Codec x264 Filesize 301.00 MiB Length 73


This is my second serious project. I started to work with mst's frags right after I released the Unfinished: PCM. I've learned a lesson and I think that Spamtastic is a bit better than my first fragmovie. Unfortunetly you won't see any super special effects in this movie, it's all about simplicity and frags.

I would like to thank every person who helped me with this movie, especially requemm who was my beta tester through the whole project. Also I would like to thank mst for giving me an opportunity to show my moviemaking skills and I hope this movie will be a nice souvenir for him. Enojoy!

A statement by Poland mst:

QuoteThis is my second fragmovie. I always used to be a not so skilled player and rather brain based though I somehow managed to collect a few nice frags (in my opinion). Some of them are really old and were unused in my first fragmovie (like my first rifle granade multikill ever - the one done on battery) but most of them are from 2009 and 2010. When my first movie was released some people whined about the length of the intro and outro, this time both parts are as short as possible!

I've stopped to play ET and I guess I won't touch this game again so this fragmovie is a perfect way to say goodbye to this scene. Also I would like to say thank you to all those people with whom I spent so (too) many evenings playing ET, especially to the people from suffering and also from rebellion and q2nf. Greetings go to every person @ channel as well.

Last but not least, big thanks goes to w3DE who made this awesome fragmovie. For me it's just perfect. I hope you enjoy it!
10 / 10

good job wede! nice frags'n'stuff

eujen hatters gonna like ;DD
mst mate <3
want to see music used but cant see shit with youtube
YouTube 720p HD stream looks very good!

Anyway, songs used in FM:

Thousand Foot Krutch - Rawkfist
Framing Hanley - Lollipop
O.S.T.R. - Cultivation (instrumental)
closed the old youtube streaming, shit quality.

edit: nice editing, some frags, quality.
The music ruined the movie for me. It would be much better with some decent 'real' fragmovie song instead of this punk shit or what is this :-(
The quality would be 10/10 for me but the cameras are blured and some slow motion also.
Editing was not bad, but its hard to edit a movie when it doesnt fit to the music.
Some nice idea in the movie, overal its better than the avarage et movie
Totally agreed, it's a lot easier when someone is using brainwashing music, all you have to do is slice a bit some clips, and add effect's - doesn't even matter where, cause music will solve the problem of sync.

I'm working on my movie, and I really can't find good music to sync, could you give me a little bit of that 'scratching on the wall' + spoof chain' music used in Overclocked, please. I'm really too lazy for the hardway of making a movie.
I am always on trouble what music should I use. I want music that ppl wont hate and I love very much for editing. Only what you can do is searching on youtube , downloading from artists whole albums etc. I cant really say much right now.
Look at your first movie of Winghaven, it was a masterpiece for me + fucking great music.
I told you - do not publish it without own3d stream!

Anyway I suggest you to download the movie because of super nice quality! :)

(stream soooon!)
QuoteI always used to be a not so skilled player and rather brain based

image: mitvittua
rly n1ce movie wede

and mst! that was a MEISTERSTÜCK! :D

n1 done both
Sorry guys for the youtube link but I had some problems with uploading @ own3d twice already so I decided to upload it @ youtube. I don't have any problems with that so I'll appreciate that if someone will upload it @ own3d.
It's fine at youtube. We can watch it with rly good quality.
Well for me and the other guys too but there are some exceptions.
Maybe they used for ages and doesn't want to change :D

Anyway, good movie.

Well done
Nice frags, nice movie, nice job!
Nice movie, I liked the editing, you followed the music flow and that's good (although some part are overedited and other not enough).
Some cheap effect could be avoided : like the succession of screenshot or the 3rd person view.
Frags : some good some bad, but overall I enjoyed them.
Quality is ok, some sequence seems to have AA problem, colours are a bit contrasted but everything is perfectly watchable.
Clearly waiting for your next movie, maybe with more originality this time ? :)

What do you mean by originality? :>
Make your movie 'unique', as nonix stated you are above the average ET movie but I think you need to bring fresh ideas to really make it outstanding.
I would say not fresh ideas but new effects. To be unique you need to have some basic knowledge about After Effects and then everyone will say 'omg your so awesome and original'. I'm not a big fan of all these super mega light effects or whatever you will call it.

And nowadays it's difficult to bring something new - that's why if I want to make a 'outstanding' movie I need to learn some aae tricks. And who knows what future can bring - maybe I'll do that :p.
Being original isnt like just adding some effects :)
It's the hardest part, you can edit a movie you can get good quality but make a movie that everybody will remember after years is really hard! But you got everything set up now you just have to think about it and maybe next movie will be even better!
For most of guys here - @ crossfire adding some effects means that your fucking original. I'm not saying that I agree with that sentence - for me it's just sick to think like that.

They are changing their point only when some uber skilled moviemaker or some one else (skilled player for example) will say that this is original or not. Nowadays it's hard to find a guy with his own opinion.
Well jeah adding effects not hard, doing it the right way is what makes a moviemaker good imo. For example fredd never used any big/difficult effect and still he has one of the best clips in et.
His style doesn't fits me...
True, that's what I think he means though. You gotta let your taste shape your movies, but yeah... most of cf just hates on new moviemakers and bandwagons the oldschoolers =/
you're wrong in the last sentence. They hate new moviemakers cause they copying in their own movies ideas from movies of this "oldschoolers". For example ph4loid did success with his first movie because it was somehow unique. Also Fredd did success with his strange but for many watchers' awesome style ;D
AAE is a must have for intro/outro, but during the movie you rarely use it, lot of ideas has been exploited but you can't go wrong with an epic action and a shoutcast or interesting frecam move (like following a grenade etc....). See what have been done and make it with your own style but no total copy/paste.
At some point you can awake the spectator with a special sequence (Zaigon is a good example), especially if your movie is bigger than 7/8 min.
It's 10 time better to have a good sync & flow than a huge bunch of AAE flares and colours that generally makes no sense.
That's not exact science, it's how I see it, people like your movie and you got good basis for the future so keep it up, and gl for the next one :)
QuoteAAE is a must have for intro/outro, but during the movie you rarely use it

During the movie you rarely use it? Well nowadays it's hard to find a movie without aae during the movie. Perfect example is the COD4 and COD4-Like movies with a lot of fucking sentences at the walls and other shits. So if you want to be good/original/awesome you need to follow the fashion.
If you want to reach the same level than the best cod4 movie, you'll need to take a lot of lessons, those moviemakers are generally studying 3D/design. I don't say it's impossible, but it's gonna be hard especially if you never worked with AAE and 3D software.
I don't know if ET can handle the same editing style as a COD4 movie, so surprise me !
Graphic/the whole designing is my passion since I was a kid. I bind my future with this so who knows ;) Maybe some day I'll reach this level but I'm not so optimistic. And I'm gonna start learning some 3dsmax things and html/css/webdesigning after vacations :P
QuoteAAE is a must have for intro/ can't go wrong with an epic action and a shoutcast or interesting frecam move (like following a grenade etc....)

yes, that's very original
If it's well done, yes it's original, most shoutcast are just put over the video without any editing to show the real tension of the moment. And about the freecam, I don't see that too often.
My point is you don't need ultra awesome new idea to make a movie enjoyable.
there's no originality in that, that's only variations on a theme, I haven't seen originality in ET movies since...well, since fragarea probably, and fredd's clips were original but that's not a movie
Hehe, ye you right nothing really new come from fragmovies nowadays :)
So maybe that's why originality will be made with lot of little elements during the movie instead of a total new concept :P
Don't use after effects for the sake of using it.

I imagine exactly how I want scenes to look in my head, with regards to angles, colour...everything. Then I use programs to recreate what's in my head. Don't use After Effects if you don't need to. Apart from all the text I only really used it for Chroma Keying in Requiem.

If you look at the tyyrd scene at 3:15 that is exactly the way I imagined it in my head. The simplest way to achieve that with a good result was using after effects. That's why I used it.

For example, don't just think "ok for the intro I'm going to use after effects." This is why you get so many movies that are just a copy of video copilot guides. I've probably watched as many, if not more video copilot guides than most people on this site, but I use them for their real purpose...guides. Not a fast-track way to put after effects in my movie.

Imagine the intro as clearly as you can then figure out what you need to do to bring it to life.
QuoteDon't use after effects for the sake of using it.

I'm not. I'm just trying to say that if you are making a movie for the audiences, not for yourself you need to have some basic knowledge about After Effects and use it in a good way. I'm saying that because most of guys here, at crossfire and even at the other sites think that if movie is without super effects this movie is just boring - and few guys prooved that.

And on the other side - you are right that I don't need to use after effects to make a GOOD, interesting movie but if you don't have some skills to make a movie interesting in a other way (like for example cams like yours in Requiem) after effects is a good way to achieve the success. But yes - good idea and recreate this idea is a key.
expectd to get fragged in it.. but suddenly i dont - crap movie :D! songs were not the best choice for fragmovie...

quality was superb (for youtube 360 :D), nice frags with nearly all weapons, kept me entertained the whole time!!! gj both :)
nice movie but the first song sucked so hard i wanted to close the movie
Quite good frags (couple should have been left out)
Quality is good
Music kinda sucked
Editing was weird. I mean in 7mins movie there was only like 3? minutes frags. Atleast it felt like it cause it got rly boring when I had to wait to see next frag.
I liked it, but please this music is just horrific :-(
Quali was good
Editing was good too
nice frags
music ----------

i like :) 10/10
'checking out eujen brain tutorial' :_DDDDDD

nice movie, enjoyed :)

E: adeto and tnp got rolled :D
expecting frags against punkd

edit: no frags against punk'd i r disappoint

awesome movie though, too much freecams in the beggining, they're boring
Movie was sick, frags were nice and the quality was good. 2nd song was good with the rifle frags and the editing was spot on. Some random cams weren't needed but overall a great movie.

E: Made me wanna play ET
Nice movie, and cuz its ur 2nd movie I cant wait for ur next movie since I hope u will improve :)

I like alot of things:

+ Good quality
+ Nice variety of frags(SMG,Rifle,Arty,Nades,Panzer,Knife)
+ Good frags
+ Nice Editing
+ Good music(thats hard)

Some things that I liked less

- Sometimes the editing was really fast, so I had to reply some parts
- At the SMG frags, it would be nice if u included the hitsounds
- The intro+outro wasnt my kind of style, but it still was nice and renewing :o) But I wouldve like to see something else :o)

Creativity: 8
Editing: 8.5(so I did a 9 :p)
Content: 8
Quality: 9
i like to reply to my frags too :0)
"so I had to reply some parts"
i kno, had to make fun of it!
I enjoyed watching, cool movie.
thought im at youporn "spermtastic"
I told him!
Rly nice movie. My eyes were enjoying watching it :D. GL with next fm's.
the music was the best part of this movie imo . nice movie second song was nice to hear
2:28 knife kill on savak|aDman - epic win :XD

overall 7/10
really nice flow and actions, gj, one of the best movies ever in my list. Some say not enough originality but in my opinion it was very different from average et movies (maybe music brainwashed me?) rly liked everything :)
nice movie, gj
Too long cams in one part, nice movie expect that.

Bad player and bad frags :( Someone had to say that!
Krzysiu ma lepsze fragi, nie xD? Szczerze mowiac jak na suffering (ofc no offence, no ale w scisllej czolowce ich raczej nigdy nie bylo ;d) to zaskoczyly mnie fragi bo naprawde sa na wymagajacych oponentach wiec nie wiem czego sie czepiasz;p
Prosze Cie, oczywiscie ze mam lepsze fragi na lepszych oponentach. Smiem twierdzic, ze jestem lepszym graczem niz mst!
Ale fragi, ktore mi wysylales byly gorsze niz te mst'ego. Co teraz?!
Teraz i wczesniej nie wyczules sarkazmu w moich postach. i co teraz?
na poczatku nie wyczulem, drugi post jest sarkastyczny co mozesz zauwazyc dzieki "!?" na koncu X). Takze Ty nie wyczules sarkazmu, co teraz?
Teraz idz zrobic fragmovie fanatics.
ja zrobie za 3 lata xD !
To i tak szybciej niz dagger!
a co z kocia produkcja?
to moj plan na 2012 rok >:D
czyli co jakis niemiec to za ciebie zrobi? ":D"
czs pokaze :P
looks coolbeans enough

you should still shower after gym tho
nice frags and edit 10/10
i hated the cutting and speeding up etc
to juz klejf robi lepsze fm (to powinno wystarczyc za cala krytyke).
Ladnie jebiesz mst.
nice movie, gj!
another "not that great , not that bad" movie, It's really hard to be original after so much ET movies

gl for your next project
Well done nice quali
made my head hurt
all in all one of the most impressive et movies
First part is better
good job
awesome quality
great movie, nice using ostr in the end :O)
o kurwa jakie gówno, dobra zaczynam ogladac
popusciles w portki, co?!
jak obejrzalem to Sobie przypomnialem ile Ty mi fragow zawsze kradles :D
procz tego ze to moje kurwa kradzione fragi to podobalo mi sie... zwlaszcza te riflecamy...
suffering was always nice t play against. movie was ok 7/10
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