Codec XviD Length 2611
Video available for download only


It's big, it's long and it's... not that special!

It's mostly frags + music with some simple sync. I was in hurry to finish it due to changed circumstances in life, like moving to another town and leaving my desktop pc behind.

It's a collection of some of my leftover frags from ET (0:00-13:37, not intended, and 23:54-26:11 to fill the last song) and RTCW (13:38-23:53). ET frags are from 2004-2009 and RTCW probably 2006-2009. All those wasted years... :D

It also contains a little story about myself and a public apology for all the stupidity I've done or said throughout the years. I've been a real idiot occasionally. I know that and I'm sorry. This exceptional episode can be found starting at 7:27. :)

I wanna thank everyone I've played with or against and God for allowing me to do so. It's been cool to get to know some awesome people through gaming. I hope it's mutual. :p

Music was free to use again and is used with a permission from the artists:

(in order of appearance)

Donkey Ride - Hero (http://www.donkeyride.net)
Gran Torino - Freedom (http://grantorino.koodaa.net)
Kekal - Artifacts of Modern Insanity (http://www.kekal.org)
- the short part at 7:15-7:22
- also the last song
Runneltu - Omaksi tuhokseen (http://www.myspace.com/runneltu)
- the short screaming session at 7:22-7:27
Kekal - Paradigma Baru
The Truth - Huominen (http://www.thetruth.fi)
All Restored - Ready To Die (http://www.myspace.com/allrestored)
Venia - The Blood of the Lamb (http://www.veniaband.com)
stream possible ?
Apparently it's too long for own3d, so no stream coming I'm afraid. :( 25 mins clip is the maximum length for a normal user to upload.
1.1 gb lol u mad?
youre awesome!
me liked, good old fin+1random brit j52 days :D
thank god

is dat sum christian music playing?
no its no mine
I actually didn't mind the song he used in maxuh's movie until I properly listened to what the lyrics were saying :DD
watched until 1st intermission
rly liked your intelligent life movie, its so long ago lol
cant watch atm cause iam at library ;<
loading 1.1 GB with 2mb connection , gg -.-
loading 1.1 GB with 512kb connection , gg -.-
in after another overrated nizou movie
i'm sure that god's role was crucial in all this
liked it as always :~>
I don't mind to be called an idiot over that. :D Although I probably need to practise my way of expressing things, but that's kinda what I'm doing here. Let's consider this hypothetically. I mean, if I know this thing I'm talking about is correct and true, and if I believe that this can make an effect, even a small one, in someone's life, then why not? :) Based on the reactions it affects on people, that can be seen in comments here as well, one can't really say that it is just an issue of some irrelevant bollocks, a hallucination created by a so-called God gene.
You're just being annoying

Don't tell me you are seriously trying to make an impact in peoples lifes by mentioning god in all your comments?
But people complaining about that "God" part is equally annoying.
In all my comments? You're sure you're not exaggerating at all? :p

Anyway, I think you just proved my point by saying that you got annoyed by it. If that's not an effect on you, then what is it? :) It kinda as well proves it's not just an irrelevant side issue if it gets you so emotional. ;)
Yes it had an effect on me. Just like the guy who writes all his comments in italics or those guys with catalan flags spamming useless bullshit all over the site. Is that the effect you are trying to archieve? Annoy other users?

And yes i have noticed you mentioning your belief out of context a few times recently.

nice frags btw
No, I'm not trying to annoy others, at least intentionally. I suppose it's always quite unavoidable when talking about this subject.

I can't see how it can be out of context if it's affecting every part of my life.

And thanks!
jäbä heittäny jotain vitun jeesus propagandaa frägileffaan? :D luulis jehovan todistajil vähä paremmin menevän :E
Emmää tiiä, voiko sitä propagandaksi sanoo, jos kerron mun omasta elämästä. :D Jehovien kanssa ei oo hirveesti yhteistä. Mut on se jännää, miten nää herättää tunteita. :P
miks sä kerrot sun elämästä tietskafrägileffassa? eiks sitä varten oo iha muut foorumit mis jengii oikeesti kiinnostaa :E
Jos aatellaan, että muutama tyyppi tämän sattuu kattomaan ja jokainen on kumminki ainutlaatunen yksilö, ni jos pystysin vaikka auttaan jotaki toista sillä, mitä ite oon käyny läpi ja oppinu. Suurta osaa porukasta ei ehkä kiinnosta, mutta jos ykski pystyy saamaan tosta jotaki, ni ei se sillon oo turhaa.
life sux and then you die bäng bäng
nizou, I still got most of your movies on my old hd from swertcw times :)
pretty good, some really nice frags especially for left overs and music on from rtcw part was also to my taste and gave a good dark atmosphere
wasnt too bothered by the image quality
n1. I was kind a suprised the amount of frags from the times with stargate :D Music wasn't nothing compared to what i heard in Intelligent life or your other movies but you really have not much to choose from so it's ok.

I wish you gl in the future neighbor!
Suprise! There's people who believe in God.
Surprise! You dont need to go around telling people about it.
That's true.
True, true. I definitely don't need to, luckily I'm still allowed tho!
freedom of speach :P
nice leftovers
good quality & config

god-shit didnt annoy me too much but there is no point include this kind of stuff in a fragmovie. im atheist but i dont write that god is a faggot in my movie since its off-topic :)
atheistm8 :)
good quality?

it was all pixeled. :o at least for me. :S
Are you sure you're an atheist if you think that god is a faggot? I mean, from what I've understood, atheism supposedly denies the existence of any god. :P
good point :P maybe im not atheist then, but im sure god is a faggot ^^
What makes you think and be so sure about that, if I may ask? :)
I liked it.. skipped the Jesus-stuff there in the middle though :D!

[e] watched, good material, simple movie, that God stuff didnt annoy me i even read it all LOL

Frags are go(o)d. About fakenicking, why didn't you just change nick in UV MovieMod or Photoshop?
in UV moviemod? =o
Nice reply's time. :D

Yes, it's possible to change player's nickname (Guess it works only for player who recorded demo).

Quote by Manual
mm_fakeNameRoh [0;1] &#61664; Prints PlayerNames into the console. (condump to view colorcodes) This is only intresting for name Replacements.
mm_fakeNameReplacedBy [<Name with colorcode>] &#61664; Name that replaces the old name.
mm_ mm_fakeNameToReplace [<Name with colorcode>] &#61664; Name that will be replaced.
mm_fakeNames [0;1] &#61664; Activate the Name Replace.
I like this movie a lot, ceeper! :)
watched, nice frags and music, read it all but this was a little strange anyway good movie 9/10
nice frags! gj
2.7MB/s, dling
Käytätkö pilveä?

team-fix = dope clan.
:ooo :DDDD markkanen kävi eilen kyläs :D
wtf ? kenen kans ja miks ? :D
Liked it (although the file was too big :P ).
And about the religious stuff: it goes to say that people whine about it so much when, at the same time, they just ignore people who behave like complete twats, utter wankers or downright racists, facists, homophobics and the lot. In this world, I don't mind you saying you love God.

Gl in the future!
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