Enemy Territory Team of the Year 2011

Enemy Territory Team of the Year 2011

image: 4gnjes

Europe Anexis SAGE BFB
Anexis started the year as the old Impact lineup and under the leadership of R0SS, they took a decisive first place at the year’s premier LAN event: SAGE. After the event, when interest was lowering, they merged with the ex-Dignitas lineup to create one of the most fearsome lineups that Enemy Territory has ever seen. Unfortunately for them, they missed out in the final of BFB when scheduling complications resulted in a forfeit loss on the grand stage.

Belgium bF/nevo E-Series SAGE
The Belgian’s took another step up the ET-ladder and found themselves the accepted third best team behind Anexis & Dignitas respectively. Devoid of the huge names found in the aforementioned teams, they boasted the best team-work seen from an Enemy Territory side for years. Always the bridesmaid and never the bride, they came up short at SAGE, losing in close circumstances and missing out on the grand final.

Europe Dignitas SAGE
Dignitas only competed in one major tournament this year, coming second at SAGE and eventually merging with Anexis. On their day, this group of players were one of the finest teams ever seen, but commitments in other games from some of their core members hindered the team’s performance at SAGE and their progress going forward.

Gaming2Perfection took a long time to establish their lineup and find the right MGC after the debacle surrounding NEVO. However, they soon found their rhythm and ended 2011 in fine form. Impressive performances in BFB and EC XXIV ensured that should this fresh group continue to play into 2012, they will be one of the top teams for a long time.

Benelux MouseControl/OVERLOAd E-Series EC XXIV
This Dutch team surprised many onlookers as they won gold at the E-Series event earlier in the year. An adjusted lineup later competed in EC XXIV and secured themselves a highly respectable 3rd place.

Queens participated in more competitions than any other team and boasted more individual lineups than any other. Under the leadership of razz and miNd, they were the most successful mix team of 2011 (and perhaps ever?), winning first place in all online competitions. Their confidence bred outrageously aggressive tactics which caught many more stable teams off-guard, yet the question remains whether they could do the same at LAN.
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