Max out your FPS [Call Of Duty 4]

- For everyone that missed my last Journal about this, Therefor im making a tutorial of it, I hope you like it!

- Here I am representing a config that can boost your FPS outrageously on Call of Duty 4, what this cfg does is basicly taking away every unneccecary detail of the gameplay.

- Graphics are lower wich will automaticly boost your FPS
- Settings are good and playable.
- Enemy's will still be perfectly viewable
- Last but not least, This config isn't a ugly config. The quality isn't that bad after all, just main details are deleted .

- I hope this config gives all of you cod4 players that have bad pc's a incredible boost, Got me from 30 to 80 stable :)

Regards, Ambro
got me from 25 to 200, awesome
cod4 is dead

nice, thanks! :)))
not bad.. thank you, mate!
max fps here is 999 :P sometimes 1000
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