Would you attend a small-scale LAN event in Holland?

If the opportunity to attend more LAN events came up, would you go?

The idea is a 6-team event with an entry fee in the region of €175 - €200 per team and with a decent, but not amazing, minimum prizepot. This would be a series of small-scale events just for fun but at the same time bringing the opportunity for smaller or lesser-skilled teams to gain some extra experience.

The event would likely take part over the course of a single day and shoutcasters will be available. Please note that this isn't about one specific event, but the idea of this being an opportunity.

Given the lack of "local" events in this community, this poll will naturally attract some negativity, but let's try and keep that to a minimum.

If you would like this opportunity in an area that is closer to home for you, then let us know. Anything is possible!
34.1 %
(315 votes)
17.9 %
(165 votes)
11.7 %
(108 votes)
36.3 %
(335 votes)
only big lans in nl or be :)
No, would only go to a LAN event to see some ppl, therefore 6 teams is too small.
Polandlan needed
could be fun indeed !
you would see Poland probably the first time
would be cheaper for everyone, therefor more ppl
Doubt that, since most non polaks have more expensive clothing and/or other material. we'll get robbed by these filthy ass maggots.
I bet in Poland, even LANs lag
Just like YCN Servers, aight?
I would attend both. Wheres that option?
Attend both what? This is just to see if people want to attend small events. Not if they want to attend both small and big.
you wouldnt come even if there were a LAN next to your house :P
you wouldnt come even if there were a LAN next to your house :P
you would go out if there were a lan IN your house
there is lan in my house. it consists of my sister and parents but they arent online that often.
parents? :D
oh you perv! good morning ^^
morning! well, I thought the parents are probably closer to my age range ;)
:D oh you, don't worry. if noone else gives in, i'll surrender my parents to you.

man, the football club i play for(since i was like 9 years old :D) had a "charityday" yesterday...so we went to give blood :( when i got out, my arm was so fucking numb that i slammed my hand in the car door and it didnt even hurt :D yet today it feels like i've had a cramp in my arm :D well fucking weird :D halp me :( i think they injected me with a virus(:OOO)
don't even remind me of football, my blood pressure rises when I think of yesterday :D

I think I need to donate blood to the bayern players, maybe they learn how to defend again then x)
oh ye i heard :( well there's always next year :D united also nearly fucked up, thankfully ended 2-1 ;D how come you've not registered on the heavensport site, i wanted to invite you to the team :( but "wsk" did not excist...
registered nao
sssssss-wwweeeeet :)
I accepted!
great idea :)
actually,2nd option
Since I live in Holland I would attend.
any lan is worth attending!
hope to see you on polish lan then
cu @ duaLan 2k11
Why isn't 32 teams an option...? Always went good huh? :o
This is just a question asking if people would attend small scale LAN event in Holland ;] 32 team one isn't an option as that's not small scale :p if you would attend small scale then vote for the Larger EU ones, as I did - I do prefer many more people at an event personally but can see the attraction of 1-day LAN events, especially for Benelux based players.
I know what the question was and ofcourse I'm interested, who from Holland wouldn't be...

I'm just sayin (since this poll is about LANs); this upcoming TLR LAN with just 16 teams and single elimination really is fucked up. If this LAN would be like all the LANs (except for the 5o5 thingy), I would definently go.

If there won't be any consolation (or whatever u call it :P) games, I have no idea why medskilled teams would pay €350,- to play three games in the groupstage.
the format is undecided, the teams signing up vote for what they want, single elim + consolation or double elim without consolation. Ideally it would have both, and I would hope for any future editions of the competition it would have both - but for this one there are currently not enough PC's.

and when you say all the lans, I guess you just mean Crossfire lans, this is a first edition LAN and its probably not right to compare it to the current Crossfire LAN events, with the eighth one on the horizon ;) if you check CC1, it didnt have groupstage, it was double elim only - so some teams only played 2 games and its probably best o compare it to that.
Yea, I meant both. Without those two things together it's just no fun :E

CC4 didn't have any consolation games if I remember correctly.. We played 3 games on fridaynight and lost a bit unlucky and could go home.. That sucks.. :S

Not enough PC's? There were enough the last couple of lans :o?
I dont think PC's are actually the issue, its more being able to use the outside area owned by the cinema in I guess what would be the peak season for people going to the cinema (summer). Im still hopeful something changes :)
This isn't a CC LAN they're referring to also :P
That's true, but it's the same idea basicly. This LAN sounds more competitive than fun :)
These smaller LANs are just as "fun" - The spirit will be less competitive (at least I'd imagine it would be) due to more evenly-matched teams taking part.
no unblind no adacore no win
For me it's more: "no unblind, no win"

I miss you :(
I don't attend LANs, waste of money and freetime.
show votes
btw, theres typo, "amaziing"
a small UK lan is desperately needed

considering that for me to get to a Holland lan would cost ~300 quid, its just not worth it for 6 teams
Are you travelling to Holland via private jet?
he gotta go instyle!
ryan flight : 140 quid
accomodation in a wooden shack for cc7 with polish people upstairs : 60 quid
food : 30 euro
beer : 30 euro ?
entry fee : 50 euro?

basically what i meant was it cost me around £300 in total to attend cc7 and I wouldn't pay the same to attend a small lan.
Im still working on it, however its very very expensive. Hopefully if i plan it right and give enough time to get sponsors on board etc, i could get something for Autumn/Winter time.
well if you need some help or whatever then i might be able to help out
Make it so NL players can attend!
if ironic goes i will follow him<3
A couple of people have said it already. Seeing as they live in Holland there is no problem with going, but for people outside of NL (apart from lets say DE, BE and possibly FR?) it's not really toooo much fun for a 6-team event.

Saying that I would still want to go it's just I wouldn't see the point in going to such a small event outside the UK :P

need that UK lan...
need that le FR lan...
I would attend a smaller lan in croatia/slovenia/austria/italy
would probably attend a smaller lan in denmark or even poland, maybe sweden/norway/germany too
sweden would be perfect : ))))))))))
considering I'm not able to play ET actively I'd only go to LANs in nearby countries like sweden, estonia or latvia. otherwise it would be too expensive as being inactive you can't really get into good teams that would have some support and could win prizemoney
swedish lan sounds good to me :D
yup, specially if it's in stockholm!
Wherever, I just want to go to Sweden :D
there won't be any ET lans in estonia, this year was probably last one : (
If you include rtcw yes!!!

Do both et and rtcw
really depends on where its hosted in holland if its in the wzzrd lan centre i might
How about Yes, but i prefer larger EU lans?
more LAN in belgium would be great!
holland = weed = win

little secret; all teams who won ET lans in holland were stoned
Depends on the teams attending. If it are alle like uber mega serious pro gaming teams going to bed at 22 cet to play good the following day ... then no.

Edit : I wouldn't mind attending a lan with 6 teams if it were all fun people, I know you can't make signups for "fun people" only, but just wanted to say that.
When did that happen? =O The 22CET part.
more LAN in canada would be great!
small lan, it'd be just you ewave guys and your brother :(
sounds good, cu there!
No, but I would attend a small-scale LAN closer to me:

Germany , Berlin ffs.
agree so much.
nope i love berlin :D
Host a lan in Finland so all Fintards would attend
This might sound really selfish, but whatever. I love travelling and shit, so I personally would happily travel all around the world to attend a LAN, even if it was like.. I dunno, Sweden as Owzo said earlier, and yes, even for a small scale LAN event. =D I don't get why people think it's nerdy. I see it as a chance to get to visit another country ffs! =D Anyways, I voted yes :P
no1 told you? you can even travel without going to lan
United Kingdom needs one
well 16 teams should be the minimum :)
No, but I would attend a small-scale LAN closer to me. d8D
wouldnt go - just not worth it for just one day.
one in stockholm would be coool
if you have one in sweden, stockholm or uppsala i can give those 6 teams a place to sleep :)
Def. not since want to go there for the fun (as we did with TEMR @CiC7) and a one day thingy with just 6 teams (3 of them prolly going there for the success so no party) wont be any fun at all.

It's really hard to do such a LAN (or any LAN in general) in Germany since you have to be 18 that you just can enter the LAN center...
you've got your answeR. the 33.4% of people that said they would attend is more then enough for a small-scale LAN!
In Enschede? No. Somewhere more central? Yes.
The location is not likely to be Enschede.
Oh, then I voted wrong :P
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