Spawnpoint Toggle
18 Jul 2012, 02:06
Most of you will have some kind of spawnpoint selector, script or a simple set spawnpoint 1, 2, 3 et cetera bind but this tutorial is for all the others - be it a newcomer or an experienced player without the time or nerves to test all maps and their spawnpoints. As the topic said I made a simple toggle which means you can go through all the spawnpoints with just 1 key. The clue is I was able to add an user notification with all the spawnpoint names/descriptions thus you don`t have to remember if you need spawnpt 2 or 3 for the allies east spawn on sw_battery or if you have to spawn on missile back due to a covert ops sneaking through the door and you don`t have the time to search the right spawn @ limbo menue...
I am using "backspace" for the toggle - but as you know you can replace the "backspace" in the config files with your own preferred key.
To use this toggle you just have to download the .zip folder and put all the .cfg files to your Enemy Territory/etpro/ folder.
This package includes spawnpoint descriptions for the following maps:
If an important map is missing let me know and I will add it. Have fun and enjoy gaming!
Well done SPU9!
in case someone doesn't want the spawnpoints and locations for hundreds of maps, there's also the version for the competition maps:
I downloaded some from or something.. I extended them with bremen_b3 support and missile_b4 support.
and as I have it on R (using WASD for moving and mouse5 for reload) I can switch my spawnpoint from 1 to 6 very fast.
Here is the spawnpoint toggler if someone's interested:
+ I have this autoexec_map stuff on ENTER if I can't remember which spawnpoint spawns back etc.
bind x "cycle setspawnpt 0 6" or does that just change a (custom) variable called setspawnpt instead of the spawnpoint?
If that's what you mean at least
edit: old topic but care ;p
... In case you have to choose fast ur spawnpoint...
bind F6 "setspawnpt 1; echo ^d/^7Spawnpoint ^2 1"
bind F7 "setspawnpt 2; echo ^d/^7Spawnpoint ^2 2"
bind F8 "setspawnpt 3; echo ^d/^7Spawnpoint ^2 3"
bind F9 "setspawnpt 4; echo ^d/^7Spawnpoint ^2 4"
bind F10 "setspawnpt 5; echo ^d/^7Spawnpoint ^2 5"
simple and easy
For example, on radar as axis you could use spawnpoint 2 to spawn fast exit bunker / autospawn forward hut. 4 will put you forward hut no matter what.
As allies you can start by using spawnpoint 4, giving you fast spawn exit on first spawn and fast spawnexit on bunker, if you got it. 5 will put you at the exit of the cp if you got it.
Many maps have multiple spawn locations for the same spawnpoint. Using the numbers will allow you to optimize your spawn location depending on the class / position you play. On supplydepot for example, you want half the team to start on 3 and the other half on 4 to prevent spawnblocking. On goldrush first spawn you can spawn towards the tank or towards the ammo. By knowing exactly on which spot you will spawn, its also easier to start moving and turning in the right direction before you spawn, hence you want to split up your team in 3/4 and default on sd2. You gain an extra second by doing this.
And last but not least, using only one button is just too slow for my taste. Switching spawnpoints is something you need to be able to do in less then a second, which wont happen if you need to cycle through spawnpoints.
bind mouse3 "setspawnpt 0; echo ^rSPAWN 0"
bind mouse2 "setspawnpt 3; echo ^rSPAWN 3"
bind mouse4 "setspawnpt 4; echo ^rSPAWN 4"
bind mouse5 "setspawnpt 5; echo ^rSPAWN 5"
bind UPARROW "class f 1;say_team ^3F
bind DOWNARROW "class m 1;say_team ^3M
bind LEFTARROW "class e 1;say_Team ^3E
bind RIGHTARROW "class c 1;say_team ^3C