Who will win the 3on3 SC Premier Final?

In the last poll, I asked you all who you thought would win the Premier League Grand Final of the CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2013. Now, it's time for the 3on3 SC Premier Final!

On Sunday the 22nd at 20:00 CET, Netherlands aegruS and France phase will face off to determine the winner of the 3on3 Summer 2013 cup season. The NL players will have to win twice to secure the victory!

Netherlands aegruS

Netherlands mize
Netherlands MOTiF
Netherlands xPERiA
image: game43519
ClanBase ET 3on3 SC 2013
Premier League
Grand Final

Maps: TBA
France phase

Latvia Clown
Estonia Night
Iceland phyzic
United Kingdom razz

Can Netherlands xPERiA and his mates win 2 games in a row or is it going to be easy for the guys from Germany Rockit?
33.9 %
(19 votes)
66.1 %
(37 votes)
Quote phase will face off

who gives a shit :S
gmen vs archers better vote

since this one is just obv who will win
it was "obvious" that Decerto would win according to the last poll, and look what happened!
i voted for turbot!!!!
and how sherlock :D u r the cf admin here
it's a secret
wow mize cheater back ?XD
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