SAGE: Extra game(s)

I have managed to secure 4 extra gaming laptops (thanks to Kaos TV and which will allow some extra games to feature at the event. At the most recent Crossfire event we saw a Quake Live community tournament, would you like the same again? Or seeing as quite a lot of you seem to be interested in StarCraft 2, how about a SC2 community tourney?

For those of you who can't choose, there is a possibility of running both. Entry will be around €10-15 per player with a high % (if not all!) of the entry fee being put back into the prizepot for the respective tournament.
29.1 %
(354 votes)
12.7 %
(154 votes)
7.4 %
(90 votes)
50.8 %
(618 votes)
id like to see coverage of both!
Quake live is so seen, make it StarCraft.
Although I'm not even sure what event you're talking about.
My LAN in July!
no HoN?
QL all the way !
League of Legends and i'll go

Kevin Oxy Potter X & X = win everything
have you ever been on vent while they were playing LoL? :D
you mean because they don't play serious all the time or?
actually was reffering to the flame on eachother but then again, i've only heard them play a couple of times :D
Not enough extras for a team-based tourney.
ah i understand, i guess it would be nice to see SC2 as i have never seen a crossfire lan hosting other games than cod,et,ql :)
What's your summonername?
dunno who X & X is, but whatever
quakelive all the way, baby!
Starcraft2 ofc, best game to watch <3
I would totally play some sc2 at lan :D
QL fosho :)
Not going / don't care
Please quakelive!
Is it CPMA? Ow wait I forgot it's QL.
yeah, lets host a QL event and not pay the prizes

(hi ferus story)
ferus won cc7(?) QL tourney, he was late for his flight and asked TosspoT & co to give him the prize and leave, but they insisted so that he should be here for prize ceremony or smth so he left and prize wen't to Germany butchji afaik, so yeah... (prize was i7 proc or some motherboard , around 1000EUR afaik) so kinda yeah, well just check Sweden ferus last comments on his CF account, pretty sad
yeah well if he cant wait to get his prize he doesnt deserve it
ur wrong, journal up
im not wrong, come on @xfire
Don't get me wrong but I think you should concentrate in ET for 100% to make sure it won't be another E-series fail :P
E-Series fail? The no ETTV thing?
Yes and delay
The no ETTV thing was merely due to an IP issue. The delay happens in 99% of LAN events. There was no "fail" as you put it.

The venue is entirely different, and has been home to ET LANs before. We know that we can set ETTV up no problem there (Anaconda will be taking care of that). As for delays, can't do much if PCs go crazy. I will be starting matches if players are late, though.

Plus, there will be more admins at the event including me (I wasn't at E-Series). So, stop flaming. You're making yourself look stupid.
You seems to over react, as I said on the beggining " Don't get me wrong " and you just got me wrong. Had no intention to flame. As It comes to delays, ofc I know most of the LAN events have it, but its always better to have 30min delay than 2-3h, so I was just wondering it the extra games won't increase it but if you say they won't then its ok :)
If you read the actual poll post, then I wouldn't have to even react (because you wouldn't be posting). There are 4 extra gaming laptops for these tourneys. There schedule won't interfere with the ET & COD schedule to an extent where delays are occurred.

And it's not an overreaction, it's about replying to somebody who doesn't know what they're talking about and who is trying to start trouble.
I read it, I always do, once again, because you seems to not get it, I'm not like most people on CF, I'm not looking for starting trouble, flaiming etc. Was just wondering if it might interfere with schedule (just because someone says something, it doesn't mean it have to be like that) but if you say it will not than I don't see any point of continuing this discussion.
Quake Live and i'm going there.
Quake live 2v2 InstaCTF. Would be epic :@D
Quake Live and fifa11 @ console!
QL ofc its the best spectator-wise also
QL - grzesiek as winner
Where is Brink?
1on1 / 2on2 Brink tournament would be amazing!
just little map editing, reducing amount of objectives and rest should be fine! 8)
Actually planning on having small BRINK competitions but not versus modes, just like fastest time on the parkour this challenge etc.

Would only be for fun, don't have any prizes.
Sounds great! How about making contest who will get highest xp points in escort duty mission? It's a solo mission.
We'll see what we can do. All depends if we can get some prizes lined up or not.
Two best semi-active games currently out, both!

If there's some logistics troubles, then StarCraft since Quake Live has already made a debut.
boring poll
is it gonna be like the Antwerp lan with cod & stuff too? or just wolfenstein?
cuz if its with cod & other communitys are coming u might as well do both the games
chess 1v1!
Quakelive fosho!
Fifa or gtfo!!
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