Codec dunno :*D Filesize 147.00 MiB Length 804
Video available for download only


Just 8Min Fragmovie made by myself, the quali is shit and no editing at all :D, iam shit at moviemaking.. :( whatever , just wanted to share some old frags, hope you still enjoy the movie.

I just got the megaupload link, i tried to upload it on own3d but its not working dunno why :X
so if someone want to upload it on owned it would be very kind :D

regards : kresti

*E* thanks to slarto for stream upload
This is relevant to my interests
sry but unwatchable :(
143 mb for 8 minutes. im gonna be very dissapont:P
Kresti mate, delete this and ask somebody to help you and atleast get a bit quality:(
hum to bad i suck at moviemaking haha ;D
warst du das eben im irc? :o
ne irc geht irgendwie nicht :X
ah k , da war jemand mit namen kRuSti der mich nach moviemaking tips gefragt hat, deshalb dachte das könntest du sein ^_^
oh man ey , das ist glaub ich der pole der mich faked :DD
its not that bad actually:D

E: ermm, rifle frags?
You could have atleast removed the hud & took some decent looking cfg to record it :D
stream then i will ENJOY
2nd song from arstar journal ^^

liked it

nothing special, disapointed after speccing u 2/3 times on ettv :c
idd now im mad
was wondering about to use it too :-DDD
i guess by the time i release it in my current project it would have been used by 400 guys who read my journal ;_;
idd, next time save it for yourself only :D
didnt realise people could only find good songs from others :d i found this song when listening to a mixed album ;d
its hard to find good songs,

im not searching all the time but, sometimes i download like 4 last album of rock/metal, techno/electro and i dont find a lot of great song ;(
newer stuff is not so good imo :P
idd, my songs are from 2004 / 2006 only nearly :xD
but hard to choose urself songs for fm, because if you like some song and u dunno if it will be good enough for a fragmovie :(

i mean, there is a lot of music which i like and wanna put it in fragmovie, but i dont know if it will fit good with it.
everyone complains about music, because everyone has different taste. that's why I'm using songs that I like instead of what people tell me to use ;d

if you have nice ideas you can make a fragmovie great with any song
idea isnt a problem, editing skill is it ;D
anyone can learn that shit, just depends how motivated you are and how much time you're willing to waste :D
i dont consider myself as a moviemaker, just an etplayer who wants to show his frags, dont wanna make a movie for 10 months, even 1 month :D

and dont wanna learn too much trick & effects, better for me to do the "minimum" while still improving myself a bit :p
then just do good quality & synced hitsounds, if u just wanna show good frags then people will be fine with that :D tbh I've got demos from a friend who wants me to do something similar, it's not my main project thought and I'll do it when I got a weekend spare on my PC or something :P I'm still working on my settings, sent some clips to people and mostly it's cool feedback, improving etc :P
already got my new colours etc, well now i dont like to just do mp3+ demos, because i know i can do better, with cams etc, check a little clip i made for fra:


+ i already have somes finished cams for my movie etc, but now, not sure about song, so, a bit fucked up ( for sync maybe )
cams are overrated !
can be nice also ;(
true :P but not too many, it kills it for me. requiem was nice tho, had like 40 cams and i still liked it ;D
ye, only for nades / strikes :p
you do realize that that particular song has been used in the FF movie years ago?
it was also in Finland jafo's movie in 2004, it's not like I'm the only guy who heard of them. :d but I just know for sure there will be more movies in the next few months with music from a journal I made.
well it's kind of hard to stay original with the tunes you use :)
I've seen some songs used over and over in fragmovies, it's a thing i don't really mind nowadays and i'm sure most of the ppl watching aren't too fussed if they've heard it before in another movie :P
yeah I'm still using the song :] hard to find music you really want to use for a serious project and I have 3 in mind ;p
made this movie for 10 mounths - 1 year ^^ was lazy to upload it, got the songs from stownage tho :p didnt wanted to steal smth
wow, with fraps & some experience, u can do it in 1-3 days max ;c
ye ive don it for 10 mounths not in :D

ive done this movie for 3 days
Son, what the hell are you talking about? Your grammar is totally fucked, fucked i said. YFF
with fraps (program) and experience ( at moviemaking ), he can do it ( his movie ) in 1 day at least, or 3 days max

didnt understand that he made his movie 10 months AGO

so fuck you with my grammar, estonian fag.
Bro, why u hatin?
nice frags ! :)
Best content I've seen in a while, lots of zZz frags as expected too. :D
Sorry but these frags are not movie worthy.
nice stuff kresti <333
hauptsache keine noch älteren :D
hehe kresti, first song is familiar... some old frags from movie i made, but nicey ;)
+ in flames
+ frags

i think u know what about rest
+ in flames
+ frags

i think u know what about rest
50% decent, 50% shit fillers
too much hummeload
too much zZZzzZZzZzZz
you wouldnt have had much trouble to do a little something to cfg
used song
some nice pistol action
Every scene in this fragmovie was flawless and gripping.
Sensational movie.. one of the best fragmovies crossfire have ever experienced. The quality was so good that it hurt my eyes, and the music fit so good, decent sync and very much creaitivity. So let me guess, it is a 3-years project??

Keep up the good work!

wow ridiculous aim, nice frags made that easy to watch :)

lol i remember the 3man nade vs reVeal at lan; cheering Smurftang on and then when he failed I said to him see you fragmovie, thank you for making this come true.
I agree with panic, rly good aim, good frags, but the movie itself... I think your own description is enough flame :XD

omfg nice stealing song from jafo row!
cool frags, lold @ green blood :)
nice frags krest! But no frags from AEF vs the ZOO, i am disappointed
some fantastic content, but everything else was pitiful

way too many filler frags as well e.g. 2 man nade followed by 1 man nade @ grush cp was just completely unnecessary, some of the 1man smg frags were incredibly mediocre, and again frags such as the landmine/nade combo on radar were just kinda boring and let the rest of it down

i watched it through and enjoyed it though, content was like 8.5 or 9/10
some basic stuff could have made it watchable. As it stands it is lot of wasted, seemingly good, content - shame. :(
old frags means from the time when you cheated?
I loved it :)
more frags against overload pls! :-)
Expected a lot more :E
hehe sry, its just an old fragmovie i made for a year, i may get a moviemaker for a "real" fragmovie with my best frags when iam not that lazy to search them :DD
can't wait for it ;)
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