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Atom - Starring rotgot
6 Mar 2010, 11:23
This a movie made by me (not very good, because I suck at editing) but it was made in early 2009 and features the infamous rotgot who is related to me. He is a pro console player and his skill has increased since this ofcourse.
My first attempt at editing a full movie.
This movie consists of PS3 footage and frags. If you don't like PS3 footage don't watch.
My first attempt at editing a full movie.
This movie consists of PS3 footage and frags. If you don't like PS3 footage don't watch.
great success
What a prick. You're shit and I want to 1on1 you to prove you're just a pussy who is shit. I've already seen you play, but I don't play lows, izi bash 4me.
between 1:04-1:14 for example there's about 10 seconds of fast forwarding. Better option is to find a beat or melody in the music to sync-cut the forwarding. In worst case, use the music to your advantage to suit the forwarding to the music.
Choice of music and syncing in general': the first music has been in the charts i think or is atleast widely known on the internet (this is a disadvantage). Second song has been used by kris (which will make the viewer who has seen kris' movie compare it with yours subconsciously). So if you dare to use it, max it out. Unfortunately you miss the critical sync points. I don't know if you did this on purpose or just didn't care, but i personally didn't like the result. In general there is no to very little sync, making it look like demo+mp3 movie with fastforward of scenes in the middle. Could have done some more original research musicwise aswell.
Just an idea to make a console movie more interresting. Use a pc version cod4 to add in some camera's with fake demo's of the part you fastforward walking from one place to another. You can also use this from closeup on the players sniperweapon etc etc etc.
Quality looks fine even though it's youtube, don't think there's anything you can do to fix it. Frags were not that interresting for me compared to other cod4 console movies. All in all cod4 console movies are about 3 things usually: frags, music & sync, so not as much about editing as pc movies.
Frags were kinda boring and not so special afaik.
Syncing, there was none or atleast not much.
Music, standard fragmovie music.
Hence my bad rating, good luck improving your moviemaking work :) would like to see more soon.