Anexis vs mPG

The biggest game of BFB2 so far, who's going to win?
69.9 %
(451 votes)
14.0 %
(90 votes)
16.1 %
(104 votes)
image: game32518

so much better my friend !
would say fin6 vs queens & anexis vs mPG are equal as most interesting games so far!
so close to convincing myself to stay awake longer to see you win. though that'd so going to f* me up on friday xD
gl & hf anyway already :D
you should do like me, sleep like 4h every night! and then catch it up on the weekend xD
tried that when i started my job, sleeping at weekends for 16h isn'tt the best solution for me^^
MPG are good but anexis should be better now they've pracced a bit. Should be close either way!
should be easy for anexis from what I've seen in our game, hf.
I don't even know the lineups ;|
When is this game taking place?
what i've seen,it would be nice game,if ngn's brother wont play BF3 :D
needs a "Don't Care!" option ":D"
Needs a final nc poll!

Either MVP or something along those lines!
Who the fuck cares might be a useful option to tick
queens vs anexis will be the most interesting game anyway. MPG & fins are not good enough for them!
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