10 Jul 2010, 17:31
Edited by Nonix[/b]
Starring CS4f1[/b]
Codec: XVID
Resolution: 720p
Sound: 1536 kbps
Length: 8:17 mins
Size: 679 MB
Project time: 2 years
Soundtracks (in order of apperance)
ediT - Twenty minutes
Venetian Snares - Hajnal
Clint Mansell - Death is the Road to Awe
Programs used
Adobe After Effects CS3
Sony Vegas 7
Boujou 4
The movie Overclocked was released orginally in a newspost in the end of May.
rly good movie, but i think the outro was too long and boring.
the intro reminds me of canvas (cs 1.6 movie)
e: Nicely done ! Didn't expect at all that it would be such a nice movie.. But still yeah like some said , isn't it a bit too long for a knife movie??
Next time consider the idea of making a nice fragmovie , 'cause man you've got skills (for making a movie tho..).
Would like to see more of your work in some few months or years.
didnt know ull finish it so fast
e: nice movie! nice frags! great music (hajnal!!)
I especially liked the still cams, the 3d intro which was nicely set, gifty making switzerland proud as always and the Tonis frag on oasis was LoL.
Great job dood!
I found this to be the most boring well edited movie since your over-edited Winghaven movie (the one before Renaissance).
nice intro haha
next time try to create something OWN, lamer.
edit: i see you are mad because of my rating? 8)
Bored but have to say you didn't knife random players and Nonix still has impressive editing skills. I want OOTW IV please.
Good movie though.