Codec H.264 Filesize 378.00 MiB Length 634
Video available for download only

Sick by Nonix (re)

I'm proud to present my new fragmovie, called Sick. This is a 'community movie' that features known and not so known players. I released this movie few weeks ago when it was unfinished, I'm really sorry for that. I thought I will not have much time to finish it. People that commented motivated me, thank you for that! Would be a shame too waste these awesome frags.
Tried to keep everything simple and enjoyable. I'm a kind of oldschooler moviemaker by now and I wanted to give the feeling back from old movies. Therefore I haven't used hitsounds. It's a big risk, but I take. If you watch the frags few times you will see how some of mouse-movements are brilliant, with lot of headshots.
Always wanted to make a new own movie but somehow I couldn't start a project. lack of motivation and laziness to save actions. I kept some of my demos and I could fill the black holes from the unfinished version.
Thanks for everyone who contributed and sent his demos!
1st, dling
Awesome quality :)

Glad you finished it. You should never have published the first version.
Enjoyed this one. Nice frags, good flow, not too much editing.

Quality could be better, it's pixeled at many scenes.
Wanted to hear hitsounds.
maybe codec problem
frags were top notch, but imo you presented too much frags without a break, without switching to another song, it went on and on.. a bit monotone

and also the frags were presented quickly due to you speeding many things up, and perhaps I'm just tired, but it was too fast for me and I found myself pausing the video after every scene and rewatching what I have just seen..

I liked the second part a thousand times more, though the first one wasn't bad (just the music annoyed me a lot in it)
hey vibbey, sup?
you should use this : www.multiupload.com to upload, it's alot better
ex: http://www.multiupload.com/U520LSXFK8
want autograph dave?
dunno if I'm worthy
Nice gibs ;-]
downloading again,

dont fuck me again :)

edit: quite nice, quality is strange and not perfect ( strange pixel from video :-o ) and will be better with hitsounds ;x
I found the second part a bit boring, the first one was awesome (music taste i guess ;o)

Nice job.
haha how old is ur last frag? its been ages since ive heard beethoven @ supply :D
awesome movie.. also liked the name tags :)

only thing which i think still could improve the whole movie: bing-bing-bing sound for some frags.

but overall: awesome frags during the whole movie, nice quality, nice movie :P
Nice movie well done, but some frags needed hitsounds.

http://www.own3d.tv/video/43113/Sick_by_Nonix_HQ stream
rly nice made and nice quality

I will upload it to own3d.tv so you can link the stream too.

I post then the link later or PM it to you.
this better be good nonix! :D
waiting for stream...1...2...3..........
18 % - 137 kb/s - ETA: 2307 seconds uploaded at own3d.tv

ofc the HQ version
76 % - 133 kb/s - ETA: 668 seconds
Upload done. Prolly it needs some time yet till it is converted and online on the page.
say this owned.tv i did all what i could.

but look a bit above stands the youtube link
Ok the vid slowly came in the uploaded list in own3d.tv but is still status: prozessing

but here already the link if it is done:

Stream: http://www.own3d.tv/watch/43118
really nice movie.. :)
Turboboost, Kitt
bind mouse5 +turboboost
tho i enjoyed some bits from unfinished part more, this still is very good movie, nice flow
I liked the first few tracks in the unfinished, but didn't understand why you released it, I guess you didn't have the motivation.

Going to download it now and leave you a comment, sounds good! :)


Just watched, glad some of the frags were there still as well as the soundtrack (I really liked the first two songs [nonix-rave-at-home.gif]), didn't really want hitsounds, and thought you did a good job of the frags at, with an amazing revive from slarto thrown in for the shits and giggles (why you had a syringe out so far away, I don't know, noob), next time I hope you just release the full movie to be fair.

Wasn't too sure about the use of such a high fov, but I suppose it's more 'realistic' when I thought about it, so like the idea, wasn't too sure of some of the effects used either (such as the tomoyo nade) and the terminator-like target thing you used at certain points.

Not too sure about the current universal use of image-2 death script either, but I understand that there is no fix for that as image beta is now aka image final, and it's quicker to just put up with that effect.

Wasn't sure what you were going to do with absurd, but it turned out ok I guess, not really a fan of the constant use of rewind-fastforward effect though, or the skipping effect, but I guess that's for the music.

Overall it was a good movie, and it looked great, but although the frags are good I hope to see more creativity in, hope to see some more soon!
Quotewith an amazing revive from slarto thrown in for the shits and giggles (why you had a syringe out so far away, I don't know, noob)

Because of my amazing game reading skills. I knew I was about engage TURBOBOOST-mode, and it worked.

Nah but if I remember correctly I had some teammate close to me I revived
the high fov was really quite oldschool, would have preferred something lower than that

and about the death animations, I saw a movie (forgot the name of it) where they really looked nice, but in all the others I saw (>100) I would have preferred the original death animations.

creativity lacked.. some effects were nice, but we saw them all already : /
laptop crashed at 4th mirror ( stream )

wtf :x
nice movie
I liked edited parts with grenade and panzer + slarto's revive.
No offense but even if quality is decent I absolutly hate the music and frags are boring.

no hitsound is actually not bad at all, force people to watch the tracking, movements

and its not bad at all
yeah agree, it doesn't bother me when a movie doesn't have hitsounds
I really stopped enjoying movies without hitsounds, allthough this was a great effort.
i like cool movie , well done!
I didn't enjoy watching this crap, ain't sick at all.
stream pls :)
This movie is fucking great
Too lazy for writing review. Just nice to see finished movie.

Batman = TOMOYO?

Last frag made me smile (I know, why) :D
yes was meh ;]
Sick revive by slarto :P

pretty good movie & nice music
+1 to revive :D
good movie, but it still feels kinda unfinished :P
Tomoyo :DDDDDDDdDDddDd

Otherwise good movie
the logo is absolutely insane :)
well done Nonix
The movie aswell
Quotethe logo is absolutely insane :)

are you fucking serious`?
not insane, but i kinda like it :D
youtube pls :)
okay it was better after rewatching it today, because I watched it as a whole and didn't pause after every scene contrary to what I did yesterday..

but gonna say honestly that this has to be the worst of your movies, enjoyed your other movies a lot more than this

even the quality didn't seem to improve.. actually it seemed to be a lot worse than e.g. OOTW1 : / I felt like watching a stream, though I downloaded the HQ version.
probably codec problem, cause lot of ppl said the quality is good. can you send a screenshot in pm ?
Thats enough good quality for anything
nah it's pixelated : /
50 fps movie, that means the file size would be even bigger for better quality. Had to draw a line somewhere. Can convert you a not pixelrated VHQ version but that will be 500-600 mb.
I knew what the reason was, this combined with you having muzzleflash turned on, which uses much of the available bitrate.. though if I would be you I would release such a VHQ version as the HQ version, without ever releasing this HQ version we have now.
Yes, muzzleflash f*cks up video rendering pretty much.
youtube pls :)
<comment space reserved>
Thats lucky, the page might of run out of space before you could comment otherwise..
Going to give that 10/10/10/10 because I've voted worse movies pretty much 9s + 10s. Definitely the best community ET movie I've seen, good job..

e: More the kinda movie I prefer, not overdone with editing. Just good frags with some sync and some nice cams + creative flow.
pretty much awesome

lol slarti jump
why is the video lagging on my pc when watching HQ or MQ but stream works just perfectly fine?
Codec issue methinks.
thanks! problem solved :O)
Can you message me / post the soundtrack for the movie at the top please? Would be nice :)
Songs ? :- )
Great movie :DDD
enjoyed it
Wanted to wait some reaction.
First of all I wanted to make a movie that "probably" everybody will enjoy, much or less.
Well this is personal but I cant stop watching, even if I edited it for months. Cant really understand those ppl who voted as bad :-) Sure I will listen to every comment and in the next movie I will try to make it even better! This is not a typical "nonix movie" imo, I wanted to NOT split the community with this one, unlike in my previous movies
a movie with the same editing as overclocked would be nice
Yes next project will be something like that, but different again
nice, looking forward to it :)
in terms of editing I enjoyed OOTW 1, 3 and Overclocked most. But if I would have to tell which was best, I couldn't, because every of those feels absolutely different but still great : )

the only movie I didn't like that much was OOTW 2
movie of the year
what are the song names? ^^ would be cool if you could add them up in the describtion
1st song:

2nd song (again this in this)

Sin City Soundtrack-19-Fluke - Absurd
got any yt link? :p can't find anything with this

there you go,you might have to cut off the rest :D
nice movie but oversynced :(
kamz: "there isn't much syncing with the music and felt sometimes like demo + mp3"
well by oversynced i mean that you always cut the avi, slow down then go faster etc ..
there is only 2-3 slowdown in the movie, most of that you mean is clear cut
without those would be too plain sometime
loved it!

could have been better for me with some better players, but i guess it's a community movie rather than an allstar movie which is nice to see for a change, from good moviemakers anyway.

good quality, great content, okayish editing but i didn't see much creativity here:[

nonetheless it's fucking awesome; 8/10!
nice movie but some frags shouldn't even be in there (some of beasty's for example).
wtf is with the quality, really lol :|. we are almost in 2011 ffs we all have 250 GB (even more like 100 TB :p) hard disks and people are not so obsessed about the filesize anymore, lol :|. yes the crosshair is gigantic (like the crosshair of ati_'s trickshots :p), content is good, nice that you allow everyone in this community movie instead of highskilled+known players only. this is not the nonix-sync what i expected from this movie, lovely soundtrack, flow was nice of the frags. this movie looked more like a qualityeffectscamblablatest-movie where you just tried stuff and you'll improve everything later in a new movie and i expect that to happen!

but it's a keeper for me like all the other movies from you (:

one of the best movies i'v seen . editing was pretty sick , content wasnt so good but i really enjoyed. good work nonix
Your last frag is kinda similar to Winghaven's frag @ OOTW2 :D
it would've bin sick with hitsounds :p i find movies without hitsounds kind of boring
Still the movie was very good :)
btw the content is really weak
best movie 2k10

enuff said
stream or gtfo?
nice, and quite better than the previous one. A bad point is about the quality on stream and maybe the lack of rythm in the music.

overall : 7.5/10
Only because u made a frag :D
rly enjoyed, that there are no hitsounds :)
Ye i really enjoyed also, the flow of the movie is nice. Fast actions, frag after frag with some editing, and i pretty much enjoy watching even one-man kills if its just nice. Nohitsounds is ok and i like the frags. Quality is ok too, but i dont know why your movies just doesnt look so cool like other top movies. Death animations sucks. Overall its nice and i watched the movie a few times now and still didnt get bored of it.
I know my opinion really means nothing but here I go.
I really loved this movie. There were a lot of new cams and the config was so smooth. For some reason I liked the size of the crosshair. The frags were awesome, the music was good, I didn't really notice much syncing but I still enjoyed it. The ending came out of nowhere though :D. And not many panzer frags :(.
For your next movie, make it less about frags and more about other things such as revives, ninjaing past enemies, or 360 panzer shots :D. Fail-win moments.

I really did enjoy watching this movie. :)
really stupid first song , had to mute there

would been better without 2men frags
i really like ur style:)
enjoyed it.
this movie with hitsounds = 9/10
but its without "ding dongs" so 8/10

rly good movie :D
wow :o so fluently
nice work :))
supply music <3
Well Done.
loled @ tomoyo

Seriously, those ragdolls sux asses. Looks like elastic men ...

Some really good frags, too much randoms frags.
Liked the revive things and flagcaps.

Disliked music. Really good editing.

Overall, disapointed, but still a good movie that will have it place on my HDD.

my 2 cents.
Music names ?
nice movie
I enjoyed first music much,but secound,next time put something better:<
moviemakers are retarded xD btw great movie nonix!
Great movie, music is perfect, too! Well done!
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