Codec flash/mkv/xvid Filesize 321.00 MiB Length 607
Video available for download only

#cpmpickup promo

This movie was made to promote the IRC-channel called #cpmpickup and ProMode in general. On #cpmpickup you can add to various gametypes, such as NTF, TDM, CTF, 2v2, CTFS, and more. All what you need is an IRC-client (i.g. mIRC), the correct version of Quake 3 (1.32), CPMA mod, CPMA Mappack and a few other maps.

Visit noobs-anonymous.net for articles, files, wiki, tutorials, etc and join #cpmpickup right now!
too many quakemovies omgoat
thats the game where i always pwn you breu
good movie, i enjoyed watching it.
If it wasn't for the ease + similarity of Quakelive, I'd probably still play pickups every now and then.. But as I'm shit, I don't really see the point.
no estaloth no win
Enjoyed it, but I've seen better ones :(
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