Codec x264 Filesize 56.00 MiB Length 43

omg mAus omg [trailer]


Music: Mass Effect 2 cinematic trailer music
Chyba Ci stara hosting taki kupila :S
3600 kb/s here:P
50-100 przy necie 6mb :(
samAel pobrales tyle powiem : DD
that took you 5 months?
very useful trailer , 3 frags , great
its trailer, dude
villa nie pasuje Ci cos to zrob lepsze kurwo zasrana
Not gonna bother watching it, sounds like a waste of time :p

in my opinion trailers should only be made if its a clan movie or a community movie.
If u never try, u'll never know!
It's a clan movie. maus is a team himself.
Worst trailer I ever saw. Doesn't make me want to watch the full movie at all. Graphics/text look like what would happen if you installed after effects on a 7 year olds computer.

Just... awful.

Also, 60mb/43seconds@720p30. Awesome understanding of video compression you have there.
about 80mb/min and still aweful quality :DD
even sienihermannit movie was better, seriolsy
hm, does the effect @ 00:10 shouldn't be synced with the sound @ 00:08 ?
center text is aliased and the after effect part @ 00:35 seems to be made at a lower framerate
there is something wrong with the popup :
image: popupbug
quality was good but the bitrate was a little too high

gl with the final movie, you got potential to make something really nice, just be careful with the little mistakes :)
yeah, thats rly strange :o I think its aae error or smth :/
that font was aliased, otherwise its free, so... :P
I guess you created a mask to hide the "Following" status line, so either its not synced well or you added an effect to only one of the two layer. Just sync correctly and add the effect to the whole composition :)
no, its not the mask :o The "following" text ist displayed with new image!
-The first frags against vib is not synced at all
-When you use footage from AE plz use motionblur because its tearing
-Liked the visual addons on the last frags, but the first frag on addler was very plain.

Cant wait tho !
tearing? what u mean?
Hope that movie will be much better than this trailer @_@
Add hitsounds and less mb/minute for real one please!
Cool Trailer
need hitsounds.........
lots of visual tearing, filesize I hope is not something to go by for the actual end movie as its huge mb/min ;) it didnt really make me want to see the full movie as there was no 'oh shit, I wonder what is going to happen next' parts which is basically what a trailer needs to do: give away enough info to make you want to see more but without giving too much away ;)

actual movie has some big potential though, good luck :)
looks promising
looks nice :>
kinda boring
not so good :<
mAus deserves a good moviemaker. still not what it should be like
dont care about special effects/quality, cant people simply release a movie where you see the player+hitsounds and some nice music? hate those awesome/special effect movies. :(
Quotecant people simply release a movie where you see the player+hitsounds

90% of the ET movies are like that
I think I didn't explain myself good.

I prefer movies where you see only "frags" and no cams,superphotoshopintros, correct quality or even a basic cfg (not a movie cfg is necessary), don't know how to explain myself actually :p.

I kinda enjoyed Ganon's souvenirs, that's for me a good example of how the movies should look like.
few weeks and i show how a movie "should" look like
lolololo cant wait
watch a demo instead of a movie
go back to the 2005 dude
Ganon's souvenirs isn't from 2005.
but the editing is
u have ur own opinion, I got mine :)
lol, out of interest, how would you vote on the flic if you were to rate it seriously?
promise me you won't use the same colours that you used in templars movie :DDDD
no Im not :)
the hard flame isnt justified.

the trailer wasn't too bad,
mAus make me a baby
vinyl as opening frag, 10/10
I liked it mate keep on the good work:)

when is the full movie coming out?
summer 2010
its only trailer lolz... poeople didnt even know what that means
Sure about this? I think you don't realise that people don't like your trailer.
sure about what?
Maybe read your own reply. Well, let me paste it for you once again.

Quote by samAel
its only trailer lolz... poeople didnt even know what that means

No wonder you are polish.
u r so stupid :D
I'm stupid here, okey.
ye mass effect should be a great game. will dl, thanks for the tip.
pretty bad, videcopilot thats all, TWITCH + OPTICAL FLARES + tutorials for text animation (omg mAus omg) ah I forgot, backround textures are taken from Videcopilot too....GOOD JOB ANDREW KRAMER !
u r pretty fucked up
The truth is pretty hard, I know.
*the truth is ugly, i know.

it just seems better thats all :DDD
The truth is ugly, i know.
you suck at moviemaking.
Nie udawaj ze jeszcze zyjesz.
bored , too black and not smooth :<
1 1 10 1

That's what the whole movie will probably mostly get. :)
Another mAus-movie will get ruined ;x
Et qu'en période de crise chacun mise sur son biz
chacun sa mafia chacun sa mille-fa
wiedzialem ze to bedzie zapadnia xD
aren't you the guy who votes 1/1/1/1 on every movie?
nope he is not : p
You want exact sync but not much editing? Good luck finding a movie with that.
synch =! effects
Sync IS an effect.
obviously he is refering to visual effects
whats up? i dont like that mauz fag
thats fkin amazing
never seen that good tracking by anyone.. well sgt.pepper did stuff like that too =)
ive been looking at it carefully and ive been thinking about the way he tracks em
hahaha i guess he just wanted to aim at the obj runner and that happend accidently :D
ppl could get lucky doin strange stuff like that


the end 2 guys tracked at full speed
his crosshair stopped on every enemys head faster than eye can see.. at full speed it looks just random but timescale 0.1 it shows that his crosshair just stopped on every enemys head.. just not possible imo. ur clip was weird too but possible.. like killerboy.avi (after he made that clip he kinda stopped using .avi as evidence)
well, its fkin amazing :)
well, maus allready did admit that he cheated so who cares =)
eleganckie to masz :D
dawaj full szybko ;d
seriously, hitsounds?? it's a fucking trailer :DD
nothing wrong with it
Maybe this trailer wasn't that exciting, i believe people should give some tips if they want to see a better movie.

Only listen to constructive criticism

Try to learn from what people say, improve yourself, and i believe you can make nice movies.

GL man
he has made nice movies but okay
but still everyone has its own thoughts about what makes a movie a good movie.

Older movies often had no hitsounds, i'd rather have no hitsounds aswell.

plus there are certain moviemakers wich hate by default any other movie than their own.
you need the best moviemaker everPortugalag0n to make mAus movie.
pretty harsh rating : x
Too many comments!
0 motion blur @ 30fps = eyecancer
u r an idiot, tralalalla
very smart reply, voted 1 1 1 1
very smart comment, I rofled pretty hard xD
u think somebodycares about those silly votes:D?
Just dont get what makes bad moviemakers reply offencively when people are stating their opinions and advices commenting movies
If not honest 1 1 1 1 opinion that you get from every 2nd guy which makes you reply bullshit then what. lol
u r so stupid :D
bestest 43sec of my life must say :D
haha this is hilarious how everyone's flaming this shit trailer and maker is replying only "u r stupid" etc :XD
gay efx are gay.

mAus should have a fragmovie like Ganon's souvenirs \o/
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