[] No
No, have Wolfenstein though.
you live 6 months in the past, i have wolfenstein 2 already you fools
No, but i have rtcw et and wolfenstein, but wolfenstein 2

yes and the bobroll is gay
any store can ship it to Morocco ?
WOLFENSTEIN 2? is it out already? never heard of.
I've got a real key but I didn't pay for it :>
Do you think the point's been made that it's "Wolfenstein" rather than "Wolfenstein 2" ;)
poll needs options...

I'm 12 & live with my parents & they wont buy it for me

I'm grown & live with my parents & they wont buy it for me
Do you own a personal copy of Wolfenstein 2?

Hmzz thought this was wolfenstein

store was sold out so have to wait for the new load :(
nope played the SP already don't really feel like spending more then 10 euro on the MP atm....
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