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Sick by Nonix

Hello People. Look at your comment. Now look back at mine. Now back to yours. Now back to mine Sadly yours isnt mine but if you stopped posting without thinking and thought beforehand yours could look like mine. Look down. Back up. What is this? Its a comment with the look your reply could look like. Look at your Keyboard, back at the comment. I have it. The thoughts you wish you had. Look again. This comment is now epic. Anything is possible when; you think before you post. This is Sick.
was good except for the random text, black screen and replay at the end :/
he was definitely high when he made this :D
You know what is even more sicker? If I was sober..
come back on ts
more smth as drunk:S high won't be smth as this...... :o
Hello People. Look at my copypaste.
Hello People. Look at my copypaste.
300€ worthy
Sharp it was.
eh... what was the point of this weed stuff??

sorry but the movie was really bad even though frags were good

are u just trying to show us u tried weed for first time?
what the hell is the reason for this :D?
ye why don't you finish it first retard and lose this "wannabe cool weed smoker" attitude.
Very nice, too bad it's unfinished. Loved those few re-done scenes in the end.
Stream plz
This movie is indeed sick! If by definition sick means fucking shit player with shit frags with a shit ugly face who fucking needs to get a grip of his shit fucking life cuz he's a fucking bad player.
image: resilcare04

is that the sick community movie you were seeking demos for? quite disappointing and weird.


image: TheShitHawk
Frags were good but 2 minutes of the movie is black screen. Last half of the movie is replays of frags we've already seen. Making the movie drag. Music is not memorable.

Worst of all were the black screens with white text. English in the texts is not good and it's just.. stupid really lol. :D
watta hell... Blackscreen made it boring to watch so I dont think i will save it
cant download for some reasons... another mirror? stream?
It's impossible to enjoy this movie without weed imo.
quite cool cams, you should teach other ppl for loads of weed!
what the fuck is this?

2 minutes black screen, some crap frags, 0% edit/sync, horrible cams and quality...

waste of my time.
It was really annoying and corny, but I kinda liked it.
i like :XD
It's impossible to enjoy this movie without weed imo.
didnt like it.
popraw blad
1 1 1 1 for ruining some nice frags.
stupid, recommended to turn off after first black screen.
This wasn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be lol.

Granted, I've had a few beers, but...having skipped the blank screens...I enjoyed this more than a lot of movies recently. It wasn't trying to take itself seriously and failing like some movies have done.
Yeh but people expected something better from me. This project was started on summer but had no time so instead of deleting everything I just uploaded with the holes. Even colorcorrection is missing.
stream please, would like to see if its decent enuf to download :D
amazing material, sick cams, great first song(song name please?)

2bad u didn't finish it properly because i kinda liked it on the same level i liked kamzs movie (due to material, since i really dont care much about editing or quality, except maybe music)
Not looking at all the black screens, pretty good.
Expected a different style, decent movie although those black moments were kind of anoying for a person that is not drunk/stoned
stopped download due to comments, waiting for streaming :p

edit: downloaded again, and at least i saw whole video, not like with your last movie ( knife movie -,- )

dunno what you did, strange

to be honest, i thought it was quite awesome!
the frags were great, i loved the music, the colors (or not-colors?) and the overall style.
probably i only think that good of it because i was surprised of how good it actually is, after reading all the above comments.
of course, there's like black gaps and stuff, but the positive factors prevail by far. too bad it isnt finished...
quite enjoyable imo, i actually was more entertained than while watching "this is et" or similar movies.

thumbs up, nonix :)
Oh thank you, actually I worked a lot on this movie its not just random. I just wanted to give it out and instead of cutting the holes I add this stupid text to look like its because of "weed". I didnt even smoke weed during the making ^_^
Tried to keep it as simple as possible and give out the feeling of the soundtracks (atleast for me). I really enjoyed those frags inside the movie. Maybe ppl used to hitsound nowdays and thats why they feel it different.

I dont want to defend this movie much because honestly this is nothing like Overclocked in my eyes, but still really enjoable froman objective point of view.

Oh by the way, for some ppl editing = stupid vegas effects :)
content 10/10 ez, rest good too except the annoying gaps
tbh the editing is a lot better than in some totally edited to the max serious movies too
I was entertained, thank you.
my music from Berlin Callin :(
Creativity 10/10
Editing 6/10
Content 7/10
Quality 6/10
hehe last action :-D
its nice, wld be awesome if you removed the "weed" parts...

2 rat frags = great success
Thought the movie was pretty good, at least I enjoyed watching it but I thought the random intervals were just pointless, could have done something other than that text bollocks. Frags were really nice but its a shame you just had music and the video (I'm pretty tired so that's why I would have missed any of the sync if there was any). Quality was actually sick, and the cameras were cool too. What are all the songs called? Thought the soundtrack was really nice the whole way through and I'm still not a fan of the model stuff, forgotten the name of it but where you have changed the model to fall differently etc etc, like they do in CSS movies.

Overall I thought it was a really nice movie, nice one raver! :O)
nice music and and other specials :D made me feel like herion

my internet suuucksss
too bad u didnt take the time to finish it.. had great content + i liked the music.. overall i liked it pretty much if i cut out all the black and white text :(

just two things:
names of the fraggers (e.g. at the flag caps.. no one knows who the hero was)
hs sounds.. there were alot of frags with awesome headshots (e.g. my 3hs luger to that guy behind the tree !)

also whats the name of the last song?

4 beAsty frags = great success
flag cap? Guess who. :)
well i sent u an even better flag cap.. so if u add that one everyone could think about sqzz !

and werent it two flag caps? dunno but a name would be nice anyway ;) .. maybe with a cam following him and the name above his head.. anyway.. sqzz deserves the fame ! :P
n1 at some parts.. could have been awesome movie tbh, eventho ratz frag was kinda gay...
Should I finish the movie or its pointless now?
remove from section fast fast fast + finish it fast fast fast ! ;P
finish it... i thought it was good
Finish it. Soundtrack was nice. Remove the "weed" parts, (would be nice) add hitsounds and add names of the players (Sometimes is difficult guess who's playing...). I haven't to remind about nice edition. :P
finish, would save it in that case
Movie was not so bad as many people say, you should take out the black screens and finish the movie. Tbh I enjoyed
finiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish it looks awesome so far!!!!!!
i canceled my download while reading this comment, will re-download once you finnish ;)
nice old spice rip off ! ur such a fag
I liked it ! :)
I laughed couple times watching this :D I was waiting for something cool to come after those blank screens, nothing came and i lol'd. Just a mindfuck.
Nice movie, new ideas ( You were probably drunk or smth )
IMHO this is not a random fragmovie

+ Music ( Give titles OMFG )

- No Hitsounds
- Config / Settings
Nonix, you make me genuinely laugh on a daily basis, and I thank you for that.
The first few minutes impressed me..
First of all i loved that fact that it was not a movie containing so called awesome frags because they were done by the top10 guys of ET..
Quality was awesome as usual.

I recommend you to really finish this movie, although you should get rid of the Weed stuff... if you want people to think about a certain thing, i m sure youre having better ideas than that weedshit and the descriptive text in that moviepost.
The only thing id like you to fix on the full version is the music cut. Transisions and the mixdown of the songs was more than awful and i wouldnt have expected such lazyness from a guy like you who is known for his perfectionism!
The choice of music was really good, apart from the second song.
Kalkbrenner at the end was maybe the best song you could choose because it totally supports the overall feeling, that the movie shows.

Additionally i have to say that this is again a perfect example of the difference between you and kamz.
Kamz has good moviemaking skills as well but you just have the ability to create a whole feeling around a frag and kamz just enqueues one frag after the other combined with shitmusic!
Pretty nice movie but the text between some of the frags where useless tbh !
And I don't know if it was only me but for like 1 minute I only saw a black screen :P
Anyway 7/10 for the parts I could see but i expected more from you
some nice frags, but awful boring weed stuff -_-
I think you've never smoked weed.
stream or gtfo
I honestly wish you would finish this movie, there elementary work of it is fantastic, I mean is it really what you can call a movie yet, no. But did I like where it was going? Yes
gimme the movie finished and i'll vote 10 10 10 10 :(
link is dead
I gave a link to the movie realising that this comment was made ages ago and there is a new version of the movie out now anyway. Incase you don't have THAT, then here: http://www.for-the-lolz.com/et/Sick_by_Nonix_HQ.mp4

Hope all is well Mav <3
thanks a lot mate, i spoke to Nonix a while ago and told me an updated version was going to be released soon. Never found the link though, untill now. All fine here Sean, you?
please create a new link nonix
nice actions fanatic
Do shrooms, im doing them again on sat.
k, dissapointed
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