Codec x264 Filesize 115.00 MiB Length 235

nade it!


some double(or more!) Croatia nade kills, watch to see an epic nade by Croatia 2accurate
i missed your 3 man nade on braundorf... vs some frenchies:(
you gave me the demo once

But nicely done:)
yeah, I'm still trying to find some of those demos, they're on some dvd
not inspired by Rain ? :P

2 man nades, bleh
rain inspired by eujen's rain of brain? =D

haven't seen that one, but I will!

I wanted to do a knife movie but then, like a week after I thought of doing it nonix's movie came out and as I was set out to do something I did this, no seriousness involved, no specific point to it, just a short fun movie with an awesome song
is it me or i can't see the point? 2 nade kills is soooooo random :\ also shit music is shit :X
Quoteshit music

just maus it
just vila it
U have to be pro to get some x2 nades, i'm honnest !

image: u-mad
yes, cos that was the point of it all, to show the skill and all the pro that we have with double nades, I think we're among the very few people in this game that can achieve this level of skill which allows us to get double nade kills so in all honesty you should fell privileged that you exist in our time and have the opportunity to speak to us directly

some people....
Are you serious? If you are, you suck more than your movie making skills.
good troll xD

but if you are serious... xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
must be trollin obviously, i was aswell so np :D

I just want to know why ?

because :
-editing is awful ?
-music sucks hard?
-frags are ridiculous? ( except the lawliet one @ grush )
-attention whoring ?
nice @ 1:38, the rest was too mediocre to be enjoyable.
seriously, like seriously
after knifes fragmovie, grenade fragmovie, WHATS THE NEXT ? :XD
Packs movie ? :3
revive movie
vu comment les bons revives se rarifient ces temps ci, je pense pas que ca fasse de mal remarque...
Starring Kartez ? TROLOLOLOLOLO

image: 224435931_small
kinda boring
music sux also
only 2accurate's frags were decent :D
ask nade god Poland jKr for some nade stuff
y should i?
yes ur obvious idd
1 movie-worth nade, thx...
i like the syncing of the frags with the beat x)
seems only kamz can do nice colors in these days...
image: neville_scholes_buziak_470
very good movie

always 2mans nade :D.
whats next?
qualy getting atleast better and working on sync? gl with next upcoming ones!
content: 1
i do like it ! it other but its nice ! rly slow but with the synce it isnt boring !:)
Some tutorial:


That's the way the cookie crumbles
shit music
i liked :)
I liked it alot :) It's different than other fragmovies :p) I know a 2 man nade isn't something imba-omg-it-won't-happen-again-frag but I enjoyed watching it :)
it sucked, all 2man nades expect 2 of them :-D fucking booooooooring
image: wtf_shit_cat

closed after 2nd doublekill
good song
It seems that is really hard for some people to comprehend that this movie wasn't meant to be a masterpiece, after all, it's only 2 and half minutes long or something like that. And nobody is interested whether you had watched all of it or just few seconds or whether you like the music or not.
nice job, I like it
I liked the music and I was really impressed by the fact that you synced every single nadefrag, I loved that.

Good job tbh;)
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