Codec idk Length 416

4min. 16sec. with Susol

Susol movie by masoh

Red - already over
Colors/quality totally killed the movie
how long is the movie?
as long as miNd's EC career
not long then since i knocked his team out of the last 2 ec's lol, rage > sth and colt45 > finspastic, problem?
Please no more slow effects.

But the sync. is good.
why are Poland's rating their own movie 10's all the time? :S
QuoteLeider ist dieses Video, das Musik von SME enthält, in Deutschland nicht verfügbar. Die GEMA hat die Verlagsrechte hieran nicht eingeräumt.
Das tut uns leid.

Upload it to ty
Cute. Except i turned it off as soon as it reached Bremen, shit almost burned my retinas out.
Atleast I liked the song ..
zajekurabiscie !111!
Artstaar <33 :DDD
Shit quality, shit frags, shit colors and good music.
Thats the story of these ET movies , frags colors , quality always fail to please ET movie pros.
How can you complain on colors , when i saw the intro on grush those colors look exactly like ETxreal SS pictures so if you don't like it then you'll cry about ETxreal...
ETxreal doesnt change anything on the map colors, just on the shadows.. and afaik these SS have been made with standard ET config, so that pretty much was an own-goal by yourself :D
If it was standard then everything would be dark , no need for ETxreal if you want shadows just play with default etconfig....
I think you didnt get the concept of ETxreal, its just there to make shadows so the maps look more realistic as you wont get these shadows with standard ET..
sounds like wolfenstein graphics , fail....
next time better get some infos...
next time check the graphics...
I did, and I think I know a bit more about that project than you do..
changing shadows isn't interesting, i've seen QL pros telling you to get rid of shadows so you have a clear picture (stermy, fox) , it's not something i would want to use just for "shadows" to look real ...
omfg... ofc every "pro" in this game is playing without shadows as it gives you more FPS, ETXreal is made to give you shadows AND more FPS.. pls, if you know nothing about this subject, dont talk about it.
sounds really retarted having shadows when they don't want shadows , in other words they don't want shadows at ALL. I wouldn't want shadows if i wanted shadows i would play those retarted cod games. I'm sure there aren't FPS problems in QL like there is in ET ;)
pls.. at least read what I've written before writing nonsense again..
no, I think you dont have a brain at all..
where did I say ppl like it? And why should I care about it as its just a journal on crossfire where ~5 people replied? pls, before you start making yourself look more like an idiot; stop replying.
funny how something nobody wants is deleted...
ETXreal was deleted? No it wasnt, only this journal was deleted.. But well, if you wanna "discuss" about this, here we go:

Quote HardyRah on 11/11/11, 14:01:20 PM | Report | Reply

i hope this really works.. =o

Quote Ri bo on 11/11/11, 15:23:35 PM | Report | Reply

Nice effort but I'd rather wait for guys like ag0n to show how that new engine can look.

Quote spankie on 11/11/11, 15:26:31 PM | Report | Reply

It's pretty nice, the snow on railgun looks awful, though

Quote Feytt on 11/11/11, 16:18:22 PM | Report | Reply

nice this + tzac = et reborn :_)

Quote homiee on 11/11/11, 18:25:07 PM | Report | Reply

the snow fucking looks so cute :D

Quote koshito on 11/11/11, 20:00:28 PM | Report | Reply

like it

Quote sAq on 11/11/11, 20:26:26 PM | Report | Reply

goldrush looks awesome

and now finally; I dont care about ETXreal, if you like it or hate it, I noticed that you generally have no clue about ETXreal, Moviemaking or sense in generall, so please, stop replying.
There was more than that
and now finally; I dont care about ETXreal, if you like it or hate it, I noticed that you generally have no clue about ETXreal, Moviemaking or sense in generall, so please, stop replying.
only good for movie making...
I stopped watching when I read "YOU KILLED TESLA".
upload somewehre else , i cant watch it in my fuck country...
Did not enjoy the movie. But the music was awesome.
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