Crossfire Community Member of the Year 2011

Crossfire Community Member of the Year 2011

image: 692of4

United Kingdom Baggiez
As an admin of the site, Baggiez has taken it upon himself to deliver quality content every day for the readers of Crossfire, be it breaking News or regular articles. He also oversaw the Battle For Berlin tournament, providing scheduling and in-depth coverage for each and every match.

United Kingdom MerlinatoR
MerlinatoR continues to act on behalf of the community by assisting in almost every major tournament and was the head ET Admin as well as Photographer at SAGE. He founded Project Phoenix at the end of 2010 and has continued to provide Enemy Territory previews and highlights. Merl is also a contributor to Crossfire via news posts and articles.

United Kingdom Msh100
Marcus steers the ship over at YCN Hosting, providing many members of the Crossfire community with our game servers and comms servers. Together with h3ll, he ensures that GTV runs without a hitch and all of our beloved Enemy Territory matches are broadcast. He also provided invaluable on-site support at SAGE.

United Kingdom owzo
Owzo has made quite the name for himself as a shoutcaster in the last year. From shoutcasting Enemy Territory by himself, to casting for QuadV, to casting live at the SAGE event from Holland and eventually casting at the prestigious DreamHack LAN event. Owzo is making Crossfire proud!

Scotland Seanza
Despite his recent move to the Call of Duty scene, Seanza provided Enemy Territory with its premier LAN event of the year: SAGE following on from helping secure ET for the E-Series event. Given the sheer workload that goes with organising a LAN event, Seanza deserves your appreciation.

United Kingdom TosspoT
Site owner TosspoT, together with Krosan and some select others, has been working tirelessly in the recent months to bring Crossfire 4 out. Without him there would be no Crossfire, and without Crossfire who knows where Enemy Territory would be today.
The results for this poll are hidden
£10 on coming last! :D

Good luck guys
gl to you pal :o)
My vote goes to Marcus. A close second would be Merl. Marcus has helped me A LOT this year!
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