Anexis vs Queens

Who is going to win in the upper bracket final tonight?
48.7 %
(309 votes)
31.9 %
(202 votes)
19.4 %
(123 votes)
Queens for world domination.
God save the Queens
God save the butchji
chry rapet da mauske!
relevant quote
QuoteWhich team will battle it out in the final? And where do you see your own team ending?
I have no idea about the teams, the only team that jumps in my mind is chry's team! This guy has grown from being a noob public player to a player that everyone should look out for, and he is still not on his maximum potential. When i look at him I see myself 4 years ago, good, but not finding the thing yet that makes him one of the best. Talking about butchji, mystic in their glory days. Anyway I guess the final would be anexis vs Queens.
kinda retarded since 4 years ago he already won 2 lans
yeah but simon was playing in the 3rd division ,so he knows his stuff,:)
anexis obvious choice, but I have a sneaky feeling queens can pull something off, maybe not the game but it wont be a walkover :)
from 16% to 27.2% just in 1 night
image: tumblr_lltzgnHi5F1qzib3wo1_400
some ultimate nerds will win
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