Best Engineer of the Year 2011

Best Engineer of the Year

image: 2s7f395

Vote for who you think has been the best engineer in Enemy Territory in 2011. For this category, we’re looking at the overall-engineer class. Objective play is crucial - making sure the tank is built and escorted, CP is built, gates are blown, etc. As the years have gone by, the engineer role has become more aggressive and really has taken over the role of field-ops as a spam orientated damage dealer, so the ability of these players to contribute towards the damage and frags, via aim, landmines & grenades should also be considered.

United Kingdom Baggiez

Belgium chry

Latvia Clown

Germany drago

Moldova eujen

Estonia Night

United Kingdom R0SS

Malta toxic
The results for this poll are hidden
close between drago and R0SS
R0SS is the only one who has been fully active all year?

who is eujan and why is he listed there?
Where's Estonia Raul?
chry for sure
drago, hands down
United Kingdom Ross, he deservs it, being a total no name for inactive oldschoolers still today, ross definitely gets my vote for the best engi this year.
drago, ross
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