Codec xvid Filesize 679.00 MiB Length 817


Quote Hungary CS4f1 - Four years ago I uploaded my demos for a project that was originally planned as the combination of machinima and frag scenes with a wider crew (more editors, very known shoutcasters and "actors"), but it would have been too long, and the same can be told about the making of it. I would like to thank that crew for putting their trust in me, it was mainly my fault that this long project never came true. We had maybe the best fragmovie crew ever, but I did not take it as seriously as it was needed.

But Nonix decided to surprise me. He finished the project alone, it's done, but without machinima. Few years earlier I tried to imagine how interesting would it be, or would it be enjoyable at all without a story. Nonix took the risk of making this individual movie, and I think he had not failed, and what is more, he got out the maximum of these knife frags, the frags that make the movie slower as the usual fragmovies. To equilibrate this Nonix did a great sync work with a good combination of music full of emotions. Have fun while watching it!

Edited by Hungary Nonix[/b]
Starring Hungary CS4f1[/b]

Codec: XVID
Resolution: 720p
Sound: 1536 kbps
Length: 8:17 mins
Size: 679 MB
Project time: 2 years

Soundtracks (in order of apperance)

ediT - Twenty minutes
Venetian Snares - Hajnal
Clint Mansell - Death is the Road to Awe

Programs used

Adobe After Effects CS3
Sony Vegas 7
Boujou 4


QuoteThe quality and sync are perfect as always, many awesome knife kills by the legendary oldschool player, so what should i say: Its a decent movie from a decent moviemaker, nearly as great as my movie :-)

QuoteIt's a enjoyable movie, cool intro (loved somehow the transition from gr -> radar), although the 3D letters make me remember "She was 16, cod4 movie", but who cares right?

QuoteGood job! Firstly, the sync is really great, although I've been getting a bit weary of this editing style lately. This movie does do it justice I think. There's also a few good ideas in the movie as well as some that reminded me of other movies from years ago like Dignitas eXposed.

QuoteA very different movie. The editing is pretty nice and the frags are funny but kinda kool.

QuoteNice done !!!! expected a shoot fragmovie... :D

QuoteReally surprised by the idea :)

Huge editing work, the intro was really nice reminded me jailbait (cod4), just he light trail going out of the medic ass was kinda choppy.
All the text were good and its kinda hard to do that especially when you work with 3d, so +1 for that. (i maybe would have changed the center message, always looks old, particularly when you use lot of 'modern' effect, but that's a matter of taste).

Really good sync and that's the best part of the movie, you clearly showed with almost anything you can make a movie interesting. Didn't get bored at all, the 8 min passed pretty fast tbh. Didn't really liked the music but it fit well with the video.
Death animation was well used even I generally don't like it.

Quality was not that good, +AA is missing sometimes. Cams were ok and followed the action, dunno about some usage of dof (04:43) it doesn't look that great for me.

Lot of ideas and a good realisation, keep it up, I want more !
Overall : 8/10

QuoteImpressive work, editing quality was top.
But i cant realize that i got bored front of a such awesome movie. Knifekills are cool 2 min, but a full movie of it :S
U took a risk, ur work is awesome, but the result is boring, even if the rest is awesome.


QuoteAwesome editing :) It could've been so much better if were smg/rifle frags, knife kills are too boring to watch :/ I like the idea though :) fuck the haters that say it doesn't require a newspost. Way better then another impact newspost ^,^ gj!

The movie Overclocked was released orginally in a newspost in the end of May.

rly good movie, but i think the outro was too long and boring.
the intro reminds me of canvas (cs 1.6 movie)
ssssstreaaaammm! plx
nice adding only the postive comments, there were equaly much comments like "not my cup of tea" "boring" "cant watch knife frags 8 mins long" etc
Most of those statements were from nonix pming ppl to watch the pre release of the movie and to give a statement about it so he could use them in the news post. the last three were just comments on the news post which this cock sucker added cause he thinks hes kool
it's a bit long for a knife fragmovie :S

e: Nicely done ! Didn't expect at all that it would be such a nice movie.. But still yeah like some said , isn't it a bit too long for a knife movie??

Next time consider the idea of making a nice fragmovie , 'cause man you've got skills (for making a movie tho..).

Would like to see more of your work in some few months or years.
You realize that he is the maker of the 'Winghaven Out Of The Way' series?
Well the moviemaker of this has published a lot of movies already, so if you haven't watched them already I'm just saying that you can have a look at the 'Winghaven OotW' series..
damn i should have uploaded my demos for you >.<
didnt know ull finish it so fast
It's about one player.
and its not about puyol!
add stream ... cba to dl 90 mins for 8 min movie (thx to my connection!)

e: nice movie! nice frags! great music (hajnal!!)
Nice editing but a bit boring only knife kills
song name pls
it was realy cool but i like knife skills but smg frags way more :D nice edting would be cool if you had added some hitsounds but overal one of the best movies edting wise ever made in et
Sick! :D

I especially liked the still cams, the 3d intro which was nicely set, gifty making switzerland proud as always and the Tonis frag on oasis was LoL.

Great job dood!
This is so old and people are still commenting.
what do you care, let them ; )
nice movie :D
What a massive pile of horse shit
you all got poked!
Nice movie :)
Those are not ratings, those are abstracts of reviews.

I found this to be the most boring well edited movie since your over-edited Winghaven movie (the one before Renaissance).
Just another proof. Et's best 'movie' maker after fredd.
nonix > overclockerddddddddddddd
winghaven's first movie still your best work (and top3 in ET overall)
Yes probably the flow was perfect there, but personally my favorite part is the 2nd part of Renaissance. It's all about mood.
only movie with perfect flow is Requiem
what kind of question is that? obviously, me
Then its very subjective dont you think? Personally I like that movie but what you say isnt true.
it might be subjective for you since you're judging an aspect of your own movie as perfect
Did you realise that they were talking about Winghaven movies?
then it was kinda clever to mention "Requiem"

nice intro haha

next time try to create something OWN, lamer.
wtf is this shit
its much better than watching 8minutes of knife-killings :XD
edit: i see you are mad because of my rating? 8)
It's not in my taste, but still you did a great work.
I hate agon :(
why? :<<<<<<<<<<<
Nice movie but the most boring one I've ever seen :[


Bored but have to say you didn't knife random players and Nonix still has impressive editing skills. I want OOTW IV please.
what a shit movie, can you even call this a movie? freaking knife kills
Intro looks like wolfenstein.. AAHHHHHH.

Good movie though.
not bad but not the best...
how can creativity not be 10? -.-
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