Crossfire Retard of the Year 2011

Crossfire Retard of the Year 2011

image: 1zq5v88

Netherlands bAnga
Consistently posts nonsensical gibberish in the journals section.

Finland Blindi
The self-designated Public Relations Officer of KRP has a habit of rubbing users up the wrong way with his outspoken political, religious and moral views.

Belgium goku
Such is his desire for attention, he frequently spams the journal section, usually posting limited and/or useless content.

United Kingdom Kamz
The self-proclaimed master troll excels in spending the vast majority of his time posting drivel under the apparent guise of ‘trolling’ while attempting to antagonise other users.

Poland Robaciek
Despite his work in running and assisting with various Enemy Territory competitions, one must question Robaciek’s motives, as his frequent inability to govern without controversy is brought to light.

Serbia Seareal
Taking his retard levels to new heights in 2011, Seareal relentlessly floods the journals section with nonsensical after nonsensical post, often replying to his own content more than every other user combined.
The results for this poll are hidden
Good luck
Did not vote for you because you know kamehameha, sorry.
this is the hardest vote of them all fuck
There is 'retard' in the titel and 'Kamz' in the choices, that should make it easy for you tbh.
but what about robaciek?!
He is just polish, he can't help himself. Also, roba doesn't think he is a cool guy, Kamz apparently does.
This is so wrong, Robaciek does
Taking his retard levels to new heights in 2011, Seareal relentlessly floods the journals section with nonsensical after nonsensical post, often replying to his own content more than every other user combined.
this is the hardest vote of them all fuck
hard choice between roba and goku
blindi and kamz are just unfunny "trolls"
havent even noticed banga or seareal

Voted Roba
are u gonna play CS:GO ?
i think its pretty clear
Vote: other (Rhand)
Je kan echt niet zonder me, dat is duidelijk. Net als ik op het punt sta om je miezerig persoonlijkheidje te vergeten, moet je me weer aan je bestaan herinneren.

Keer op keer op keer. Begint een beetje onnozel te worden.
why would you give them even more attention by acknowledging their efforts to be funny? winner should get a permanent ban instead of the award
Winner gets a 1 month ban
hard choice between goku, kamz, roba and seareal
seareal, without a doubt. get that fucker banned
Kamz is lucky on this one now. Couldn't resist but had to since seareal was in the list as well.
1st should be a runaway win :D 2-3rd is anyones guess
The winner (which in this case seems quite a questionable honour) should be banned for eternity.
what am I doing on this vote?
hard 2 vote
Goku for great justice
1 possibility to vote is not enough.
Why can't they just have a six way tie? WIN WIN FOR EVERYBODY!
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