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Striker by Valletta

Today I can announce the arrival of another highly anticipated movie from Buttonbashers Movies, this time coming from one of our latest additions from Japan Valletta. His previous work included the highly rated Rapid Paradox which truly showed what he was capable of.

With the screenshots of the movie being released at the Buttonbashers forums, again this looked to be one of the most influential movies coming in 2010. With insane ideas from the star, it looked to be another outstanding piece. JapanValletta was added to the Buttonbashers movie crew 2 months ago when he accepted the invite from Mazarini.

From my point of view this is yet another outstanding piece of both editing and syncing. I feel Japan Valletta was a real unrecognized talent when Rapid Paradox was released, this was an opportunity for him to show his first movie was not a one time thing. He has certainly took the opportunity well and has shown he is fully capable when editing with the best.

image: sls02t

Statement from JapanValletta:

Hello, my name is Valletta.
First of all, sorry to delay in releasing. Because I was inspired by another BB movie, I spent a little bit more time on it. I think this is my best movie so far, It took a lot of time to make it and i am glad its finally finished.


Personal Review from Czech Republic Nikolaj “Mazarini” Lazarev:

Valletta's last movie was reason why i invited him to BB movies, and im glad he agreed, because i really love to see new creative/innovative things. Intro idea is simply epic, he had same problem with textures like i had with my 3D maps and how he solved it, is just genius. Music, idea and his crazy Japanese style make it one of the most entertaining intros i ever saw. Frag part continuing with his crazy style, all these new fancy interesting effects and all this work on it is incredible. Music was really weird, but the way it was used is simply amazing. After few minutes of watching i realized i have smile on my face while watching this rotate/sync effect, its cool,creative,funny only one thing what was weird was in game sounds, quality of it wasn't perfect and it was noticeable :( Second frag prat started similar and i looked forward what will bring Valletta now, unfortunately it wasn't that good as first frag part in my opinion ( Probably because of small amount cool effects compared with 1st frag part, i think he stooped in half way, music couldn't carry it on it own and it needed some more effects) but still it had it own magic. Outro was AMAZING, close camera angles showed our loved CoD4 models in completely different way and i really liked it. Valletta brings you again something really unique and im sure everyone who is bored of thousands movie clones will appreciate and enjoy this movie as i did, because this is exactly what BB MOVIES is trying to do, bring COD on new level and don't be afraid in experimenting, trying to make something new and unique.
lemme watch!

horrible... wtf?!
nice O_o
something new indeed, but didnt like it at all :/
nice but i didnt rly like the music tbh
expected more
Awesome editing, but music killed some parts :(
I really liked it, good frags, Amazing editing.

didnt really like it was nicely done just didnt like the style

and that kids cheating lul
Boring :(
Too much editing - its not a frag movie its just a guy showing off his editing tricks but missing the content

Looks good but just not interesting as a movie
wow! nice!
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