Blackpoint pay-to-play?

Team Blackpoint are looking to organise a pay-to-play tournament after their successful ODC #1. The first cup was sponsored by the team itself, but they are interested in hosting a larger online event which offers opportunities to players from all skill levels (for example by creating divisions). All the signup money will be put back into the prize pot and Team Blackpoint might also add an additional prize.

Please put your thoughts about a feasible entry fee and other suggestions in the comments.
31.4 %
(291 votes)
43.4 %
(402 votes)
25.2 %
(234 votes)
I would, might give interest to more people making (new) teams to win something.
€5 or €10 a person, €30-€60 a team looks nice to me :-)
No teams except ones that have any decent chance of winning would pay, cause otherwise its a waste of money.
Learn to read?
Yeah I mean after the initial one sponsored by them.
he ment read that their is a plan for divisions
Would definitely pay!
I would, but not available anymore.
i got fropped with mamouth
and lago too
Frop deleting all negative comments related to this poll. Comments are biased.
first make a 6on6 or 5on5 poll before this shit
we already got polls before. guess what ..
I wont pay for free game.
Considering all game are not free, I (personally me, maybe someone else will ?) wont pay for any games.
will never pay for this: buy bot -> win cup -> have bot for free!
not gonna pay to get more cheaters in this game
TZAC will definitely be required.
cu @ banlist next year

til this enjoy :-D?
Am I that obvious? :(
not talking about you obviously
what's your point?
TZAC prevents cheaters.
And demo's will be required anyway if someone is too obvious.
funny they've said the same about pb :)
tzac>pb + as on our first ODC weve got referee's on most matchservers. And every game is gtv streamed so it can all be reviewd and we can decided wether someone is or isnt cheating.

However, your right that an online event brings more risks than an offline event would do. But this is inavoidable and ET just doesn't have the offline support anymore as it used to have. We think paid online events with trusted players and teams is something that can bring stronger competitive gaming in the scene as the ladders are somewhat dead and the summercups are interesting, but don't reward your effort with anything but e-bragging rights(ooh look at me im oc premier winrar!).
Only if its 5o5
hf quiting ET then :p
not paying to play a cup = quit et ;D?
6v6 taking over! :)
its killing et and no1 is noticing it

ET doesnt need change
in what way is 6o6 killing ET?
Less teams, harder to get wars, offis still 5on5 (1 player cant play), lans 5on5 (1 player cant go)
i hope you know that 6o6 was usual until it changed 9 or 10 month ago?
things changed for a reason
people kept playing but all of a sudden everybody wants 6on6 back
no sense
and the reason was? simply cause of tosspot or rather the LAN's where the 5v5 format is standard, except at ET.
ye, but it happened, everybody changed except winghaven (big loss, want a shoulder to cry on?)
Clearly you missed the point what the guy above you said... the format of 5on5 was to attracted more lan's then just the CF lan. This had a good start with AEF... but now there is no up comming lan event and there for the support of major teams have been kinda dropped in last month. So that's why whe should bring back 6on6 simply that it's just more fun to play and more teamplay cause of a extra player.
oh dear good kri your so right !

it was so fucking hard to find 6o6 2 years ago ..5o5 is the better way to go.
They should take a 5% cut tbh
Registrations will probably pass by their website (cupsection/post) which is already a win for them, but yes, you are totally right.
its just a start for them, guess by beginning of the mgc they would try to do the best they can to get some reputation and later on could do the option u said and have some part of money involded for themselfs.
Well I'd be happy to do so, but that wouldn't be fair to the people supporting their scene. We've got best intentions with ET wether it's 5on5/6on6 or 3on3.

If we take a cut of the money, this will be injected into future events such as giveaways or other cups.
i would when i got a good team otherwise not
not intrested since there are like 3 top teams who will always win those moneyz
Quotewhich offers opportunities to players from all skill levels (for example by creating divisions).
too lazy to read all.
Not interested in spending money, sorry. As much as I love ET and all, I just have too much to spend on other things. I certainly do not want to spend money on a game, I spent too much on WoW :P
Quote I certainly do not want to spend money on a game, I spent too much on WoW :P

Yeah that made sense !
It made perfect sense.... I spent too much money on WoW in the past, so I don't want to waste any more on a game...............................
Should have been the other way around
a guy who doesnt speak english given me a fuckn lseon in denglsih rofl x;DDDDDDDDD
Obviously you are retarded. Never said I'm good at English, but your line didn't make any sense
Maybe it didn't make sense to you, you fucking retarded peice of shit, but I, as a native english speaker, am TELLING you, it made perfect sense. how fucking dare you tell me my english is incorrect. stupid fuck
I certainly do not want to spend money on a game, I spent too much on WoW :P

Shouldn't it be

I spent to much on wow, so I certainly won't spend on ET
Not necessarily.. I could have put it that way yes, but I wrote it the way I would say it in real life.
So you're offending me while I was right as well. gj
Both those times I was pissed. Besides, you were saying I was WRONG, which means YOU were wrong, so I was right.
Never stated that you are wrong but what so ever. Emotional feelings over internet.!!
Yes you did, plenty of times!!

And I quote

Obviously you are retarded. Never said I'm good at English, but your line didn't make any sense

Yeah that made sense !
Makes no sense means you are wrong? :D
Yes?? You are sayin it made no sense. I am of the belife that something not making sense means it's not correct..........
Was a opinion :( ?
It's cool, I forgive you ;)

Past Tense
8 team cup successful when interested entrants were 16? lol
It was invite only and when we went public people kept signing in... As a tournament the cup was definatly a succes compared to all other random one day cups...
This is the future, true. But if you just go around and ask people for money, it just won't work out...
which is why i asked frop for this poll, also weve paid Team Dignitas immediatly when they won the cup(well day after but thats alot better than ESL does!(A))

were not 'just asking' people for money, were offering them a chance to support their own competitive scene by increasing prizepots and thus giving topteams and nontopteams(divisions referal) stronger motivation to become better and take that cash.
Well, fast payment is your advantage.
Players already stated in eujen's column that they are just not going to give out money. You should think to sell something in exchange for those money needed to create a prize purse. That's more logically, if you ask me.
well that would still result in team blackpoint paying the entire cup which isn't really waht were looking for
Possibly providing there are 'divisions' for say low/med skilled teams else they'd get rolled by KRP m8s etc.
As if KRP players would invest any money.
Get sponsors, like when [flag=gypsey] unforgiven sponsored them x)
we'd focus on different amounts of money for different divisions, for example:

Top division pays 50e per team so that a group of 8 would result in 400e + possible 100e from Blackpoint inserted.

Semi top division pays 25e per team so that a group of 16 would result in 400e + possible 50e from blackpoint

mid rank division and lower pay 10e per team so that a group of 32 would result in 320+40 from blackpoint.

depending on sponsors and partners, addition team blackpoint prizes could also be hardware or gameservers.
Sounds pretty reasonable if you could sort it out. I'd throw in a few bob for a team I know if they're willing to play the lower divisions x)
Well it will require making our admin crew alot bigger :P but i think there are plenty of people willing to lend a hand.
Not sure yet but I might be available.
Why dont you make the lower divisions pay a bit for the higher ones? This way the risk:reward is more attractive and teams that are on the border med/high would go for high to get a shot at the extra money.
Plus: only give the mid / high tier extra blackpoint money; same reason

For example:
Low tier: 320$ income => take 10% for top tier = 298$ + 0 from blackpoint = 298$ pot
mid tier: 400 income => take 10% for top tier = 360$ + 60 from blackpoint = 420$ pot
high tier: 400 income + 32 + 40 => 472$ + 130 from blackpoint = 600$ pot

Again; RISK:REWARD[/u]... else hightier folks will play lowtier and cash it all
KRP will win every division
sponsoring two teams if another guy sponsors two aswell :) reply to me if you are the other guy...

together we can beat the death of ET
I just might be up for this.
dont play ET, dont care
Well yes but not with an exclamation mark.
why why u fropping?



i'd pay moneys if i'd be idle^duNZY or d.duNzy or >_={KRP}=_< dUNZY or oror

or not
or vibe dunzy getting carried by yermanz?
fking yeah oc winners
Nope, because always if there's money involved dignitas would probably join up and play, and win, every single time :p
Quote by Frop(for example by creating divisions)
Like 5e or 10e per person would be enough. For example 16teams per division and with 5e it would be 480e or with 10e 960. Quite nice amounts for offline event.
prizes should be given for different stages of the tournament tree and even maybe for the viewers peak,instead of groups with maybe fake skilers
shit poll, when will you finally make the 6on6 or 5on5 poll?
The division system will be fucked up anyways, just like in clanbase. If you really think you can make it fair for everybody, then go ahead. I would certainly pay a couple euros to get MGCs interested into the game.
I wrote no, but that's only because It's what the result should be, why would anyone want to / bother to just practically give money to dignitas / queens...
owain lad, it says different divisions etc, you all play a very dead game and you say no to cash prizes :D:D, made me lol mate
that sounds stupid! why would anyone go to lan and give the money for dignitas? DUNNO LOL HEY!1 :)))))))

cash prices = makes this scene whole more interesting. But NO lets just ignore every good news which comes.. And also lets ignore every new game which is coming because they suck hard and we know it without even testing it.
I remember there was nice cup, named Arctic or something, every team had to pay 30e to play, was quite cool :)
In essence, yes. It really depends how it is run. It's certainly not uncommon in esports for a community to someway fund cups.
who the fuck says no at that??, you must be mad to play a dead game then turn down a chance to actually win somthing, get a grip lads...
on the one hand the chances of a "good" team to win the prize are kinda low when they need to play a team like idle where on the other hand the chances of lower divisions are almost all equal, since there is no team who would dominate... so i doubt there will me much teams willing to join the "good divisions"
not interested
sounds good in theory, but the divisions would always be fucked up
KRP 2nd div
I can see somewhat skilled players joining lower divsion teams and then taking the moneyz of 2nd/3rd/whatever divisions :P
That happens every time in normal cups without any money so yep, nice conclusion.
it just amazed me that he cant see this..
see what who? that there's different skill of players in every team? really?
As a community cup, to an extent, there could be some policing of that. No KRP/bF in 5th division etc.
yeah, that is what i meant.. :)
stfu dude... we haf witje/crook/ecklav instead of undead/chry/sup3r

so yeah... we'd rather play div5 tbh
tbh: nice idea, but i won't pay shit if i am not able to win moeny :o
pay-2-play for a cup?
in ET?
not gonna happen (anymore). Just keep up the cup(s?).
Nice idea, but it would need a hard job putting every team in a proper division, many would join up with a lower rating just to win the money :D
old tbh
was on a dutch site 1 week ago
would be nice to have a cup where is a player traft, 1- or 2day cup. ??! would be so much funneh 8]
No, because you have to be 3rd world country poor to be playing ET for the money.
bf are gonig to do the same they did at lan and pretend to be randoms and take div 3's money!
money on f2p games bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa
good idea!
play to be paid.
Why dont you make the lower divisions pay a bit for the higher ones? This way the risk:reward is more attractive and teams that are on the border med/high would go for high to get a shot at the extra money.
Plus: only give the mid / high tier extra blackpoint money; same reason

For example:
Low tier: 320$ income => take 10% for top tier = 298$ + 0 from blackpoint = 298$ pot
mid tier: 400 income => take 10% for top tier = 360$ + 60 from blackpoint = 420$ pot
high tier: 400 income + 32 + 40 => 472$ + 130 from blackpoint = 600$ pot

Again; RISK:REWARD[/u]... else hightier folks will play lowtier and cash it all
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