Which is your favourite of the November releases?

November 2011 has been an amazing month for top gaming releases. Which is your favourite?
6.5 %
(54 votes)
23.7 %
(196 votes)
4.1 %
(34 votes)
32.0 %
(265 votes)
4.2 %
(35 votes)
6.2 %
(51 votes)
23.2 %
(192 votes)
Batman Gear Solid.

Quote by pala I'm pala, I have noticed a trend in friends talking to each other
only now noticed it
how am i not surprised who the 3 first comments are
I only just realised I don't care.
yet you 'quote' me
You don't understand. I don't care about the fact 3 people replied first who share a social circle.

I do care about the fact you point this out at every fucking opportunity and also the fact that you are infuriatingly irritating.
it's not my intentions to infuriate or irritate you, but it is rather funny it happens almost constantly
I think your and my definition of funny greatly differ.
Other - please specify:
Faut évoluer mon pote ce jeux et mort, passe à autre chose :D
Dear voters,

If you vote for something other than skyrim so that it doesnt win this poll, fredd promised to suck Baggiez's ass

make the right choice
it will still win cuz this poll is dog
ET 6o6 ":D"
such a bad remake...
nerd games
seriously there arent any polls for like 2 months and than u come up with something like this :D?
Who will win BFB? (35 comments)
Posted by TosspoT ( on Tuesday 15th November 2011
it felt that its like 2 months old. i know i cant provide any decent topics which would be worth a poll, so i know the general dilemma about this :/
its another sign that the game is dying and not much left to make polls of.
I actually think polls on crossfire are of a pretty decent standard compared to other websites which just have the general "how many hours do you play games" or "what do you like for dinner".....
bf3 wasnt this month?
October 28, 2011!

Almost put it in before noodle corrected me ^^
aww those 2 days x]
ABBA: You Can Dance
Assasin's Creed Revelations
Dark Souls (was it this month?)
Dark Souls was 7 weeks ago :p
Lol :( Still havent started those games since im stuck with FF XIII (stuck with the fact that the game suck hard and it makes me puke so hard that I can not finish it and I wont start AC/dark souls before I've finished the fucking horrible ff xiii)
I actually really liked FF XIII. Sure it was linear as hell, but I liked the characters and I loved the combat system, so yeah, I enjoyed it ^^
combat system is good but thats pretty much the only thing the game had.. musics werent that good and you barely hear the battle theme when in a battle (i pretty much play games for the musics also) and I think the characters suck ass. All the hatred and emoing around makes me think that this game is made for 13-15 youngsters who think being a hater angry and emo is cool
Skyrim & Batman Arkham City. MW3 was disappointing.
Assasin's Creed Revelations
Didnt play any of that games.
Assassins Creed Revelations
AC:Revelations even if it sucks compared to the previous ones.
saints row is great
Every idiot who voted mw3...
ESL cups
my vote for zelda! looking forward to the weekend already, playing 24/7
Anno ofc
Campaign sux so much lol. :D
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory : The Fumble edition
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory : The Fumble edition
image: chaotic-screens-from-saints-row-the-third-20110419092017263

No game ever gave me the chance to play a prostitute beating up a wrestler with a giant dildo

e: No minecraft?!
It's got my vote!
saints row was pretty damn good
Aye, sp was kinda short but I guess the MP would make lotsof fun too but I have the cracked one :/
you can play co-op with the downloaded one, i did it too :)

You don't need smarsteam, works good without it on tunngle.
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory : The Fumble edition
any1 wanna buy my vote?
i clicked uncharted 3!

u mad, skyrim faggots? :)))
Where is the "I DONT PLAY COMPUTER GAMES FOR LIFE AND BUY EVERY FRIGGIN GAME RELEASE COS I'VE GOT SOCIAL LIFE" -option? see, Im not a fucking geek playing magic games every night and skipping school cos of my nerdy sleeping pattern :DDDDDDDDDDD
Stfu and accept the game invite @ lol :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
zelda man, zelda
didnt play any of them
Didn't play any of them.
didnt play any of them :(
Anno 2070
How is it? Liked the past two Anno games.
Same engine as 1404 but its really different to play. Id recommand it
just got it :) enjoying it so far
probably TES: skyrim and Battlefield 3
care about those! bought LIMBO on steam, works on my toaster PC, fickja!
Which in all honesty is a November release as well, but fuck it. I'm glad and also surprised to see you like it after all.
I didn't think I would after my initial playtime but now I'm addicted as much as time allows me to be addicted! There are still things that annoy the crap out of me but I enjoy chillin in my tank!
BF3 made me realize how much I missed ET
Does this mean you have time to code?
My contract with TI ends at newyear!
I'll be messaging you on Jan 1 then!
Battlefield 3.
l.a. noire was released for pc in november and its a nice game
#1 Zelda
#2 BF3
Can I somehow ignore everyone that voted for mw3 please.
ET ;_;
MW3 fosho
Assasin's Creed Revelations
CF 4.0 , oh wait...
Skyrim was fun for three to four days, but the game really needs a hardcore wanderers mod upping the difficulty. Leveling goes way to fast considering the amount of content in the game. Even without fast travel, putting game to the hardest and not abusing alchy / enchant / smithing the game is just too easy. Already modded the hardest difficulty setting to spawn 1,8 x your level instead of 1,4 x times your level with loot drops at the same level. Only 'cheat' mod I used was glowing ore veins since I really feel the original textures dont stand out enough, that they make you miss 90% of all ore. Apparently, theres ore in the wilderness everywhere, but I never noticed before I started using glowing veins.

stopped playing it till some good mods come out :)
Pretty much all good single player games are fun for around 3 to 4 days as they do not have limitless content.
didnt play any of em.
just dont care about new 1
ET :>
Serious Sam 3.
might not like casual games
driving licence, ill get it on tuesday
Skyrim , Love free roam
The King of Fighters XIII
and where the fuck is super mario 3d land?
dont have wii.. so its mw3 not zelda!
Chick with Rambo bulldog tbh
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