Who will win Wimbledon Men's Final?

Who is going to win todays final featuring 6-time champion Roger Federer against Andy Murray, the first Briton to reach the final since 1938?
84.2 %
(346 votes)
15.8 %
(65 votes)
Go Roger! I hate Murray.
I have no idea, voted Federer since Murray sounds like he is fat.
Go Roger! Last briton who won Wimbledon was in 1936, and i hope the next one won't be Murray! Henman deserved it when he was at his top! I can't stand Murray, his behaviour on a court isn't correct, not talking about getting nervous and screaming cause of unforced errors or so, but even if he feels a little pain in his leg for exemple, it's like we broke his both legs
GermanySchumacher will win
same as thomm
Murray is a fucking retard and a shame for this sport. He's everything but a fair player. He is the Cristiano Ronaldo of Tennis, a spoiled brat ruthlessly upstart.
I hate him. May Roger win.
Amen brother
Quotespoiled brat ruthlessly upstart

hai french national team! :p

but I agree, he has attitude issues - does he deserve it yet? dunno, final alone is quite an achievement.
Guess you're referring to our football team and I definitely agree but Murray's skills doesn't change the fact that he's the most hated player in this sport. No wonder why when you see him whining all the time.
Berdych / Soderling more hated than Murray
I actually like Soderling :D
Well, he's a faggot so it wouldn't surprise me :D
:DDDD pd xD
ahah :p Petite blagounette!!!
The only thing I like about Murray is his image: kim_sears. He actually is touching at the moment, talking 'bout his loss. Was a nice a game to watch.
maybe this will humble him, he has the sort of attitude where he is not getting what he deserves - but he needs some actright maybe this is it.

Couldnt watch the game :( heard murray did what he could but in the end federer just too stronk.
where is "not a single fuck was given" option?
Doesn't exist in tennis.
Wheres the i dont give a shit option..
top right corner, in my crossfire; below Cheaters
kafelnikov will beat pete sampras
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