Best ET LAN ever?

In light of the very unfortunate cancellation of the Return to KBG LAN, it doesn't seem very likely that we will ever see another offline Enemy Territory event. Still, as the philosopher Bieber once said, "never say never".

Anyway, it's been over a year since the last poll was made... so here's a new one.

What, in your opinion, was the best ET LAN of all time? Cast your votes, and feel free to mention any other worthy contenders that I may have missed in the comment section below.
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I've gone with sage because of the volume of people and the amount I knew. It was a close call between that and cic7. Come to think of it cic7 might of taken top spot but too late to vote :)
I would have said the one during the 2005/2006 years but probably the CIC7 and the one in 2011.. I seems To be un sure lol
Having attended five of the possible votes, I obviously can't chose another one than the KBG, in which I was part of the adminteam. SAGE Lan, being my very first ET lan, was pretty overwhelming, we got wrecked on every single map, playing with ramozz, fims, pds and another person I can't come up with.
Dunno which of the Adroits ones I just attended for fun, and which I actually played in, but I remember my team having the docs on adler against Ross, sqzz and co, them calling gg, we were about to set a time of like 9.30 or something, already partying we achieved that, and sqzz camping in controls and backraping and securing the docs....still a bit pissed about that :D

KBG has to be THE lan for me, not just because I was part of the adminteam, but winning the match vs. oxid silver and this being the Lan I was able to win a map at all xD
id say quakecon they wer the most prestigious since you actually had to qualify
but voted for cic :D
You had to qualify to some CDCs aswell, but how would you know.
nice to see you emerge out of your moms basement just after the lan was canceled once again
imo CiC7
ne diyon yarragim
CDC4 no contest ! Just look at this amazing highlight clip.
Then noobs talk about MMA please...
ET united because only LAN I attended
I loved KBG. I never thought I would attend an ET LAN and then I remember the announcement of this LAN. Me and ohurcool were just joking about how funny it would be if we actually showed up at LAN. And then we kept the joke going on every time we played asking each other if we were ready for LAN when in reality we had no plans of going. As the date got closer we saw more and more teams registering and our jokes started turning into serious considerations. Finally we decided fuck it we are gonna go and then we decided we'd go both for 6v6 and 3v3. For 3v3 we talked to KARMA as our 3rd and he said he'd be down to be our 3rd. The search for 6v6 players was difficult. I had Sebhes bribing me on whatsapp everyday to play for xD' and I told him I'd play only if he played with us, an offer which he wouldn't accept. Then we started the recruitment posts asking for players desperately. We were so desperate, I even messaged butchji, OLBAA, aCoZz and some other legends all of whom politely declined my offer. But things starting looking up as I was able to convince menace to play with us and ohurcool who was able to convince tites who was able to convince his good friend Eujen. The final piece was kAMRA who also agreed to play with us and our line up was complete. We would try to practice every week once or twice and surprisingly enough we were actually able to have most of us show up. We would try to set up weekly practices with our practice buddies (Get Face or Muslces) who would be more than happy to play against us. Had a great time practicing, running new tactics (even though at the end they didn't work out too well), calming menace down each game before his daily eruptions (<3). As for our 3v3, kARMA agreed to play with me and ohurcool but decided to backstab us last minute using the excuse that he had known these other guys way longer bla bla bla. Me and ohurcool then referred to him as the stabber, however luckily enough the great tites ageeed to play with us.

As LAN got closer, I requested 2 days off from work (Friday and Monday) which my boss generously gave without any issues. I met up with ohurcool at JFK airport in New York and we had pizza at a place called Europan(LOL our team name was Eurocan) before our flight. When we arrived to Germany, one of the officers or whatever you call them asked us our reason for our visit was to which I said "To play a game XDDDD" and ohurcool said something to the extent of hes with me or something like that and they smiled and told us to have a great time. When we arrived to the hotel we already saw some players outside the hotel most of the polish guys and we also ran into Williams and some of his teammates at the hotel as well. We met eujen as well and he told us he would meet us at the venue. I showered and all the tiredness I was feeling was suddenly gone as I made my way to the venue to play my show match. We ran into so many people there. I was setting my PC up with my cfg and what not. I had never played on a 144hz monitor but iNsAneee (<3) was nice enough to set it up for me. Played our showmatch which we lost but I had an amazing time and was already feeling comfortable with the setting. That was the only game they had for that night so everyone was just chilling then. It was such an open and clean venue and there were many different groups talking all in their own conversation. You could literally join any of the circles and just join the conversation. I remember meeting Artstar and we both just looked at each other for a good 5 seconds and we both had that look on ur face (is that really him?), and then we gave each other a rough ass handshake and hug. Felt crazy seeing this person in real life after talking to him for years online. As the venue starts dying only like 15 people remained. Me Artstar, Ronner, schnee, artstar and I think Rayzed were there playing cards(bullshit) until like 2 AM when we all decided go to back to our rooms.

1st Day:
My team only had 3v3 games that day as our 6v6 games were the following day. We had the first official game of the LAN which was vs bSTURZ which we won and then moved on to play 'xD. Sebhes had already been shit talking me online for years and he was doing it offline as well which gave me more of a reason to kick his ass. We were about to lose the first map (adlernest) in 2 minutes but somehow ohurcool pulled off the sickest clutch ever and killed Sherclock with his pistol just as he was about to land on the transmitter which you can see here . That brought us some of our confidence back as we won the first map to move onto frostbite. At one point we had the objective fairly early and we were trying to run it through side when Sebhes successfully backraped 2 of us and returned it and then went on to call us idiots XDDDD. The game got really intense as it came down to the last 15 seconds as xD' had objective and were almost in the transmitter and you can see how that ended here . Was an amazing game and one I will never forget. After that we played smashed which we won and then moved on to oxid who absolutely smashed us and then we played kurwvittu who also destroyed us. After that we played vs Gut Lack who had kARMA also known as the stabber so we definitely had to win that. We were able to win that and it was as kARMA said Gut-Lack-kARMA [Intermission]: gg cu lan backstabbers!. We sucessfully made it into the play offs and were quite happy with our results. That was all of our games for that night. Later on at night kARMA had brought the hash with him from NL so me Artstar, Simon and kARMA all went out to smoke that. I had never smoked hash before so it blew my fucking mind. Funny enough Simon had a game to play and was now going to play High as fuck. So we decided to go watch him and as Simon is mid game in an intense game vs Elysium, kARMA who is high as fuck is tapping Simon's shoulders trying to get his attention to tell him something and I tell him to leave him alone and let him focus LOL. That was a night I won't forget in a long long time. Then we all went to smoke again and I can't remember what happened after that.

2nd day:
Our first 6v6 game vs xD which kARMA showed up late to LOL but we still managed to win. After that we played vs Edit which we lost. That was honestly the only upset we had as I thought we would've won that :(. After that we played vs TMT and I had my ET dream come true finally playing vs some of the biggest ET legends and surprisingly enough even though we lost we didn't do too bad. We had set 7:36 in bremen but we were unable to hold it and ended up losing. After that we played vs team oxid which was actually a good game. I think first map was bremen which we lost followed by frostbite where karma had one of the best objective returns and we managed to win that map. Supply was the decider which was such an intense game and we got pretty close to winning but at the end oxid manage to beat us 4:2. After that we played vs randomZ and paranox both of which we won 4:0. Unfortunately at this point we couldn't make into the play offs but still I was happy to have played as many games as we did and winning a map vs oxid. After that we had to play our 3v3 play off games in which our first opponent was Fraggers (mAus, player, lio). We started off in supply which we were getting absolutely destroyed in. They had planted the depot gate 4 minutes in and our defense was falling apart. At one point we were about to pause and talk it out but since were all full we just used that time to talk it out and finally got our shit together and still managed to full hold them. We went on to win 4:0 and I remember everyone hyping me up telling me I beat mAus as though I was David beating Goliath and I was told I was needed for an interview. Shit till has me in tears of laughter now. After that we played oxid next who once again absolutely destroyed us. Another great day which ended us with us smoking some more hash generously provided by kARMA and we came back to the venue and watched some remaining games in the theatre inside the venue. That night I think leku joined us as well and we all smoked and had an absolute blast just talking shit and talking about how surreal it is meeting each other from all over the world. We all ended up making our way back to the hotels around 2-3 AM once again.

3rd and final day:
We had our 6v6 games early in the morning for the Consolation Tournament and our opponents were xD' and paranox both of which we won. I knifed Ronner at one point to which he yelled "Fuck you" across the venue :D. The rest of the day as quiet as we waited for the remaining 6v6 teams to play their games. TSB had to fight out vs Elysium to see who would play vs TMT in the grand final. Now here comes the sad part. I was so tired that I was completely unable to watch the grand final. I kept falling asleep and was trying my best to keep my eyes open but they kept closing. I told my teammates I was going back to the hotel. I said good bye to menace and karma as they were making their way home. Eujen and tites had already left as they had some things to tend to. I knocked out for a good 8 hours and woke up around 11 PM and first thing I did was check the score and saw that Elysium had won. I was so in shock reading the comments and absolutely gutted that I had missed this amazing final. I texted Sebhes and congratulated him and he asked me where I am and told me to show up at the venue as everyone was still there. So I go and its a full blown party zone out there. I see xylos on the dance machine with derynn cheering him on. Gizmo and others are playing beer pong. Ross is drinking and talking shit about how insane carried elysium to victory and how he was gonna have insane on his team next lan to which insane makes the money motion with his hands LOL. I congratulate insane and sebhes and tell em I am so sad that I missed their winning moment. But they are more than happy to give me the break down of how they managed to win. Then I had a sit down with mAus and we had a chat and I got to notice what a chill mother fucker that guy was lol. After 2 hours of that everyone decided to make their way out and back to their hotels not before they roamed a good 20 streets drunk out of their minds yelling random dumb shit. Finally it was time to everyone to break into their groups and go back to their hotels. Everyone said their good byes and it was a bittersweet moment as everyone departed. I could write another entire essay if I wanted to go more into details of what happen. I think about it all the time and what a fun fucking event it was. I will never forget it and I appreciate all the admins and organizers who made it happen. Love you guys. <3
You really think someone will be brave enough to read everything ?! D': i dont doupt it is interesting but..
Don't ever reply to me again your queer looking faggot
first time in my life i must agree with ipod
I dont talk to the past.

Update your nick and your life.
Shit on fire yo
This may come as a shock to you, but those block-shaped things that people call "books" contain tens, sometimes hundreds of thousand of words if you can figure out how to open them, and some rare individuals are brave enough read everything in them!

For comparison, this comment has a little over 2000 words, and takes less time to read than a 1v1 in valhalla. But we all have different priorities.
Hehe nice comparison got to admit ^^

You obviously know how to talk to me ;p

Well it's probably shorter to read than playing a 1on1 on Valhalla (depends whos reading) but as you said we all have different priorities and i respect that because I didnt say it was a bad comment, (i even think that's interesting to read) i just said its very long, and that in my case i dont have enough motivation to read everything (and i know no one care if I, pityness Mxt0r i am, cba reading it)(This is a shame cause i usually like to read everything).

Maybe i wrote it bad and ipod took it as a personnal attack while it was not.
nice story, enjoyed reading while I was drinking my coffee!
actually good read lil' muscleless slugger <3
Good read there ipod,
Nice read!
Dude I think from everyone who is still around I must know you for the longest time. Maybe 12 years. And still you don't know how to write nu team name?! Its 'xD you [NbK] prick xxxx
Actually this was a really fun read.
good read <3
damn bro, u lost me after the 1st sentence fucking nerd
nice story, enjoyed reading while I was listening to my favorite music!

this is going straight into tomun/foreigner (ET_History) folder
How The fuck do you remember every detail? :D but yeah it was so nice to meet you and everyone else. Almost everyguy was different from what imagined and from what ive heard thisalso applied 2 me! Such a great time drinking, smoking and talking shit :D
Oh yeah :D good old asperger
Went with Krefeld after seeing ET DOCUMENTARY
For me CIC7.

5vs5, Intel, dignitas. all the greatest people. Five teams could win the tournament. I practiced 24/7 before the event to be on top form. We almost got knocked out by a med+ team in the first round of the loser bracket, but then managed to win the whole tournament. ^^
I was there as well, I remember Snoop being pretty upset about getting knocked out against you guys.
If I recall correctly, the 'med+' team in the loser bracket that you almost lost to, consisted out of Snoop, Butchji, Abort, Zerender and a fifth.
Nono, snoop&co won us in the first WB round. In the loserbracket we won 4-2 against some dutch guys(If I remember correctly). The decider was gr and they made a time of 5-7mins or smth :D.
to samo miałem wrzucić :) jak wujek sarenka pozamiatal
From a spectators point of view, CPC2. I was hooked on ET before that but that lan made me a massive fanboi.
hi everyone
what game everyone playing???
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Krefeld was nice to see some again and meet some new people! would have been much more awesome if some more of the old peepz would have been there.
Still in my memories from lan I have been :

I really liked enschede and the huts and the cinema. was lot of fun.
iPod nice read :)
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