Codec x264 Filesize 180.00 MiB Length 316

Two men, One brain

Two men, One brain - a short movie by spankie starring... Polandspankie (brain) and Polandmientus (aim).
You might think that it's kinda overedited and oversynced, but it is my first project and I wanted to experiment with some things... Hopefully, I achieved some successes.

Please download if you're fond of a better quality.

Please, do not hesitate about commenting it! I want to receive some informations from... customers.

Wolfgang Gartner - Front to Back

Length: 03:16
Codec: x264
Resolution: 1280x720
Framerate: 30FPS
Size: 180MB

Programs used:
Adobe After Effects CS4
Media Manager 3
Movie Maker GOLD
Lagarith Codec
Video Copilot's Twitch
Boujou 4
low fraggs, nice editing.
cool editing and seems to be a good quality overall.

it just killed my eyes because it's too dark.
I prefer your own style by far, stay with it - don't copy this please ; x
what exactly do you mean by that?
Das was ich gesagt habe meine ich auch, also das ich deine movies ohne Zweifel mehr schätze als diese neuen 'overedited' movies, obwohl die ja auch nicht schlecht sind. Ich möchte einfach nicht, falls du wieder ein ET fragmovie machen solltest, damit du dir den Style von jemanden anderen ab guckst (fredd, MTM), sondern bleibst bei dem was früher schon super geklappt hat : - )
ich habe meinen ganz eigenen stil von editing, das habe ich mir von niemandem abgekupfert und da ich sowieso jemand bin der gegen den strom schwimmt, werde ich das bestimmt auch nicht in betracht ziehen. :)

mein editing setzt immer auf flow und harmonie mit der musik, was früher nur leicht ausgeprägt ist es noch nen ganzen zacken intensiver.

auf die hd quali bin ich aber natürlich auch gewechselt, eigentlich schon vor relativ langer zeit...aber manchmal muss man zumindest ein kleines stückchen mit der zeit mitgehen. trotzdem versuch ich mich stets in der hinsicht von anderen zu unterscheiden. :)

neues movie kommt dieses jahr, mehr wird noch nicht verraten. ;x

ps: hoffe nur dass zb. du auch meine "handschrift" in dem style wieder erkennen wirst. ;)
cool movie to watch, maybe a bit dark :)
good editing, liked it.
Overedited, oversynced and 2dark.
chaotically edited, couldn't enjoy at all. forgot about some details (pop-ups etc.). oh and the frags were superb, mientus, 'the aim', fails to shoot heahshots while he is backraping ; D
I didn't say he was a good aimer, it's just that he surely has better aim than brain :D
co ja poradze zawsze bije duzo hsow, a spankie nie chcial hitsoundow i wybral tylko taki w ktorym jest malo (bo mu to psulo synca czy cos) :D
Im wrong or the enemys go down like in CounterStrike?

Well done , but i hate that Blue touch ..!
new Image-ET
editing (fast paced cuts and fast forwarding) + backraping (some already low on hp)

my guess
too dark
mix frags
nice sync
nice movie bro.
and where is teh aim ??:O
pwning everyone @ 3on3

... wat
very low frags but i loved the editing :P especially the green thing around the name
Editing was nice, liked the special effects, some frags were kinda shit, music suited with the editing, config was nice but was a bit dark e.g. in bremen

overall a good movie
I liked it a lot, good editing, nice effects, +/- frags, but its good overall
nice tunes and quality
get hitsounds
get music

+nice Quality
love the edting, frags are kinda Germany wEAk :[ but awesome quali & sync
not bad except for the last part where it got too slow.
well done you can backrape
a bit dark but otherwise real good editing. i really liked the intro (but personally i hate outros :P). the sky thing was pretty cool. frags were decent eventhough i got the impression noone was shooting back because you only backraped :P
music wasn't my style but fit in quite well so i kinda even liked it eventhough i dont like the style x) (does that make sense?)

overall i'd say it really is worth watching. :)
Actually liked the movie, nice ! :)
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