Playing Field Ops - by jago

Here I will show you how I was playing fops for many years so you can try this as well if you are
bored of playing medic or something else.

As Fops you should know that your support will always hit the area from left to the right but
it depends where you stay when it says "Affirmative" or "On my way".
Here are two shitty examples:

image: fops1

image: fops2

The most important things are that you have their spawntime from the beginning, keep it in mind or
bind timerset and you should know when you have to throw your support and set your artillery.
Basically it is very simple, you have to throw airstrikes 2 seconds before spawn and set an artillery
7 seconds before their spawn.

Let us begin with Supply:
- 1st stage, attack:
Well, there is nothing you can do except giving ammo.
I am sometimes using this nade
image: shot0016r
Let it tick twice then jump and throw it.

- 2nd stage, attack:
When your team got the flag it depends on the enemy what you are going to do first.
If it seems very hard to get the CP then set an artillery there or just throw a strike and
rush with all your medics.
Set this artillery 7 seconds before they spawn.
image: shot0000eq
Do not waste your nade and run to the depot gate, then let your nade tick 2 1/2 seconds and
throw it to their spawn like this.
image: shot0017i
You also can cover your dynamite with an artillery but that should be obvious.

- 3rd stage, attack:
There is alot of shit you could try but i usually go medic to help our engi.
image: shot0002va
Set it on the stairs at west 4 or 5 seconds before their spawn.

- 1st stage, defence:
It is clear that you have to set an artillery 10/11/12/13 before you spawn in front of the entrance.
If they plant the main gate then try to sneak to their spawn and throw this support 1 second before
they are going to spawn.
image: shot0006u
If you are not lucky then just throw it somewhere to avoid them from killing your engi.

- 2nd stage, defence:
If they don't have the CP then set an artillery on main or try to spawnkill them with this support.
image: shot0010c
If they get the CP then set an artillery 10/11/12 seconds before you spawn on the depot gate.

- 3rd stage, defence:
Set an artillery on main, give ammo, throw supports, do whatever you want.
I'm playing at west, trying to shoot them down at main, giving ammo and waiting at the door till they
spawn. So just open the door when they spawn and run into the tunnel, they should not hear/see you.
Then pray to god your team will be able to hold them off and gib everyone.
You should wait for their spawn or watch TV, do whatever you want to and throw this strike 2 seconds
before they spawn, after you've thrown it you should also time a nade to kill them at the CP.
image: shot0011ks

Hope this will help you, I will do it for other maps as well if it helps you.

Quote[17:40] <pstarZ|wra1th> pstarZ|jago
[17:41] <pstarZ|jago> ?
[17:41] <pstarZ|wra1th> ehm this might be a weird question
[17:41] <pstarZ|wra1th> but i need to get better at my fops skill ):
[17:41] <pstarZ|wra1th> and i was wondering if you could help me out for a bit?

hours later

Quote[19:59] <pstarZ|wra1th> pstarZ|jago
[19:59] <pstarZ|wra1th> just did first war against med guys
[19:59] <pstarZ|wra1th> 9k dmg :D
[19:59] <pstarZ|wra1th> and arti + strike above 100%
[20:00] <pstarZ|wra1th> im your fanboy now <3 haha

stouda will learn alot
best korean field ops
finally, in 2010 i'll have 9k damage w00t
how about you make that for baserace and share it with

nice job
n1 tutorial, but It doesnt make clear how you can see whats the area which get covered by the strike. Atleast you should give an better example!
Anyway a great tutorial!

this tutorial + urs results in very very brained players!
i can feel the skill level rising in ET
why u hatin?
Nice job, some airs are missing though :p. Weird Gunposition btw. :O)
eujen wannabe
admit that u like me!

Quotedont wanna say mutch but.. only shizzle and jago are decent players in your team
well that was true ;D
didnt notice ur a skilled fop tbh
why allies field op is a black dot
kinda knew alot of this stuff already but helpful, just need to improve your english
Knew this basic stuff already! :]
Quotefrom left to the right

is that true oO
right to left imo
need smg engi tutorial
be rambo
make sure you have a medic that doesnt step on landmines
/kill and go medic, tutorial finished. :)
but that doesnt work if u are attacking?!
sry forgot smth, scream on vent that u need an engi so someone else goes engi
ask scorch
these are propably obvious for you..but
- always use your 4 nades before selfkilling
- avoid getting gibbed in attacks
point of interest: the smoke from the cannister comes out in different directions for different people, e.g. you may spec somebody who's shooting at somebody, although on your screen it may look like the smoke's blocking their view. was on a journal or topic some time ago.
ok thx, didnt know that ^^
This is amaz-jago-ing.
Thank you.
First I was like lol owning lows, then I saw "amazing" and was like omfg it is Jago the high-owner!

nothing new
QuoteLet us begin with Supply:

Where's the remainder ?
QuoteHope this will help you, I will do it for other maps as well if it helps you.
basic stuff :D
but maybe it would help someone.
nice one
lol xDDDD playing fops for uber noobs

you must be seriously bored to reveal five centuries of old dark Fop secrets ;DDD

In the next edition maybe come up with the old myths about hiding the smoke, give the strike more lenght by trowing it farer, or even guid the strike around corners by moving the crosshair

nice tutorial :D
better tips:

- never play fieldops in gr attack if you actually want to set a time
- more artilleries than airstrikes
I dunno why some people still play Fops first stage. I've never seen it be effective.
Didn't see any allied frags at first stage, so I guess thank you for illustrating my point.
so you got couple of frags from those hundred games you played with that useless fops? doesnt change anything.
that artillery always hits someone but anyway, im also playing medic in the 1st stage :)
mm, nice song :P
depends on a player who plays it... i was always pretty effective, blocking cp with arty, and using smg&nades to kill and gib axis...

on the other hand i didnt play too much against the best... but it worked against authentic :0

I hate it when people think they can actually do anything with the fops. It's only good if you have very synchronized attacks, which is very rare tbh.
putting arty on the corner at 1st stage grush 7 secs before enemy spawns gives you the advantage that axis will either get full if they try to rush to old cp, or they stay away from old cp, giving you a better chance at taking that area

then the fops can still rush in from main too (or throw airstrike between tank and spawnexits to get some spawnkills)
and with medic u can actually shoot someone from there without dying instantly
That's exactly what I needed !
That signature airstrike on goldrush when on allies at 2nd stage is gold.
This kind of shit should posted long time ago, not now when there aren't any new players since 2-3 years.
thx helped me abit but i knew the most trickarties @ sd already

i have one problem at throwing the airstrikes :(

in deutsch:

wann wird festgelegt, in welche richtung der airstrike verläuft? nach dem abwurf? nach dem affirmative oder dem on my way?

weil ist schon doof wenn man nen airstrike schmeißt, aber dann noch 5 sekunden in die richtung schauen muss bis sie auch ankommt...
QuoteAs Fops you should know that your support will always hit the area from left to the right but
it depends where you stay when it says "Affirmative" or "On my way".

hängt davon ab wo du stehst, wenn er on my way sagt wird das festgelegt
Es hängt von deiner Postion ab wenn 'Affirmative' oder 'On my way' gesagt wird, nicht von der Richtung in die du schaust dabei ; )
skont znasz taki jenzyk?
czy to ma byc zniewaga? bo cos mi sie zdaje ze specjalnie napisales skont i jenzyk : /

w kazdym badz razie ucze sie w Niemczech, stad tez znajomosc jezyka ktorego codziennie musze stosowac w szkole...
Nie, tak dla jaj napisalem :D

Country: PL masz, a crossfire chyba wykrywa skad jestes, nie? D:
No bo mieszkam w Polsce ; p Niemiecka szkola ktora uczesczam jest oddalona o 500 metrow od mojego domu. Wystarczy tylko przejsc przez most, byla granice i juz jest sie na miejscu : )
Mine is better.

image: fop
LoL, exactly inversely.
Hahaha :D. Thats how Medics expect you to play :P.
looks like me and squall :)
loooooooooool WATAFAK was that draw????? o.0? more comic then instructive :D

eheh nice anyway :p
Got these tips ages ago!!!

works better than 50/50!
does anyone know the client-side cvar changing wind direction? :S
isnt this actually pretty obvious?
hi eujan #2
you forgot about pretty good airstrike @ axis first phase... hitting road and cave a bit... you throw the can a bit further than the tree, let it hit the wall... and move to the right corner...

around 4-5 secs after allies spawned and enjoy your kills
need Xylos and gifty tutorial - how to play rifle.
mouse1 for shooting
mouse2 for putting nade on
Paint FTW.
Other maps please!
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