UAC and EC/OC season.

Do you think, that forcing UAC is a good step to keep the game alive ? Are you going to use it in upcoming season ?
30.8 %
(44 votes)
44.1 %
(63 votes)
25.2 %
(36 votes)
my god stop whining about uac... if u cant live with that then just dont sign up
i havent signed up yet and just want to see ppl feelings about it that's all ;>
uac forced = bsturz in top3 of "ec". no uac = bsturz can hardly make it out of group stage

I can understand why you want to have it forced. ;pppppppppppppppppp
agree beside the last part no uac = no bsturz
yooo, too bad we were 3rd last sc and 4th the last EC we participated. stay mad, cheat hard cuntkid
why no multiple choices

Yes, it's a good choice and I'm going to use it.
- No it isn't, many people explained it already. But ofcourse it dosent really matter what program you want to use on a game full of cheaters, without any sign of support. I wish this happened 5 years ago

No, it will kill the game.
- You can't kill something that is already dead.

I don't care, I'm not going to play anyway.
- I care because I will join some servers with certain friends and play, but we will be forced to use your trash AC so that whole thing not gonna happen and all of us will stay away and play LoL on the floor rolling lol WATH

I want to select all.
i am noob on cf page
CF page is noob below you
I don't care, I'm not going to play anyway.
- I care because I will join some servers with certain friends and play, but we will be forced to use your trash AC so that whole thing not gonna happen and all of us will stay away and play LoL on the floor rolling lol WATH

none forces u to use it on irc games??????
We play weak level and I think that part of the community cant feel fine without AC. Most of them are "new" to ET or old geezers who say you cheat if you have weird number at your accuracy stats. : |

e: didnt play for about a month, except a round NBS but it gets irritating this game is unable to run with a simple double click on desktop icon. you need to start mofo ac, then run as admin and hope to not get kicked by ET with a random reason :D I know this has always been main feature of ET but its not worthy anymore since you have to spam irc for 4 hours if you want opponent, and when you get one its not even decent.
While applauding the effort the people behind this have put into it, I think that forcing UAC is a poor decision. From what I know Decerto won't play with it and Sick6 isn't even bothering to get a team together for the same reason.
Too bad admins are too limited to realize that.
same with tmoe and xperia's team afaik. = at least 4 top teams won't play in ec where it's even hard to get a couple of teams to have a decent season.

congratz bsturz and swanidius for your top3 this year.
whole tmoe should be banned from EC anyway
as long as uac is forced in ec/cb you can ban us all till the end of year if it's gonna make your life better.
enough votes for "NO" to abandon this awful idea. cheers
Yes, it's a good choice because seemingly it will keep loads of retards away. Theres nothing better than that.
Don't be mean chmpp :(
yo guys lets make a poll with a community of 100~ people, in other words this is so useless
No, it will kill the game. LMAO AT DEM VOTES ON THAT seems obvious y'all cheaters baaaaah i used it once idk why not lmao like it affects ur gameplay orsmth it didnt for me :O and if it does for u u may have some fps lag because of the scans or u are just a cheater using oldschool hack who cant use it with uac on OK i didnt experience any fps lag tho yall motherfuckers need new PC its 2013!
I don't care, I'm not going to play anyway.

But we still play Photo?:D
I won't play with it, I don't like this screenshot system which can take screens of your personal infos ++ it seems to be lagging for some reasons...
Regardless of the results of this poll, UAC will be mandatory in the EC/OC Fall 2013 season. We are not going to run 4 cups with no anticheat or reliable way of identifying players in-game when UAC is available to us and capable of doing just that, just because a few teams and players don't like it.

If you don't want to play with UAC, then please do not sign up for EC/OC or remove your team if you have already signed up.
Do you have this saved somewhere on PC? :D
how you can identify players with UAC? you can't be sure that the people on the MATCH ID are really your opponent?
Every player will have his UAC User ID registered to his CB account, and you can easily confirm players' indentities by checking your UAC window during the match and browsing the screenshots / scan logs after the match.
TOOK MUCH messing around
checking all logs and screen shots a lot of messing around
You don't need to check screenshots / scan logs. I was just saying that they are available if you want to look at them.

No need to overreact about something so simple. :)
Love you more! <3
you are trying to be like hm tosspot ? who changed et format from 6v6 to 5v5 to make a lan in Holland ? at the beginning it was ok to play because teams had to learn new tactics but generally it killed 6v6 spam etc. Follow what ppl want not what you want. UAC alternative ? I remember smth similiar to uac, screens ingame etc. but no screens of ur desktop but forgot the name.
What does this have to do with TosspoT or 5on5 vs 6on6? :D We're talking about a) using an anticheat or b) not using an anticheat. I am honestly quite confused by the number of players in favor of playing with no AC.

There is no alternative solution. UAC is the only option available at the moment. If you have a better idea, feel free to share it with us.
the programme I was talking about is called X-ray anticheat but i dont know is it still working
what is your reason for not wanting to use it so much? don't say about the screenshots else I'll punch my cat. you can delete any screenshot you want.

inb4 some smartass talking about cheaters deleting their screens. literally everyone whining about uac here has such dumb reasoning.
it is all about it, sorry but there is no reason to put an effort in something that in 4 months will not working.
prosze kurwa jaki biznesmen poll'e robi
Half of the community would play without any AC, wow. They are cheaters/retards anyway, I wont miss them from the cup.
says someone who play with an excheater. :D
It won't kill the game but it will kill my mouse settings, Installed tried uninstalled.
a co to za nowy antyczit i dlaczego takie kontrowersje?!
no jakis program co skanuje Ci pc, a ja go nie chce bo np chce zeby mitr0zaur wrocil do gry !! : D
mitro nigdy nie odejdzie!!!
gonna be sick ec. hope uac is not forced for ettv spectators because i can't wait to spec it.
Queens will not be playing if this is forced due to half our members not wanting to use it.
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