Automatic RInput+SLAC+ET start

Hello Crossfire !

image: logoyg7

Most of you are already using it but i feel like sharing this lil tool so you can start your ET with SLAC, RInput, and any other tool you are using to play the game.

-> RInput allows you to override low definition windows mouse input (accurate untill 400cpi) with high definition mouse input (raw input, which is more accurate for high cpi mice). This is certainly useful for games like Wolfenstein – Enemy Territory as the engine only supports low definition windows mouse input.


* Prevents negative acceleration.
* More accurate.
* Bypass windows mouse settings (1:1, Low Level).
* Less overhead than Direct Input.

-> RInput v1.2 <- using that one
-> RInput v1.31 <-

Just a little .bat file, as h8m3/abort already posted a year ago. In fact the difference is that many ppl couldn't get the .bat file working mainly due to MS-DOS code mistakes and no one said there how to fix those errors.

The .bat file consists of this structure:

start C:\ET\RInput.exe ET.exe
start D:\SLAC\SLAC.exe +connect ip %*

-> Download <- the .bat and modify it before running (right button-> Edit).

Well, that's not my real path, i wrote it that way because this is the easiest case. But some of you maybe tried that .bat in the past and you didnt get it working, the .bat kept saying your .exe couldn't be found.

The thing is, if your path contains gaps (like "Program_Files") it will say there's no such file on that path u specified. That's because MS-DOS thinks your path ended just before the gap ("C:\Program" ... Files..).

So they easiest way to fix that, is simply to use the known symbol (~) followed by "1".

Let's say we got the path -> C:\Documents and settings\SLAC\SLAC.exe

Then the line should be start C:\Docume~1\SLAC\SLAC.exe

Note: When you need to use that symbol, take in mind you MUST write 6 letters before the symbol (blabla~1). In some cases you will find you got less than six letters before the gap, okey then just add the following word till u fill it (Enemy Territory -> EnemyT~1).

PD: You can add as many apps as you want, such as etminimizer, pbprior, etc. Just get the path of the .exe file and add it below.
PD2: If you are using serverlist programs like GameScanner, HLSW, ASE... you can set the program to execute "filename".bat instead of ET.exe, so when you select a server you will get in with: RInput, SLAC, etmin, pbprior........
PD3: Last month abort said that RInput will work soon on CS after the last update

/q bNRy`sHEv @ or for help.

Cheers <3
and what is it good for?
without this .bat file, u have to do it manually. Open SLAC, start ET, start RInput.exe, start pbprior, start start start...

Useful if you open many things with ET.
or you can use hlsw, and just add the exe-s in the settings menu :)
Yes, but then you can't start with rinput too :) well there's a way to do it as h8m3 told, but it doesn't work for everyone.
ok I don't use rinput I just wanted to look clever:D
does it also work against the input lag when u have r_swapinterval "1" ????
if not: u know something against it?
i dont know tbh, ask abort. He made it.
rinput = fail

i just added rinput into "start an application on connect" at hlsw
works like a charm and allows to add colourcodes in parameters for setting up nick for example unlike .bat files
nice ^^ gotta try it too :p

btw any news about when will rinput w7 version be released ?
rinput works fine in w7
afaik it doesnt work for source games anymore after update and that will be fixed, still works fine for me in ET at w7 x64
k cool, btw sup with ppl who cant move their mouse while using rinput?
doesnt for me like that, my mouse ingame doesnt move at all when I do it like that
then you did smth wrong :P
I did exactly what you said you did :D
yeah :)
input even says it was succesfuly injected or smth like that, as it does usualy (when I start input AFTER map is loaded, it works fine)
then use the .bat, it may work.
That's the case on some systems for some reason you'll have to load it after the game loaded then normally. You could issue a wait command possibly?
tell me in detail what rinput does!
QuoteRInput allows you to override low definition windows mouse input (accurate untill 400cpi) with high definition mouse input (raw input, which is more accurate for high cpi mice). This is certainly useful for games like Wolfenstein – Enemy Territory as the engine only supports low definition windows mouse input.


* Prevents negative acceleration.
* More accurate.
* Bypass windows mouse settings (1:1, Low Level).
* Less overhead than Direct Input.
Still don't understand. I am using ZOWIE EC mouse with 1000 DPI and some win7 accel fix that kot gave me.. would RInput be helpful and if so why?
Well look.

Negative acceleration is not the same as win7/xp acceleration.

The last one is actually a positive acceleration(it increases ur movement), while the negative one drops some pixels while moving your mouse. That happens with ppl using high DPI and low resolution, mainly.

I don't know what ZOWIE EC mouse is, but you should imagine smth like deleting 'windows 1/10 bars' sensitivity. RInput ignores that kind of setting by using the so called "RAW Input". It's more accurate, but it doesn't necessarily give you better performance. Maybe it does, maybe not.
It is basically the mx518 sensor in a DA/3.0
and what dpi do you use
yes it would be then\!!
And it will work with win7 and slac? Maybe I will give it a try.
yeah the latest version should do
Is their anyway you could help me with some questions? Are you on irc? Thanks :)
i will be later today!!!

should be opped in #crossfire when im on
And just out of curiosity since i don't have slac, is there a way to set the ET process priority + personal zonemegs etc via slac ? I use my .bat file for that and putting slac instead of ET would probably ruin it.

My start line : start /realtime ET.exe +set fs_game etpro +set com_zonemegs 64

yup, of course, try that and tell me if it works:


start /realtime C:\path\path\SLAC.exe +connect ip +set fs_game etpro +set com_zonemegs 64

put the slac path correctly, if it doesnt work im gonna try it later on my ET so i can get it working.
i don't have an internet connection and I won't try slac until it's whitelisted by some decent antivirus :)

'twas just out of curiosity for when I start playing ET again in 33234 years
oki ^^

maybe "/realtime" command ain't working properly coz u have to start slac before ET, so in this case just use pbprior.exe for the priority stuff.
I'm not going to be repeating this for ever, but if you're going to wait for that, you might as well stop thinking about SLAC all together.

Chap, at least at the moment, HAS to update the binaries and exe files with each update.

For that reason, with each update, a modified file will exist which will have to whitelisted AGAIN. Since SLAC updates A LOT faster than any anti-virus can whitelist, this means that by the time a version gets whitelisted, we'll already be miles further.
like I give a crap :):)
Well then you won't play ET

Bye, another retard lost, how tragic.

SLAC is saving ET and the community, huray :)
you should point it to the SLAC.exe from original unpacked folder, not the one in AppData
ye right, i didnt say to point it to the appdata folder, did i? :o
Why bother starting SLAC in realtime? It simply injects into ET, it won't boost your ET performance in any way.
tbh didnt know how did that command work :D just kept it there
it was about starting ET in realtime priority, not slac :/
Yes, but the way you're using it, SLAC gets started in realtime, not ET.
yep just change ET.exe into SLAC.exe and put bat file into slac directory
this way he should specify the ET.exe path in the bat line then :p
it's specified once in SLAC main window when you open SLAC.exe without additional parameters
oh true! my fault
nice, I started to lose my mind because of all this clicking here and there
Quote@echo off
start Rinput.exe ET.exe
start SLAC
incomplete and wrong, you need to write SLAC's path, since obviously u don't have SLAC.exe in ET directory(and RInput MUST be in ET directory).
I have slac in et directory but that RIput won't run something like xp Library :/
xp library? hm :/ did u also put the rinput.dll there?

also try moving slac out of ET folder and modifying the path in the .bat file.
pice of shit, just use default settings
wats the difference b/w the three ver of rinput u gave?
i got my et and slac on my desktop someone give me a path :DDDD
right click on both of the items -> Properties -> General ( or sth like that ) -> Location.
Just copy that, and add the name of your file.
For example : ET -> C:\Users\Pieter-Jan\Desktop\ET.exe

so my et is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Enemy Territory\ET.exe
and my slac: C:\Users\kyLe\Desktop\SLAC

but the example above confuses me: start C:\Docume~1\SLAC\SLAC.exe
:p want to do it for me?
your slac should be : C:\Users\kyLe\Desktop\SLAC\SLAC.exe

and your ET should be : %ProgramFiles(x86)%\EnemyT~1\RInput.exe ET.exe

Dunno if the last one works tho, been trying to get this to work for the past 20 mins :(
But the directories should be right.
the slac one works :D but not for the et one :(
Good tutorial man
try this :
its only for easier connect with slac

just put the file into folder with SLAC.exe

- you can adding servers
- open ET with slac or without

wait for next upgraded version... :-)

btw. its not my work...thx to kimi
whats rinput
use this best and easiest software
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