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behind the scenes @ cpc

A few people have asked me to upload this, so I finally got round to it.

Its an old video from CPC1 back in 2006 (i think?). Its mainly filmed about Ronners place.

Its very long, and pretty dull after the first 3 minutes.

Editing is poor, film quality is poor, sound is poor. I only uploaded it because its a bit of nostalgia for those who were there.

Hope you enjoy!

<3 to Ronner for letting us all crash his pad that weekend.
respect for urtier!! he really did well with his diet!
I watched the first 5-10 min and then started skipping because some part of me had already died inside.

- Some inside jokes which makes things look awkward
- Some random conversations who feel even more awkward
- Filming people who are sleeping
- Filming people who are eating
- Filming people who are playing (useless in a game like ET)

Ergo, don't even bother watching this. Only upside is that Christa chick who doesn't look too bad.

image: FA-18D_Dropping_Bombs
You like the Sopranos? :)
I do actually, thanks for asking.
Peter Paul Gualtieri > Silvio though :O)
They both have their moments, but Paulie sometimes had me in stiches indeed. Especially when he tells all of his jokes twice :DDD
10/10/10/10 for the screenshot
The screenshot is awacome,how much time it took to make this one with Photoshop?:{D
no photoshop :-)
is that Netherlands Frop at 6:35??? with Estonia galahad ?

damn thats one wierd awkward movie I can't really imagine myself being in that company with these wierd jokes(afraid of plane Arachon? hes like 30 or something rofl) and shit, Austria darky looks hawt (ye im lil gay), that chick ain't bad aswell, oh ye Germany urtier is fat, really fat. Netherlands Ronner looks bald and gay.

skipped most of it tho
I'm still pretty chubby :[
still, respect to you :)
diet, exercise or both?
Both. First year diet only, 2nd year some basic workouts and now I'm almost excercising daily (3 times per week gym, 3 times cardio (atleast)). :-O
good stuff
3 times cardio? You look normal now, and your weight is 'ok' so it won't affect negatively on your knees so you can easily do 5-6x workout if you want fast results.
I'm still over 20 kg overweight. But I actually will do cardio every day from now on and try to get a regular training routine. So that means I'll be jogging 30 minutes every morning the next week. In addition to this I'll be going to the gym or longer jogging in the afternoon/evening. I'll also adjust my diet to low carb after breakfast (porridge/oatmeal for breakfast).

Kinda stuck at 105 kg now for 2-3 months, finally want to crack the 100kg barrier.
Don't worry, you will do it it's not that hard you just need to WANT this and have some motivation. If you want to loose your weight you have to reduce your carbs in diet, like for example, I was 86kg before this summer and I ate like 1,5g/kg of carbs, how much carbs do you eat?
Had around 140g of carbs for breakfast (porridge and apple) and around 50g of carbs for lunch. Won't have more than 15g for dinner (and for lunch the next week).

Won't leave out the carbs for breakfast. I plan on having a carb refeed day on wednesday. You will be able to read about it in my blog. Gonna post the week progress there.
So you do eat like 205g of carbs, thats around 2g/kg - well it sounds logical and thats good, now you just have to increase your cardio. If you do now 30mins/3x week do 45mins/3x week and don't increase the time. 45mins is enough, after that just try to do it more often, 6x/week max (sunday is a free day, for example). You will see results for 100%

Looking forward, really. Good luck:).
You have had that much carbs during your whole diet? Try switching to low-carb, something like 50g / day, you will shred the last of your fat in no time. Have you started heavy lifting yet?
I don't aim for short term weight loss (well, I do this week, but it's still not as extreme as it could be). And I certainly won't cut the carbs for breakfast.
Low carb here, low carb there. It can be extremely dangerous for your body (the brain alone needs 120-140g of pure glucose (from whatever food, pure or worked))! Cutting the carbs even more will result in short term weight loss but could have bad effects on concentration, fitness and general body stuff. Not gonna risk it, especially in an exam period :-P

And no idea what you consider as heavy lifting. I haven't gone to the free weights yet, still using the machines most of the times. Want to try free weightlifting later this year when I'm sort of done with dieting and could actually think about gaining some muscles. It's pretty much impossible to gain any serious mass with this calorie deficit I'm at :-)
Well I guess this is something to arguer over forever.
You could also just stop with the diet and start with gaining muscles. Some mass is not bad ;) Ofc you shouldn't stop jogging.
Nono, I'll stick to the diet this summer and start muscle gaining later this year when I'm done with dieting. It's just another 5-8 kg to lose, so that's alright :O)
i know captain hitler
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I guess it wasnt necessary
:XD epic welcome
wrong section imo.
image: 00004409-1310582600-2697986171

few years back urtier would not have fit into this truck
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