The most competitive tournament is...
27 Oct 2009, 13:25
Many major tournaments are running at the moment and CC7 was just announced. Which one is the most interesting to follow competitive wise with ETTV, QuadV, Cubecast and others?
54.7 %
(798 votes)
14.9 %
(217 votes)
5.2 %
(76 votes)
25.2 %
(368 votes)
Nothing better than offline action!
The time that CB Euro Cup was a real prestigious event is unfortunately indeed in the past. Not that no one cares, there's still many people watching and following, but the days of the real topteams praccing a lot are over. It's mostly enthousiastic 'med+/high' teams and mixes of the classic high players.
And noobs like suvi.
Well said :D
would like it to be CC7 > ESL > CB though
dont know if CB really deserves the prestigious position it has but atleast this seasons coverage is good
like; crts, faulplay, party, credibility, presumptions, jabberabber~.
when leaving that aside, cc7 beats all the online tournaments easily.
edit: and CB