Codec x264 Filesize 449.00 MiB Length 1022
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Joshua 3v3 movie

Frags from 2007-2010

Not the best quality, but hope you like the frags.


Saw sountrack - theme song
Limp bizkit - Shut the fuck up
Common ft William - I have a dream

special shoutout to grzesiek for helping me out
i dont rly like music and movie is a bit too dark for me ( using et-image with img_hdr 1 ? )

liked the aim/tracking
omg omg joshua omg omg
omg joshua omg
nice movie man, maar je weet wie hier het gekste schiet :DD
how did you solve this uploading issue?
My friend uploaded it for me ;P still haven't found a solution.
wery nice !
nice movie man, maar je weet wie hier het gekste schiet :DD
Basic 3on3-fragging but there was some really neat fullpulls :D

E: Shit music
download link please
basically the same as kartez said.

bit too dark
didnt like the music (personal preference)
quality ofc!

frags were quite nice!
nice :) i like these kind of 3v3 movies allot, no editing, just hit sounds and nice frags!
cool dude with cool aim. didn't expect any less. good work.
top content
hope its good brb

lol cant enjoy with this ghosting effect :| is it the stream only?

ok after 5 minutes i cant even notice that shit quality i like the ting ting ting and i am high atm so i like the music. Also i think you were high when u made this movie, tru ?:))
way too long for an aim-only movie (as it included only 3on3-games)
way too long for an unedited fraps movie
gay music
nice frags
shut it off after 3 minutes, 2noob2watch

09.18 :)
cool stuff
shut it off after 2 minutes, 2obvious2watch
reageer op irc lieve schat
For some odd reason it won't play for me :p
haha ziek hoor
Nice frags but fell asleep after 5mins of watching
pas de ache eff e
can't see the dude in the tree on supply with that quality so it looks hell suspect haha
bet it was Netherlands xperia, he always hides in there ;p
nice frags
Nice frags, music was chilled. Braun was really really dark and I couldn't see shit captain. Also, what FPS are you using on your pistol? 71/76? You seemed to be warpy/fps seemed to drop at times too, not sure if that was playback for me or what.
Binded it on 71. And warpy could also be because of wireless connection which I played with for some time some years ago, like the frag with the acab tag ( my ping was skipping every 30 seconds to 200 )
Ah I see, do you use smg on 76 or?
I used to have yes, since 2 weeks I have a new computer. So now I have 125. Couldn't get 125 stable on every map before that.
good frags,too bad you were cheating in some of them :$
100% natural aim
Nice aim O_O and nice frags :).
Expected, didnt kill me :))))
watch better
gief me exact time, cba to watch all that again :D
Oh my, you are correct :(
expected something better.
played like 10 3on3s vs you this is the reason i never won once :(...
need youtube stream!!!
nice frags mostly..but quality was terrible
Amazing movie !
low frags :E !
Nice movie, a bit too dark, and the music really don't fit well, but a nice frag movie.
can't play it :s
gg joshua! =)
Nice movie, some cheatactions but those doesn't really stand out from the rest. So basically nice aim overall.. I like it - duals only, no editing! Great!

nice frags :D
enjoyed the movie!
The movie itself is okay, but the third music and the frags are simply awesome !
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