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GIGA TV - Enemy Territory


GIGA TV is a Germany gaming TV-channel which presented Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for the first time in 2007. Germany FlyingDJ (german ettv-shoutcaster back in the days) was invited to the show and explained how the game works. In my opinion he did a good job compared to the host who made some stupid jokes, whatever...

If I'm not mistaken the broadcast had a couple of thousand viewers which might be concidered a bigger success than any CiC-final. Now some of you might guess that idle, parodia etc. were playing but no, in fact two medium skilled german clans had the honour to represent ET in the ET 6on6 Premiership 2007:

aGu vs minus-Gaming

Even if both clans weren't top teams, they delivered a decent performance and some thrilling actions on Supply and Radar.

aGu won by the way :)

Germany aGu: lagg3r, hal, flopje, lumpi, cyrus and Ti+es
Germany minus-Gaming: coOles, Sebastian, Whisk3y, vAlium, akI and serr

P.S. The coverage is in german and I think a friend of lagg3r recorded the match with a dvd-recorder. There won't be a own3d link cuz otherwise you wouldn't be able to see anything.

flying uli mit seiner platte.
schöne sendung uli!

Nice upload tites :)
ich habe zu danken
:D good times, great match
ty aGu & giga for that <3
just try it on own3d ...
believe me. it's full of pixels
hmmz too much to download :XD

is it mp4 ?

btw it was akI who played dont know exactly who skiabo is but i remember i played the game in the good old days
k sry, couldn't recognise the names :(
np :D

i dont play ET since the old times gone. but however thx ;)
Oh i think to honor minus-Gaming which was the inferior clan you could change the "aGu won by the way :)" into a "aGu won very curt by the way :)"

At least upload the final. :P
what do you mean? the comments, broadcasting, advertisement etc are embedded into the etmatch (und du sprichst doch eh deutsch)
Someone make subs :(
german isnt hard to learn :D
war ziemlich langweilig.
Rules STREAM or ....
ach des schöne match gabs ja auch noch :)
in german
cba to dl 1gb with 120kbit
Mirror 1 is really quick and megaupload isn't too bad. I guess it's your shitty connection :)
Damn the wrong one.. need oxid vs minus (?) was so awesome :)

but think i will watch this too.
that was indeed a nice match aswell :)
i remember them showing ET Allstars (1) on GIGA e-Sports.

and i still dont know who linked it to them...i didnt know that they were showing it until some ex-clanmate of mine told me and gave me the link for the live stream...couldnt believe my eyes. :D
stream or didnt happen !
ye enjoy watching a huge pixel over your screen
.ts ? just convert it damnit!
use vlc. works fine
i know but the file could have been like 200mb with some decent codec and container
as I wrote: it was recorded with a dvd-recorder and by using some codec the quality would suffer (which is quite bad already)
that's bullshit, but thanks for the upload :) das ist gut für mein deutsch zu trainen!

*das ist gut um mein deutsch zu trainieren ;)
haha, ich habe am montag mündliche prüfung deutsch, für dem letzetere mal im gymnasium
t34 vs _underscore

Großartig wie du deinen Namen fett markierst & noch aGu won btw schreibst.
Doppelplus für dich und dein e-fame!
+1 :D

da ist außerdem die ganze spannung weg !
i remember that. bigje set it up if im right. too bad i was WoW'ing back then :<

btw that wasn't the first time ET was on Giga. urtier was there ages ago when you still had promotions in cups/leagues etc. and they watched a demo of 141 vs Dsky i think where urtier had to explain the objectives on oasis! :D
ye I think it was bigje.
i only remember seeing et twice on giga:

1st was the_smileyaz vs. 141
2nd was some public night where they made a big et server + explained the game
well those were definetly not all times ET has been on giga. proven by the fact that your posting in a 3rd ETonGiga video thread thing :p
grabscht sich uli da an die eier oder war das ein anderes match?;D;D;D;;D
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