Setup Your FFDShow

I was reading the previous tutorial from decoding videos by ag0n and I thought the tool he had made doesnt't fit to my image of adjustable or good decoder. Also others decoding 'tutorials' in crossfire has been quite narrow peaks to setting your PC up to hardcore video watching. That's why I decided to share my modest knowledge about FFDShow and video watching.

FFDShow is a tool for encoding or decoding many video and audio formats,

Basics in Quake 3 Connection

Here is some basic and little advanced info on the connection-related variables in the Quake3 engine based games like ET and COD.

Quake3 engine is somehow different from other engines. Its netsettings are not just dependable from one thing but sum of many like FPS, MaxPackets and so on and so on.

I've tried to explain basics on cvars that affects your playing. Cvar restrictions are from CB's configs.


Measured in Bytes per second. This is the maximum rate at which you will be ab

Promode movement: Art meets Science

This article was originally written by ix, I have tried to renovate it and add some new stuff.

There is a lot of myth and misinformation surrounding promode movement, people have heard that it is just a QW-remake and will have had this belief reinforced by ex-QW players boasting of their 'l33t' bunny hopping speed in promode. In this article I will explain what I understand of the movement and tricks available in promode, if there are errors or types of trick that I have missed please f