Quake Live New Alt Faster Browser

Hello Quake Live players in this short tutorial I will show you some things what you can be interested in.

From some time you can play Quake live on Google Chrome (probably the fastest Internet browser), before that I was used to play on Fire Fox and guess what ? You can really fell the difference between Chrome and FireFox and after changing your browser from Fire Fox to Chrome you don't need to install again Quake Live plug-in, your configs and stuff (like you needed to do it with Internet Explorer > Fire Fox).

We need:

Google Chrome

And scripts/power-ups for make Quake Live faster and look better game:
Quake Live New Alt Browser
image: qlpo
Important Features:
Sortable list
image: maplist

Filter servers based on map, location, hostname, gametype, or server slot size
image: filters

Start QL with your own parameters
image: custom

Easy to play a demo (auto-runs "demo.cfg")

image: demogy

Manual refresh (Shift + R keyboard shortcut)
It is compatible also with Firefox, Prism, and Chrome[/h3]

On this site you can also find some others scripts/power-ups like

Quake Live Tier Viewer[/b]
image: qltv
Quake Live Queue Timer
image: quakelivequeuetimer
Quake Live Competition Server Browser
Aiming in Motion Quake Live Training Map Launcher

...and many other pretty useful things.

I hope you will enjoy your Quake Live game more from now with this useful things.

Sorry for English and thanks for reading, leave your comment if you have some free time.

Best regards
are you serious
nice engrish btw
the only thing i dont like with chrome and QL is that it leaves the closed page process running, so if you close the tab with QL and start another one you get the "QL is already running" error

Pinning tab helps so that it doesnt disturb you in the tab bar while browsing, but you get an afk logout after some time :(

Eventhough Im using chrome for QL since it got supported, honestly i'd advise prism for firefox or a standalone version which i used before since there's no difference between QL running in different browsers on my PC and prism was a bit more comfortable
usually when I got this "QL is already running" problem I closing Chrome and after next start I run recently closed tabs, works fine for me :)

I'm glad you read it :)

Here is dolphin for you:
image: f257dec6
eventhough i looked through it i didnt rly find out anything new from it
at least you got cool dolphin :D
pretty sure this is old news, but thanks anyway!
Why do you need a queue viewer? all those addons are working with FF aswell btw =)
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