Codec x264 Filesize 339.00 MiB Length 744
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VOKKI The movie

VOKKI The Movie from spaki-pictures.
Made by spaki and thats his 2nd full movie.

Starring: FinlandJarkko VOKKI Vilmi
Moviemaker: Poland Kamil spaki Spaczynski

Project Time: 6 months (lost motivation)
Project Size: More than 350gb (Didnt used more than 1/4 actions)

Programs used:
  • Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory 2.60b
  • Image v.2
  • Sony Vegas 8.0 Pro
  • UVMovieMod
  • Camtrace 3D
  • Photoshop CS3
  • After Effects CS3
  • After Effects CS4

Music Used:
  • Blue Sthali - The Pure And The Tainted
  • Three Days Grace - Time Of Dying
  • Skillet - Awake And Alive
  • Rev Theory - Ten Years

I hope you'll enjoy.
not reserved for anything
Really haxtastic frags. Too dark overall, can't see anything. And I hope these new death animations won't become a trend.

too dark colors
hitsounds a bit too loud
i really hate this (new image?) death animation
good frags
editing overall is decent
after last attack on Poland, finland flag has been removed from crossfire :DDD!
own3d or gtfo
Project Size: More than 350gb hf dling :)))))))
<facepalm> :DDDDDDDDD
image: Successful_troll_is_succesful_by_Ph4tL3wT

nice frags, but overediting killed it

not a single frag was in normal timescale?
too dark

nice frags

too long cam shit in the beggining of 2nd song

oh and btw nice headshots
liked it allot, too dark though
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.
thx mate, working <3

but its slow :< 290kb/s
10mb/s for me =o
cause u're in .fi and its a .fi mirror!

conspiracy? I don't think so! :D
It's because you are a Jew.
Poor you... I have 127 kb/s :) hähä!
awesome work spaki! :)
a lot of headshots !
a bit dark for me
overedited but I fucking love the frags, gj vokki :D!
7r_gamma 1 plz
nice bodyshots
nice frags vokki :)
I know this is a fragmovie with the best actions, but I always ask myself. When a player able to aim like this why they stick in a mediocre team. I don't know how this guy play on an avarage game but I am sure he can be better than a lot of EC teams players. If the reason to stay is that he wants to play with his friends I understand but still..
He's still working his way up I think. :D
Yes like olbaa
Well imo he is already on top.
I remember 1,5 year ago you played a lot to became known, then you joined a good team and pretty much became one of the best :) success !
oh yeah, true :D haha! thx:)
best? thats why he keeps calling me a cheater in every 3v3 i play him ...
Maybe he add few extra hs manualy again :P. Before he did it for ecklav ;].
too bad ET isn't about aim only.
jeah but without aim you are nothing. learn the game is easy after years
are you trying to hint something?
hint? No I'm just pointing out that ET isn't about aim always. And his comment makes it look like it does:P I have no idee how you play ingame, can only see that if I would play with you or specced you which I didn't. But I have seen alot of good aimers, but really I don't want to play with them because there game knowledge is just terrible:P Won't call names ofcourse!:D

anyway, nice movie!
To be honest his gamesense is greater than aim. He only has some problems on the mental aspects; every loss makes him rage and search for a new team and/or accuse others for failing (leave swanidius alone! he is a human being after all!). When he'll learn that he isnt perfect and you dont have to blame someone for every loss he surely will be gggggrrreat!

and about the movie. amazing frags : ) pretty enjoyable movie.
He sticked to turbot for 8 months? :)
yes it is... if you have great aim all u need to do is some basic stuff... liek not dying @ full and gibbing the ones you killed...
nice movie! enjoyed alot
Vokki frags = 10
rly nice frags, ok movie
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.
And I thought I got dark settings for next project :D.

Every single one hs was done by Vokki or you helped him a little like just for ecklav you did it? :P
Edit: Yea, you did it again xD.

Generally decent movie.
nice one shit :D
+headshot machine

- dark
- fucking new death animation
- aim_fov 0.02

vokkitoooooo <3

vote 10/10/10/10 or die
would rather die...
oki die:-D
rockit nerd rages on my comment:-D
Really nice frags with many headshots, quality wasn't that great tbh. Config was too dark, editing was nice impressed with it. Movie was quite short as well, would of liked it of been longer. Would give it overall a 7.3/10
aimbotters GG nice frag :p
Nice movie overall, bit dark on some maps, loved the celsus bit, with the pistol shots even though you missed some shots ;p Hit sounds were too loud though!
Frags were good, keep it up!
Lot of little mistake that disturb me, colours are dark due to a high contrast (the gradient layer on the edge was good), killcounter was ugly, the volume was not set correctly : hitsounds were too loud and shoutcast part too low. The axis helmet during freecam is really strange (skin problem ?).

Soundtrack is ok, but stop with this videocopilot scratching noise !
Sync is present at some point but lot of clip are cut randomly, some part killed the flow like when you have a sequence with 3 fixed image (3:52), you could use 3 slow motions clip instead.
Frags were good.

It's a nice movie, there is maybe a lack of creativity and a flow a bit too slow, spend a little more time on your next project.

Waiting for the next one :)
i think im in love

in this particular case not with the polak ofc
nicely done, nice actions, but:
what's with the axis helmets?
50 % of movie is cut from 1-2 minute sprees, which I at least don't like so much, specially when u get killed between there.
Edit: i love ur style of adding extra headshot hitsounds.
there were 3-4 actions from a longer sprees out of about 25 actions :l
frags ++
music +
hirsounds to loud +/-
quality but could be to dark sometimes +/-

9/10! :>

helo senti
nais movie m8 :)
awesome lol :D
long time ago that I watched a fragmovie which I didn't click away in the first minute, gj!
great frags but too dark for me :E
amazing frags :)
shoutcast part was little too quiet, and it was too dark, but still great job spaki!
Make it darker next time, still can see muzzleflash.
I lold at all ur commets people coz @ my pc it looks perfectly. I mean it isn't too dark.
that depends on your monitor , seems you have a pretty bright one
Ye.. I think so also, so sorry for that dark movie :uu
i have been testing my movie on 4 or 5 different monitor, CRTs and LCDs, on my normal PC it was a bit dark but colors were awesome, on my notebook it was overbrighted at some places and with my father LCD everything looked just fine, rly it depends on monitor and u should test how it looks on other ones.
Ye sure.. I'll buy some for testing movies >.<
Then try other way(s).
is that hard to send movie to somebody else?? or to play it on friends pc? who said u need to buy 4 different monitors??? geez...
nice frags but video too dark...
16:23 `roni • ale chlopacy
16:23 `roni • czego wy sie spodziewaliscie po takim cwelu jak spaki ?

Omg so nice frags there! 8)
frags and music was nice but the rest shieet :(
This movie is funny because there are more headshots (like Raiven already mentioned) than there's supposed to be :)

And like phaloid said there are too many little mistakes (Axis helmets for example. How could you not notice them?) which makes it a little annoying to watch. Also the fast forwardings didn't make much sense at some points since they didn't sync/fit with the other content. In other words: overedited.

It was way too dark and seemed a little over-saturated in some maps. You didn't work very well on the audio either since the hitsounds were too loud and you couldn't hear the shoutcast, unless you increased the volume (which is annoying) and the songs didn't change too smoothly either.

Didn't like it :( Frags were nice, though.

pretty much i think the same, i would just add that i didnt like the way of how ingame sounds were added, few shots were missing (scene on gr with colt) and it wouldnt be that hard to put there smth more, like reloading and stuff
was quite good

pretty sick frag , ok colors, good quality, you could work a bit more on sync, only annyoing things for me were useless cams on the beggining of 2nd song and kill counter

bit dark for me and too many cut actions, + some hitsounds are fake i think :s ( i mean you added a bit because he looks like to dont hit )

so its ok but nothing special for me.
enjoyed it
nice work spaki :)
rofl at hs
great frags, rest was boring, too dark
ur previous movie was better for meh
really enjoyed it!

pure frags and headshots.
nice :)
really nice!
dark, dark,dark
Nice movie bad hitsounds :<
gay, you raged us :(

nice movie :)
too bad spaki forgot to add this to the movie :(

Ye, I lost that demo somehow:O!
thats an epic kill really :D
Too dark , frags great.
nice fragz... was a bit dark but nothing to really complain about. the sound could be better in quality wise, also hitsounds were a bit loud. tbh i was expecting more from you since i feel your previous movie was better, but gl to you in the further projects = )
nice fragz
rly low sensitivity!
Nice frags but rest was just boring. I won't add anything more tbh because other moviemakers already mentioned about that.
+ frags
- rest
well done spaki. liked it :)
so ET is now only about having a low sensivity and crouching now :(

shit :l

nice frags anyway
40cm for 360 aint that low tbh :l
When I watch your movie I just see a lowsens supply croucher-player!

Still there are some nice frags (but vid is too dark)
decent movie but the ammount of hitsounds is ridiculously high :O

even zeto cant do that
Nice movie, although a little too dark and it bugs me that some frags are without hitsounds. If you are using hitsounds, use it in every frag, even if there arent any headshots.
liked it! a bit too dark though and I really can't stand those death animations.. :p
also I've never been a big fan of adding hitsounds afterwards (even though it's standard nowadays) just sounds weird and also "sounds" less impressive when hitsounds aren't 100% the same as they would've been ingame.. but nice to see an actual FRAGmovie for once =)
Those death animations look so stupid, like the opposition are drunk or something.

Without ETs normal death animation it's impossible to see gibs, not like there were any during this movie.
r u watching movie for gibz?:|
No for meaningful frags.

Pointless 5 man frags while they get the objective done ruins the frag for me.
blame some editing tool, you cant disable these slowmo deaths
im waiting for your next minimovie man! and great game against be and squirtle
ty m8, my aim was really off against be though, but things worked out nicely for us anyways :p

actually Korea, Republic of remind asked me if I could get some demos for a new movie when he gets home from military service so might actually happen.. i've also been thinking about making a 3v3 movie or just something similar to this that I made a while back, since people seemed to like that one as well. So we'll see =)
im waiting with your dick in my mouth :D
good movie, nice frags/music. bit too dark :P
nice movie, frags were mostly awesome!! : ) own3d.tv link is just too dark (I guess it's only the stream)
real headshot fest
He add some extra hs manualy again, we check it :P.
Got earcancer, when I heard hitsound's synchro around 1:25 (Celsus, Goldrush scene).
even if he did so... it would be hs paradise even without it
8/10 i like it gj
well done evok
nice frags ^^
well done!
sick aim!
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