Which game should be shoutcasted tonight?

Everything you want to know about the matches can be found in the newspost here

image: game32336
image: game32357
image: game32358
54.3 %
(219 votes)
28.8 %
(116 votes)
16.9 %
(68 votes)
I miss an option and you know which option I mean.
mind vs saken ofc
I don't know who else plays in these teams, so I agree!
mpg vs mcon

because it has the most dutch people in it :))
mPG vs mCon will be the most interesting match for spectators
voted queens vs tag, but mpg vs mcon should be good also
ET would be dead if one of koop's matches gets shoutcasted
FIN6 vs NBS, just coz matias comeback!
anexis vs team pdeg.
perfo vs team.NL please.
stfu u low cunt
need "i don't care" option ;p
Past tense of shoutcast is shoutcast btw.
really? sounds fucking stupid then
was about to write it down
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