No smoke, you'll love it.

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If you think beating cancer is a battle? Then you should try getting cigarette smoke out of a leather couch.

Ex-smokers and non-smokers alike will understand the necessity of getting rid of smoke smells and smoke odors. Whether the smell of smoke is in your home or in your car, you know it’s one of the worst odors imaginable. Cigarette smoke isn’t a quaint smell like a wood furnace or a fireplace; it

Win7 Ventrilo Lag Tutorial

A lot of guys are having huge problems with ventrilo when they're running Win7.
I had the problem too but i managed to fix it. So here is a tutorial for all you that are having these boring and lame problems.

Uninstall & Delete your ventrilo folder and install it so you got a fresh new installation.

Now make a user and go to your options and set your options as this:
